
  • 网络LC-MS;lc/ms;hplc-ms;lc-ms/ms;lcms
  1. 热喷雾液质联用技术在药用植物化学研究中的应用

    Application of thermospray LC-MS technique in the research of chemistry of medicinal plants

  2. 在采用液质联用技术对氨基酸活化反应液进行定性分析的过程中,我们发现五种活化反应液中均存在一对分子量相同组分,即这些中间体以成对的形式出现在反应液中。

    When analyzing the amino acid activation solution with LC-MS technique , we found compound pairs with identical molecular weight in all five amino acid activation solution , that is , these intermediates exist in reaction solution in pairs .

  3. 液质联用测定表明:组分c是分子量为269.0的小分子物质。

    Determination of molecular weight by HPLC-MS found that component c has only a molecular weight of 269.0 .

  4. RP-HPLC法和液质联用技术检查雌三醇中的有关物质

    Determination and Identification of Related Substances in Estriol by HPLC and LC-MS

  5. HPLC法测定蜂蜜中6种磺胺类药物残留液质联用法罗非鱼中磺胺嘧啶不确定度的评定

    Study on multiresidue determination of six sulfonamides in honey by high-performance liquid chromatography Evaluation of Uncertainty for Detection of Sulfadiazine Residue in Tilapia by HPLC-MS / MS

  6. 通过液质联用测定大蒜辣素溶液和蒜氨酸原料,建立HPLC-MS分析方法,进行相应物质的结构解析和确证。

    To establish the analytical method of the allicin solution and the alliin by HPLC-MS and to resolve and identify the structures .

  7. 建立了牛奶和鸡蛋样品中维吉霉素M1残留的液质联用确证方法。

    A confirmative method was developed with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry ( LC-MS / MS ) to detect virginiamycin M1 residue in milk and egg .

  8. 方法20名健康成年男性志愿者采用随机分组自身交叉对照试验设计,单剂量口服150mg罗红霉素片后,用液质联用(LC-MS)法测定血浆中药物浓度。

    Methods 20 male healthy volunteers randomly received a single crossover oral dose of 150 mg test tablet or reference tablet . The concentration of roxithromycin in plasma was determined by LC-MS.

  9. 通过液质联用(LC/MS)和总有机碳(TOC)对污染物的降解过程进行分析,并确定了甲基橙染料可能的降解途径。

    The degradation process of the dye solution was tested by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry ( LC / MS ) and total organic carbon ( TOC ) . Based on the results , the possible degradation path of the MO dye was proposed .

  10. 液质联用技术在医药领域中的应用

    The Application of Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectrometry in the Field of Medicine

  11. 液质联用研究麦冬皂苷肠溶微球在大鼠体内的相对生物利用度

    Relative bioavailability of Ophiopogon japonicus saponin enteric microsphere in rats

  12. 液质联用分析重组人白细胞介素-11的肽图

    Peptide mapping analysis of recombinant human interleukin-11 with HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF / MS spectrometry

  13. 水产品中残留孔雀石绿和无色孔雀石绿液质联用分析方法研究

    HPLC-MS Analysis of Malachite Green and Leucomalachite Green Residues in Aquatic Products

  14. 中成药中违禁添加药物的液质联用仪测定研究

    Analysis of some prohibited drugs in Chinese herb extracts by HPLC / MS

  15. 快速高分离液质联用技术在农药残留检测中的应用

    Study on the Analysis of Pesticide Residues by Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  16. 膝沟藻毒素液质联用快速检测及其在海洋生物体内的累积

    Gonyautoxin : hplc-ms detection and accumulation in marine organisms

  17. 最终产物和中间体的结构,均经液质联用色谱及核磁共振氢谱确认。

    The final product and intermediate structures were confirmed by LC-MS and 1H NMR .

  18. 液质联用法罗非鱼中磺胺嘧啶不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty for Detection of Sulfadiazine Residue in Tilapia by HPLC-MS / MS

  19. 本文首次建立了测定人血浆中氯雷他定的液质联用方法。

    A new HPLC MS method to determine loratadine in human plasma was established .

  20. 并应用液质联用技术对代谢物进行了检测和结构分析。

    LC / MS was used for examining and chemical structure speculating of possible metabolites .

  21. 饮用水中多组分环境激素同时测定的液质联用分析方法研究

    Simultaneous Determination of Multiple Environmental Hormones in Drinking Water bv HPLC - MS / MS

  22. 目的:建立液质联用方法测定人血浆中非那雄胺的浓度。

    AIM : A new HPLC-MS method was developed to determine finasteride in human plasma .

  23. 方法:妇人食用大豆食品或以含大豆饲料喂食母猪,雌性大白鼠后,收集尿液,以液质联用分析仪分析尿液中大豆异黄酮代谢物的种类及含量。

    Methods : Urinary samples from human and animals were collected after soy diet consumption .

  24. 液质联用技术(LC/MS)在中药现代研究中的应用

    Application of Combined Technique of LC / MS to Modern Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  25. 所有的分析都是在Agilent1100液质联用系统上进行的。

    Agilent 100 coupling liquid chromatography to mass spectroscopy system was used to make all analysis .

  26. N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖水溶液变旋过程的液质联用和旋光研究

    Study on mutarotation of N-acetylglucosamine in water by HPLC / MS / MS and specific rotation

  27. 液质联用色谱测定聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶中丙烯酰胺含量

    Determination of acrylamide in polyacrylamide hydrogel by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy Polyamides-Determination of water content

  28. 结论液质联用技术可用于复方蒲公英灌肠液的定性分析。

    Conclusion HPLC coupled with mass spectroscopy can be used for qualitative analysis of compound dandelion enema .

  29. 研究一种针对禽畜肉中氯霉素残留量的液质联用分析方法。

    A new analytical approach using HPLC-MS was developed for the determination of chloramphenicol residue in meat .

  30. 目的本文建立了专属、灵敏的液质联用方法,用于人血浆中氯雷他定浓度的测定。

    AIM To develop a sensitive and specific method for the determination of loratadine in human plasma by LC-MS.