
chū kǒu xìn yònɡ zhènɡ
  • export LC;export letter of credit
  1. 建行大连分行出口信用证风险防范研究

    The Research of Export Letter of Credit Risk Prevention in China Construction Bank Dalian Branch

  2. 第四章分析问题,从不同角度分析出口信用证业务的风险。

    The fourth part analyses the risks of letter of credit in banking practice .

  3. 第三章对建行大连分行的出口信用证业务进行了介绍,提出业务中存在的问题。

    The third part is the introduction of letter of credit business in China Construction Bank Dalian branch and the problems in export settlement .

  4. 出口信用证业务是建行大连分行重要的国际结算产品,与其相关联的手续费收入和贸易融资收入是银行利润的重要组成部分。

    Letter of credit is an important instrument in international settlement in China Construction Bank Dalian Branch , the related commission and financial interests are great part of banking profits .

  5. 出口业务信用证不符点分析

    Study on the discrepancies in documents for export settlement by letter of credit

  6. 其次,通过案例分析法、归纳分析法,总结Y公司出口贸易信用证结算方式下遇到的各类风险以及造成的损失或影响。

    Secondly , through case studies , generally drawing various risk type of letters of credit form under the export trade of company Y , as well as loss and influence .

  7. 第二部分概要介绍了信用证项下融资的主要类型:对出口商融资的打包放款、出口押汇、信用证项下的汇票贴现、福费廷等;

    Part B. introduce the types of the financial under letter of credit : pacing loan , export negotiation , draft discount under export letter of credit ;

  8. 我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。

    A letter of credit at sight is normal for our exports to France .

  9. 其中,出口贸易融资业务涉及了贷款和透支、打包贷款、出口信用证押汇、出口托收押汇、出口贴现等;

    For export trade finance , it involves overdraft and loan , packing loan , letter of credit negotiation , outward documentary collection advance , export discount and etc ;