
  • 网络Kaili;Kaili City
  1. 2002~2004年凯里市市区体检人群HBsAg携带状况分析

    Analysis on the Carrying Situation with HBsAg among Urban Health Examined Population from 2002 to 2004 in Kaili City

  2. 2008年凯里市部分小学生龋齿患病状况调查

    Survey on Dental Caries of Some Pupils in Kaili City in 2008

  3. [方法]对凯里市市区2002~2004年到黔东南州疾病预防控制中心体检人群的HBsAg检查结果进行分析。[结果]合计检查15359人,HB-sAg阳性的939人,阳性率为6.11%。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the HBsAg test results of health examined population done by Qiandongnan CDC from 2002 to 2004 . [ Results ] 15,359 persons were examined , among which 939 were HBsAg positive .

  4. 凯里市的人口约5万人,也是水稻的主要产地。

    Kaili has a population of50,000 and is a major producer of rice .

  5. 凯里市,位于贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州。

    Kaili is a city in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture , Guizhou province , China .

  6. 老山村位于凯里市偏西北约20公里处,是中国最偏僻、最贫穷的村子之一。

    Some 20 kilometers northwest of Kaili city , Laoshan is located one of China 's most remote and poorest spots .

  7. [目的]了解凯里市市区不同人群乙肝病毒感染状况,为制定预防控制策略提供参考。

    [ Objective ] To explore the infection situation of HBV among different urban population in Kaili , in order to provide scientific basis for its control and prevention .

  8. 龙场镇一位官员表示,正在处理善后工作,他所了解的情况与媒体报道的大致相同。记者未能联系到凯里市政府官员发表评论。

    An official from Longchang township , where Laoshan is located , government said he was dealing with the logistics of the case and ' knows pretty much the same information that has already been reported in the news . ' Government officials in Kaili city couldn 't be reached for comment .