
yè dàn
  • liquid nitrogen;ln
液氮[yè dàn]
  1. CO2激光液氮冷冻治疗皮肤病560例临床观察

    Treatment of Dermatosis with CO_2 Laser And Liquid Nitrogen 560 Cases

  2. 一个极端冒险的未来新世界在充满液氮、焦油和烟雾(b纽约人)

    An extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen , tar , and smog ( bNew Yorker )

  3. C组液氮冷冻胎儿神经加自体雪旺氏细胞组。

    Group C , fetal nerve combined with autogenous Schwan cell grafts .

  4. Si(100)衬底上制备液氮温区超导薄膜

    Preparation of ln_2 temperature region superconductor film on si ( 100 ) substrate

  5. 通过液氮淬冷方法,成功地制备了一种Li2S-SiS2-LiBO2体系硫氧化物玻璃。

    By means of liquid nitrogen quenching method , oxysulfide glasses in Li_2S-SiS_2-LiBO_2 system were prepared .

  6. 在液氮温度下,没有观察到花粉游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量的变化;

    The free Pro content of pollen stored in LN almost did not vary .

  7. 去离子水。方法:采用液氮冻结-冷冻干燥法,制备胶原-磷酸钙复合物A,B,以及矿化过程中不同时间的状态样品;

    METHODS : Liquid nitrogen freezing and freeze-drying were used to prepare collagen-CP complexes A and B and the samples at different times during mineralization .

  8. 结论液氮冷冻处理可降低移植血管和心肌TNF的产生;

    Conclusion The TNF expression of myocardial and transplanted vessels may be depressed by liquid nitrogen refrigeration .

  9. 一种聚噻吩(Pt)衍生物在液氮条件下的电致发光性能

    Electroluminescent Properties of a Kind of Polythiophen ( Pt ) Derivative in Liquid Nitrogen Condition

  10. 原《顶级厨师》(TopChef)参赛者理查德•布莱斯也出席了发布会,为宾客调制了各种美食,如液氮鸡尾酒。

    Former top chef contestant Richard blais was in attendance , dispensing fancy offerings such as nitrogen cocktails .

  11. PTFE基复合材料在干摩擦和液氮介质中的摩擦磨损性能研究

    Friction and Wear Behavior of PTFE-based Composites under Dry Sliding and in Liquid Nitrogen

  12. HTS电缆过冷液氮冷却系统

    Cryogenics system with the sub - cooled liquid nitrogen for cooling HTS cables

  13. 利用磁控溅射与液氮冷凝相结合的方法,分别在方华膜及金膜上制备了Cu、ZnO等团族样品;

    Supported Cu and ZnO clusters on Formvar and Au foil are produced by using magnetron sputtering combined with liquid nitrogen condensation technique .

  14. 十二指肠粘膜总RNA的提取参照组织/细胞总RNA提取试剂盒,提取后液氮冻存。

    By the instruction of the Test Kit , the total RNA of the sample was extracted , and then preserved in liquid nitrogen .

  15. 自从临界温度(Tc)进入液氮温区,高温超导材料备受关注,人们为开发它的实际应用进行了大量的研究工作,并取得了许多重要成果。

    Since high-temperature superconductors ( HTS ) for development , people do a lot of research work to find its practical application .

  16. 方法将TIL液氮冻存,然后复苏。

    Method After a period of liquid nitrogen cryopreservation , TIL was revived .

  17. 采用提拉法生长单晶,通过附加金属着色、淬火、室温和液氮温度光聚集等过程,制备了NaCl:(F+2)H色心激光晶体。

    NaCl : ( F ~ + _2 ) _H color center laser crystals were prepared by Czochralski method , additional coloration , annealing and light aggregation at 290K and 77K .

  18. 用液氮罐带回实验室,测定组织含水量、水势、可溶性糖含量以及SOD和CAT活性。

    The tissue water content , water potential and , soluble sugar , as well as SOD and CAT activity of those samples were determined , respectively .

  19. 在室温和液氮温度(77K)下用蒸镀法在Si(111)衬底上制备C60薄膜。

    C60 films were deposited on Si ( 111 ) substrates at the room temperature and 77K temperature .

  20. 由于在液氮温区附近氦气高低压焓差不平衡,导致G-M机蓄冷器中温度分布出现低温平台。

    The disequilibrium of the enthalpy difference of helium at liquid - helium temperature region results in that the temperature distribution in the regenerator of a GM refrigerator forms a platform .

  21. 为了发挥在国外学到的厨艺,他为厨房配备了电磁炉、铁板烧烤盘、液氮罐和一台大绿蛋牌(BigGreenEgg)陶瓷烤炉。

    To get the effects he had learned abroad , he had the kitchen outfitted with induction cooktops , a teppanyaki griddle , liquid nitrogen tanks and a Big Green Egg ceramic grill .

  22. RT-PCR及Western所用标本为手术中切除新鲜组织,切除后立即存放在液氮中,然后冻存于-80℃超低温冰柜中手术切除标本均经组织病理学确诊。

    Samples for RT-PCT and Western blotting were fixed immediately in liquid nitrogen after surgery , stored at - 80 ℃ in ultra-low temperature freezer . All samples were confirmed by histopathology .

  23. Mn位上Cu掺杂对La-Ca-Mn-O系统液氮温度磁电阻效应的影响

    Influence of Cu doping in Mn sites of La CA Mn O system on magnetoresistance effect at liquid nitrogen

  24. 红藻&坛紫菜(Porphyrahaitanensis)果孢子的液氮保存

    Cryopreservation of Red Algae & Porphyra haitanensis Carpospores

  25. 进行了从液氮温度(77K)到室温(286K)的光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)温度传感性能的实验研究。

    The temperature sensing capacity of fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) sensors from 77 K to 286 K is studied .

  26. 在液氮温度下采用氮分子激光(337nm)照射已着色的LiF晶体,能有效地产生高浓度的F3~+心。

    High density F3 + centers can be produced efficiently by irradiating the colored LiF crystals with nitrogen laser ( 337 nm ) at liquid-nitrogen temperature .

  27. 液氮温度以上的Y-Ba-Cu-O超导薄膜的研制

    Preparation of Y-Ba-Cu-O superconducting film above liquid nitrogen temperature

  28. 冷冻保存时4℃平衡1h、-80℃过夜,然后直接投入液氮中,解冻后培养得到61.6%的贴壁率。

    The cryopreservation attachment rates was 61.6 % by 4 ℃ equating 1 h , overnight at-80 ℃, and then plunging into liquid nitrogen .

  29. 由于该探测器采用了电制冷方法,从而摆脱了传统的Si(Li)探测器在使用和保存时必须定期向其添加液氮的麻烦。

    By means of electric refrigeration used in the detector , the trouble of adding liquid nitrogen at time is thrown off when traditional Si ( Li ) semiconductor detector is used and conserved .

  30. 结论:人RPE细胞液氮冻存可保持生物活性,复苏后生长良好,保持了细胞特征。

    CONCLUSION : Cryopreservation of RPEs in liquid nitrogen can maintain biological activities of cells with normal growth and features after thawing .