
chū rù zhènɡ
  • pass
  1. 在门口设了岗,检查出入证。

    A sentry was posted at the entrance to check the passes .

  2. 所有人员必须出示出入证。

    All members of staff must show a pass .

  3. 我虽然是熟人,但仍无出入证。

    Although I was a familiar face , I still had no pass .

  4. 罗杰有探视时间之外可以进入医院的出入证。

    Roger has a pass to get into the hospital after visiting hours .

  5. 你的出入证办妥了吗?

    Is your pass in order ?

  6. 临时施工、修人员凭保安处核发的出入证(卡)出公司。

    Temporary construction and servicing guy must wear temporary certificate which is checked and hand over by security guard .

  7. 如果不出示出入证,就不让进去,我们不管你是谁。

    We won 't let you in if you don 't show your pass . We don 't care who you are .

  8. 在你入境之前,必须具备签证、出入境许可证。

    Before you enter the country , you have to obtain visas , entry and exit permits of that country .

  9. 负责签发出入境检验检疫证单和标志、封识,并进行监督管理;

    To issue and supervise the entry-exit inspection and quarantine certificate , mark and seal ;