
chū kǒu jiā ɡōnɡ qū
  • export processing zone
  1. SC公司就是这样一家企业,它位于内陆城市&成都综合保税区B区(原成都出口加工区),主营业务是航空精密零部件的机械加工与制造。

    SC is a limited company located in the Chengdu Comprehensive Bonded Zone B ( previous Chengdu Export Processing Zone ), it engages in the manufacturing of aerospace precision components .

  2. 在保税物流园区的选址中,用层次分析法(AHP)对三个候选区位进行了比较,选出在重庆市出口加工区附近设立保税物流园区的较佳方案。

    Secondly , AHP method is applied to evaluate the three prepared precincts refer to the location choice of bounded logistics park and also obtain the result that the scheme of Chongqing export processing zone is better .

  3. 出口加工区在FDI流入、就业创造和外汇获取(净出口)三个方面的经济效应已被大量文献和经验所证明。

    The economic effects of Export Processing Zones ( EPZs ) on FDI influx , employment creation and net export have been tested in a lot of literatures and practices .

  4. 1990年经国务院批准,作为第一个以出口加工区命名的国家级开发区,伴随着浦东开发的号角,AB开发区在一片农田上崛起。

    Approved by the State Council in 1990 , AB development zones was raised on a farmland , which as the first " export processing zones " after the state-level development zones .

  5. 以燃煤锅炉集中供热的上海金桥出口加工区引进天然气热电联供系统(CGS)为例,对其成本和效率作了评价。

    Cost-effectiveness of a natural gas cogeneration ( CGS ) system was evaluated , assumed introduced in Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone where heat ( steam ) has been supplied by a coal-fired boiler .

  6. 通过构建大连出口加工区电子商务及EDI平台,为大连出口加工区乃至大连口岸的相关企业从事集装箱运输及物流业务操作提供单证报文传输与交换服务、提供物流领域电子商务信息;

    By constructing the EPZ E-business and the EDI operation platform , we can offer document transmission and service exchange and provide E-business information in logistics field to enterprises concerned engaged in container transportation and logistic service in areas from EPZ to port of Dalian .

  7. 我国出口加工区建设问题分析

    An Analysis of the Problems of Export-processing Districts Construction in China

  8. 出口加工区的生存周期和生命强度公式的研究

    The life period and life intense formula of export processing zone

  9. 投资企业国旗飘扬在出口加工区。

    National Flags for the invested companies are rising on SND-EPZ .

  10. 出口加工区是一种从事加工贸易特定封闭区域。

    Export processing zone is a special district as processing trade .

  11. 出口加工区的技术溢出效应的文献综述

    Technology spillovers of export processing zones : a literature review

  12. 关于出口加工区几个问题初探

    Tentative Analysis of Some Problems Related to the Processing Regions for Export

  13. 论出口加工区对东道国出口竞争力的影响

    A Study on the Relationship Between Export Processing Zone & Export Competitiveness

  14. 敏捷生产方式的实施与出口加工区的发展

    The implementation of Agile Manufacturing and the development of export processing zone

  15. 潍坊出口加工区发展战略研究

    Research of the Developing Strategy to Weifang Export Processing Zone

  16. 落户园区的企业可以享受出口加工区内特有的税收优惠政策。

    The zone can offer special tax preferential policies to companies there .

  17. 绵阳出口加工区的优劣势及对策

    Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Mianyang Export Processing Zone and Corresponding Countermeasures

  18. 孟加拉国出口加工区的建设经验与启示

    Lessons and Enlightenment Drawn from the Building of Export Processing Zone in Bangladesh

  19. 出口加工区的成本与收益&以发展中国家出口加工区为例

    Benefit - Cost Analysis of Export Processing Zones

  20. 重庆出口加工区运行与管理中的问题及对策研究

    Study on Problems and Countermeasures in Operation and Management of Chongqing Export Processing Zone

  21. 我国出口加工区转型升级与对策研究

    The Study on Countermeasures and Transformation and Upgrade of China 's Export Processing Zones

  22. 中国出口加工区经济绩效评价体系研究

    Research on China EPZs Economic Performance Evaluation System

  23. 出口加工区一期封关验收盛况,国务院有关部委领导、江苏省及苏州市主要领导出席。

    SND-EPZ successfully passed the acceptance examination by the relative state ministries and leaders .

  24. 自由出口加工区的发展与未来

    Free Export Processing Zones Development and Future

  25. 本文介绍了适用于某出口加工区的卡口控制管理系统。

    This article introduces a Customs Inspection Control System which suits one Export Processing Zone .

  26. 中国出口加工区发展状况和展望

    The Status of China 's Export Processing

  27. 海关总署副署长龚正视察,盛赞苏州高新区出口加工区取得的成绩。

    Vice Director of China Customs , Mr Gongzheng is investigating SND-EPZ and praising the achievements .

  28. 重庆出口加工区卡口钢拱结构动力特性分析

    Dynamic Analysis on the Space Steel Arch in the Project of Export Industrial Park in Chongqing

  29. 国内外出口加工区的产生和发展为扬州出口加工区的建设提供了有益的经验。

    The EPZs home and abroad may offer beneficial experience in the construction of Yangzhou EPZ .

  30. 世界出口加工区协会

    World Export Processing Zone Association