
Kǎi lì
  • Kelly
  1. 失踪者已被确认为詹姆斯∙凯利。

    The missing man has been named as James Kelly .

  2. 他不会赞同凯利做的事。

    He would doubtless disapprove of what Kelly was doing .

  3. 当他们走到电梯前时,凯利放慢了步子。

    Kelly eased off his pace as they reached the elevator .

  4. 凯利先生因藐视法庭被判6个月监禁。

    Mr. Kelly was sentenced to six months in prison for contempt .

  5. 凯利在3项不同的智商测试中平均得分147。

    Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests

  6. 凯利花了3个小时翻阅大量文件。

    Kelly spent three hours going through reams of paper .

  7. 这样凯利女士就可以把钱存起来创业。

    This allowed Ms. Kelley to lay aside money to start her business .

  8. 凯利洗去手上的污垢,又回到厨房来帮她的忙。

    Kelly got the grime off his hands before rejoining her in the kitchen .

  9. 凯利还太小,不能自己一个人去。

    Kelly 's too young to go unaccompanied .

  10. 不到两个月,凯利就获得了加薪。

    Within two months Kelly got a raise .

  11. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。

    Kelly swore quietly , looking at the deep cut on his left hand .

  12. 她那双温柔的棕色眼睛紧盯着凯利。

    Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelly

  13. 凯利先生把辞职信寄到了琼斯先生的内部邮箱里。

    Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box .

  14. 凯利没有看清楚那个人影到底是男的还是女的。

    Kelly couldn 't focus his eyes well enough to tell if the figure was male or female

  15. 凯利喝光了他的咖啡。

    Kelly finished off his coffee

  16. 孩子们为她欢呼。凯利感觉很好。

    The kids cheered for her . Kelly felt so good .

  17. "谢谢您,伯恩斯先生,"凯利说。

    " Thank you Mr. Burns , " said Kelly .

  18. 凯利跑得很快。她第一个完成了!

    Kelly ran fast . She finished first !

  19. 伯恩斯先生甚至在地板上放了一个小盒子,这样凯利就能练习跳过它。

    Mr. Burns even put a small box on the floor so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it .

  20. 她成功了!凯利心想:“明天体育课我就能跳过那些箱子了。”

    She made it ! Kelly thought to herself , " Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in P.E. class . "

  21. 例句:当凯利邀请我去看电影时,我不知道她的男朋友会和我们一起去。

    When Kelly invited me to go to the movies , I didn 't know that her boyfriend would be joining us .

  22. C?凯利被记者问及切尔西订婚的消息,但他表示不便对此发表评论。

    Kelly , was asked about the reported engagement but said it would be inappropriate for him to comment .

  23. 运用PLC技术改造385m~2凯利式叶滤机控制系统

    Innovation of Control System of 385m ~ 2 Kelly Filter by Applying PLC Technology

  24. 友谊--凯利·E·琼斯

    What Friendship Is -- Kaylee E Jones

  25. 她的丈夫是这架航天飞机的指挥官凯利(MarkKelly)。

    Her husband Mark Kelly is the shuttle commander .

  26. 高管猎头公司光辉国际(Korn/FerryInternational)副总裁丹尼斯•凯利认为,在未来三到五年内,将会有新的高管职位出现。

    Dennis Carey , vice chairman of executive search firm Korn / Ferry International , believes several new C-Suite titles will be created in the next three to five years .

  27. HewoulddoubtlessdisapproveofwhatKellywasdoing.他肯定不赞成凯利的所作所为。6.articulatevt.以关节连接,接合,明白地说几个同学已请教授对其假说作进一步的阐释。

    A few classmates have asked the professor to articulate further on his theory .

  28. 内拉德是新旧车辆信息供应公司凯利蓝皮书(KelleyBlueBook)的市场分析员,他一直在密切关注着汽车工业。

    Jack Nerad is a marketing analyst for Kelley Blue Book , which keeps close watch on the auto industry .

  29. 保持良好身材是雷•凯利(RayKelly)作为纽约市警长的一项工作要求。

    Keeping fit is a requirement of Ray Kelly 's job as commissioner of the New York City Police Department .

  30. 17年婚姻:米歇尔菲佛与大卫E凯利婚姻之道米歇尔菲佛:相互包容很重要,彼此尊重也一样。

    17 Years Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelley November 13 1993 Quotes about the Love and Marriage Michelle Pfeiffer : Compatibility is important , and respect .