
pēn chū wù
  • ejecta;belch
  1. 两个喷出物的径向投影速度分别是120和97m/s。

    The projected radial velocities of ejecta are 120 and 97 m / s.

  2. 应保持一个相等于3枝烟囱高度的限制区,以防喷出物或碎片击中周围的人。

    A3-chimney height exclusion zone shall be maintained to minimize the chance of ejecta or debris hitting any spectators .

  3. 要使这种形式的喷出物质量很大是有困难的。

    It is difficult to exhaust much mass in this form !

  4. 如果某个零件的喷出物可能会使人员遭到危险,则不得使用该工具。

    Tools shall not be used if ejection of an accessory might endanger personnel .

  5. 海尔-波普彗星球状喷出物的光变曲线

    The Light Curve of Comet Hale-Bopp in Eruption

  6. 那么,咳嗽时会产生哪些喷出物呢?

    But what comes out when you cough ?

  7. 海尔-波普彗星喷出物的观测

    The observation of ejections of Comet Hale-Bopp

  8. 偏光显微镜下光性鉴定表明该样品具有显著的火山喷出物指征性结构。

    Optical verification under a polarizing microscope showed these black deposits have strong indicative structure of volcano extrusive .

  9. 这是首次在柯林斯冰帽冰芯中发现并得到鉴定的火山喷出物。

    It is volcano extrusive be found and verified at the first time in an ice core from Collins Ice Cap .

  10. 司徒博士表示,喷出物包括大粒子,还有飞沫,大飞沫很快就掉落到地上,不会飞出一米远。

    Large particles , he says ; wet , heavy droplets that fall to the floor within one meter of your mouth .

  11. 此一喷出物同时包含重元素和氢,但在某些区域较易看到重元素,而在其他区域则较易看到氢。

    This outflow contains both heavy elements and hydrogen , but in some regions the heavy elements are easier to see , and in other regions the hydrogen is easier to see .

  12. 一次次尝试后,世界上最大的公司之一,有世界上最强大政府的支持和推动,无法止住喷出物的逸出。

    After trying and trying again , one of the world 's largest corporations , backed and pushed by the world 's most powerful government , can 't stop the runaway gusher .

  13. 本文扼要介绍了独山子地区特有的地质背景&最新的造山运动、独特的泥火山喷出物、广阔的戈壁平原和特殊的洼地沉积。

    This paper briefly describes the peculiar geologic background of Dushanzi area , such as the newest erogenic movement , distinctive materials produced by mud eruption , broad gobi plain and particular deposits of depression .

  14. 乍看之下,内瓦多·德·鲁伊斯火山似乎并不会对人们的生存造成威胁。然而,正是这座被雪覆盖的小山峰在1985年11月13日剧烈喷发,喷出物在空中高达约三十千米。

    The Nevado Del Ruiz does not look like much of a threat to live and limb and yet this smallish snow-covered peak erupted explosively on November 13th in 1985 , blasting some 30 kilometres into the air .

  15. 同时发现在彗核附近有两个球状喷出物。根据喷出物的运动外推出爆发的初始时刻是1996年9月9日(9.5±0.2UT)。

    Two globular ejecta were found near the nucleus of the comet on 10-11 September 1996 . By extrapolating backward from the ejecta , it is found that the initial time of the outburst was on 9 September ( 9.5 ± 0.2 UT ) .

  16. 我把车里的暖风打开了,结果喷出了呕吐物,所以我的焦虑程度高到这了。

    I turned on the heat in my car and some vomit came out , so my levels right up there .