
  • 网络Export factoring;Exporting Factoring
  1. 我们的出口保理业务是一项新服务。

    Our export factoring is a new service .

  2. 作者对现代的信用担保和贸易融资的三种方式:出口保理、福费庭及出口信用保险进行了比较,阐述了出口保理、福费庭业务相对于出口信用保险的局限性,及银行利用出口信用保险的优势。

    Through comparison among three modes of credit guarantee and trade financing facilities : export factoring , forfaiting and export credit insurance , the author concludes that export credit insurance is the most applicable method to enhance banks competitive edge through providing export finance to exporters covered .

  3. 你可以在中国交通银行办理出口保理业务。

    You can transact export factoring in the communicate Bank of china .

  4. 银行在出口保理业务中的风险和防范

    On Prevention against the Bank Risks in Export Factoring

  5. 最近出口保理业务很流行。

    Exporting factoring is very popular recently .

  6. 首先,从供应商与出口保理商、债务人与进口保理商、出口保理商与进口保理商、俱应商与债务人等四个角度分析了国际保理当事人之间的权利义务关系;

    Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the rights and obligations between the parties of international factoring .

  7. 其后的三章站在出口保理商的角度对保理业务的交易风险进行了重点研究。

    Subsequent chapters stand point of export factoring business factoring business transactions on the risks of the key research .

  8. 第四章,出口保理商法律风险防范及我国的制度完善。

    Chapter four introduces the risk aversion and the completion of the system design of International Factoring in China .

  9. 具体来说是指信用额度到底是由进口保理商确定还是由出口保理商确定。

    Specifically referring to lines of credit in the end whether by the import factor or by the export factor is determined .

  10. 由于保理法律关系是以债权让与为基础而建立起来的,所以本部分重点研究了供应商与出口保理商之问的以债权让与为基础而订立的保理合同中包括的内容。

    This part takes the factoring agreement between supplier and export supplier as a focus based on the fact that assignment of account receivable as the foundation of factoring .

  11. 第二部分简要介绍了国际保理中涉及到的各方当事人,包括出口商与出口保理商之间、出口保理商与进口保理商之间、进口商与进口保理商之间、出口商与进口商之间的法律关系。

    Part B. Introduce the basic parties of factoring , which include the supplier , the debtor , the export factor and the import factor , and legal relationships between them . Part C.

  12. 出口信用保险和保理业务的区别及其在中国的发展

    The difference between the export credit insurance and insurance agency operation and their development in China

  13. 这一部分对出口信用保险和出口保理两种主要的风险分担措施进行了分析和比较,为出口企业进行选择提供了建议。

    This part analyzes and compares the two main measures : export credit insurance and export factoring , gives advice to export corporations to choosing .

  14. 以出口信贷担保和出口保理为例,就法律关系而言,出口信贷担保建立在担保关系上,出口保理建立在债权转让之上,而出口信用保险则建立在保险关系上。

    Taking export credit guarantee and international factoring as examples , with respect to legal relationship , export credit guarantee is based on guarantee relationship , while international factoring and export credit insurance is based on transfer of account receivables and insurance relationship respectively .

  15. 论国际保理在我国中小企业出口中的作用出口企业发展国际保理业务探析

    On the Role of International Factoring in SMEs ' Exporting Business Brief Introduction about International Factoring and the Development in Our Country

  16. 文章从国际贸易风险的表现开篇,论述出口信用保险的概念、分类、特征等作用,以及出口保险与出口信贷、出口保理、商业保险的经营模式。

    The article starts from analyzing risks in international trade , expounds the concept , classification , feature , function of export credit insurance , and difference and relation between export insurance , export credit , export insurance and settlement and commercial insurance ;

  17. 主要是对信用保险、国际贸易风险与出口信用保险的概念、种类、特征、作用、出口信用保险与出口信贷、出口保理及商业保险比较等基本问题进行论述。

    Exposition will be laid mainly on the concept , category , features and functions of credit insurance , international trade risk and export credit insurance , and on essential issues such as comparison among export credit insurance , export credit loan . export insurance adjustment and commercial insurance .