
chū chù
  • source;reference;provenance;authorship;take up the pose and go into retirement
出处 [chū chù]
  • [take up the pose and go into retirement] [古]出任及退隐

  • (1) [source]∶典故、成语、资料、引语或说法的原始作品

  • 今人解杜诗,但寻出处。-- 陆游《老学庵笔记》

  • 画卷的年代和出处

  • (2) [authorship]∶指文学作品素材的来源

出处[chū chù]
  1. 你知道这个典故的出处吗?

    Do you know the original source of this allusion ?

  2. 作者和ZWW中外网拥有版权,转载请注明出处!

    Author and ZWW Chinese and foreign net owned Copyright the , reproduced and please indicate the source .

  3. 他不知道其出处。

    He had no idea of its provenance .

  4. 只要人们在适当处标明出处,我其实并不在乎自己的音乐被人节录。

    I don 't actually mind being sampled as long as people give credit where it 's due .

  5. 我不知道这则旧传闻的出处,我从来没能考证出结果。

    I don 't know where that old story came from , I 've never been able to track it down .

  6. 现在对于我来看没有任何意义了。句型出处:Tobehonest,MrBates,Idon'tseethepointofit.

    I don 't see the point of it by now .

  7. 【句型操练】约翰的家业和财产将由最大的儿子继承。【句型出处】Herfather'shomeandhermother'sfortunearetobepassedtome.(眼看着自己父亲的家业和母亲的财产不保……)

    John 's home and fortune are to be passed to his eldest son .

  8. 相反,它指明在PHP代码内错误的出处。

    Instead , it identifies where in the PHP code an error was encountered .

  9. 【句型出处】IkindofsuggestedtoVanessathatshewasn'tmakinganefforttogettoknowyou…(译文:我刚刚跟Vanessa说她并没有试着去了解你。)

    Sb gets to know sb . 】 I think you should get to know your mother . I kind of suggested to Vanessa that she wasn 't making an effort to get to know you ...

  10. 在没有指明出处的情况下,他剽窃了乔治•巴顿将军(GeneralGeorgeS.Patton)的话,并笨拙地用它们激励那些存在抵触情绪的管道工程师团队。

    He had lifted the words of General George S. Patton with no attribution , and clumsily adapted them to spur on his team of recalcitrant pipeline engineers .

  11. 这个资源的出处是这个RSS1.0文件的URI,而时间戳记表明何时找到它的。

    The origin of this resource is the URI of the RSS1.0 file , and a timestamp denotes when it was found .

  12. 美国女性说唱先锋恩西•莱特就力挺伊基,在接受纽约电台Hot97采访时表示英雄不问出处,她说“说唱是全世界的,并没有种族界限。”

    Pioneering female American rapper MC Lyte defended Azalea in an interview with New York radio station Hot 97 , saying she should not be judged because of where she 's from . " Hip hop is universal , no color lines , " MC Lyte said .

  13. 这一行政区和警备区的名称都是“三沙”,其出处是南沙群岛(SpratlyIslands)、西沙群岛(ParacelIslands)以及中沙群岛(MacclesfieldBank)的中文名称。

    Sansha , the name of the district and garrison , is a reference to the Chinese names of the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos and the Macclesfield Bank .

  14. 这是篇有趣的文章,他鼓励读者去参考他的blog文章,或者下载最初的带有或者不带有音乐剪辑的演讲稿并使用它,当然是在注明出处的前提下。

    It 's an amusing article , and he encourages readers to reference his blog entry or download the original talk , with or without music clips , and to use it , with proper attribution , of course .

  15. FAM股份有限公司将会尽量避免使用任何有版权的资料作为出版物,如果不能避免,将会注明信息来源的出处及版权。

    FAM GmbH intended not to use any copyrighted material for the publication or , if not possible , to indicate the copyright of the respective object .

  16. 结果表明,应用PCR-RFLP检测程序可检测出处于侵染初期和潜育期的枯萎病菌,说明PCR-RFLP能够快速、灵敏、准确地对枯萎病进行早期诊断。

    It showed that PCR-RFLP programs can detect Fusarium in initial penetration and incubation periods , which showed that PCR-RFLP can diagnose early symptoms of Fusarium wilt disease rapidly , sensitively and exactly .

  17. 为了精确地预测出处于末端机动条件的TBM弹道,并满足防空作战实时性的要求,本文在广义卡尔曼滤波的基础上提出了一种基于输入估计的自适应滤波方法。

    For estimating the TBM trajectory in its terminal phase accurately , and meeting the real-time requirement of air-defense , an adaptive filter based on input estimator and with reference to extended Kalman filter is put forward .

  18. 在北京,最大的食品零售商是一家名为物美(wumart)的本土企业,其英文名称表明了该企业抄袭低价文化的出处。

    In Beijing , the biggest food retailer is a local firm called Wumart a name that indicates from where it copied its low-cost culture .

  19. 他费了好大的劲去查找那些术语的出处。

    He has quite a time running down these technical terms .

  20. 我们将在课堂上讨论适当地标明出处。

    We 'll discuss in class ways to properly acknowledge sources .

  21. 我急用。——马上。【句型出处

    I am in an urgent need of it . - -

  22. 如果他的父母去世了,他怎么办呀?句型出处:

    What will happen to him if his parents pass away .

  23. 我们不该因他过去的过错而歧视他。句型出处:

    We shouldn ' t hold his past mistakes against him .

  24. 考查“本质安全”一词的出处;

    The source of " essential safety " is textually researched .

  25. 委员会的办事员将所有关于建筑物维修资料的出处标上重点符号

    The committee clerk flag all the reference to building repair

  26. 第一个确认出处的就能获得奖励。

    First person to identify the source " wins " .

  27. 这就是英文中“巨大的”这个形容词的出处。

    This is the origin of our word @ titanic .

  28. 我不能在这里对我的许多论述指明其出处和参考资料。

    I cannot here give references and authorities for my several statements .

  29. 全部参考资料的出处可以在阅读资料那页找到。

    Full reference citations are available on the readings page .

  30. 这里的绿茶味冰激凌有一丝苦味,刚好可以证明它的出处;

    Here green tea yields just enough bitterness to prove its origins ;