
pēn dēng
  • blowtorch;torch;blast burner;blowlamp;jet-burner
喷灯 [pēn dēng]
  • (1) [blast burner]∶借助于空气或氧气的调节鼓风而使它燃烧剧化的一种气灯

  • (2) [blowtorch]∶喷射高温火焰(如用来使油气化发动柴油机,烧掉陈旧的漆或熔化焊料)的各种便携式器具。亦称气炬

喷灯[pēn dēng]
  1. 喷灯(包括装有烙印用戳子或烙铁或泵的喷灯;不包括气动式的)

    Blowlamp ( incl. those incorporating a branding or soldering iron or a pump ; excl. gas-operated )

  2. 用酒精喷灯替传统的高温炉,体现了快速简易,并对多种易熔剂进行了对比,提出了一种对锡矿砂可行的测试方法。

    By using the alcohol blast burner a simple and fast method for analyzing tin ore was developed to take the place of the conventional high temperature furnace .

  3. 稍作调整后,喷灯就可以将包括纸质、塑料等有机材质转变为称作合成气的CO和氢气的混合物。

    Appropriately tweaked , the destruction of organic materials ( including paper and plastics ) by plasma torches produces a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen called syngas .

  4. 举个例子,马腾·巴斯(MaartenBaas)就曾凭借其2002年在埃因霍芬设计学院的毕业作品引起轰动。该系列的作品定名为“烟”(Smoke),是几件用喷灯烧黑的传统家具。

    Maarten Baas , for example , made a sensation with his 2002 Eindhoven thesis project : traditional furniture pieces blackened with a blowtorch .

  5. Zippo还将业务扩展至与打火机关系比较密切的户外产品领域,包括暖手宝和用于烤架、喷灯、篝火的点火装置。

    Zippo is also diversifying into outdoor products that are more closely related to lighters . including hand warmers and devices for lighting grills . torches and camp fires .

  6. 手机对你来说应该像个酒精喷灯一样烫手啊

    Phone must have felt like a blowtorch in your ear .

  7. GB/T3685-1996输送带酒精喷灯燃烧性能规范和试验方法

    Conveyor belts Flame retardation Specifications and test method

  8. 就是拿牙科专用的小喷灯干的。

    Just like what you 'd get with compact torches used in dental labs .

  9. 那么谁用的喷灯?

    Well , who picked up the torch ?

  10. 传统的座式酒精喷灯在使用过程中常出现许多问题,影响实验。

    The traditional pillar alcohol blow lamps have many shortcomings and may cause much inconvenience during the experiments .

  11. 后来得用喷灯融化强力胶,搞得整条走廊的门上都是焦痕。

    And they need the blowtorches to melt the glue and the whole hallway has burn marks around the doors .

  12. 本文采用激光焊接法,而不是传统的喷灯焊接法来焊接铅蓄电池端子。

    In order to conduct terminal pole welding of lead-acid battery , laser welding was successfully applied in place of conventional burner welding .

  13. 两个喷灯就可以喷出圆形火焰,喷灯不需转动机构,也同样可使玻璃工件上圆形凸起加热的温度均匀。

    The blowtorch can make the heating temperature of the circular bulge on the glass work piece become uniform without a slewing mechanism .

  14. 研制了一种新型的火焰温度和水蒸气浓度测量装置,可实现极短脉冲高速火焰的测量,并对煤油喷灯火焰进行了测量实验。

    Experiments for measuring the kerosene flame with the device show that the temperature and water vapor concentration in kerosene flame are not stable .

  15. 他从车间的一大堆废炮弹中挑出一枚,用喷灯切割下一段后,不断敲打、打磨,而后再次锤打。

    He selected a shell from the huge pile in the workshop , cut out a section with a blowtorch , then hammered and polished it and hammered it again .

  16. 上周日的夜里,这伙儿盗贼使用喷灯,借助派出所失灵的安全警报系统没能报警而剪断了这个警察调查总部窗户上的金属网。

    Using a blowtorch and aided by a faulty security alarm that failed to go off , the burglars cut through metal bars on the window of the police investigation headquarters during Sunday night .

  17. 在那里用午餐的一小时时间里,一名服务员有三次不得不把一个机器人放倒,用喷灯把卡在机器人身上各种轴承上的食物和垃圾烧掉。

    Three times during an hour lunch , a waiter had to lean a robot on its side and take a blowtorch to the undercarriage to burn out food and trash caught in its axles .

  18. 在花费了将近3000美元在他的政治艺术品上后,他希望能有一家画廊为他梦寐以求的一个创作构想买单,那就是先铸造出日本政客的青铜像,然后再用喷灯将他们逐一融化。

    After spending nearly $ 3000 on his political pieces , he hopes a gallery will pick up the tab for his dream project : creating bronze statues of Japanese politicians and then melting them with a blowtorch .