- 动 become full grown and ready for slaughter;remove manure from a pigsty, sheepfold, etc.

The project of AA meat chicken high the stable production technology extension in2000 and2001 won the second level award of technological extension by the Ministry of Agriculture .
A group of equations was established in accordance with herd structure dynamics . These equations were used to obtain the herd structure and offtake rate . Further analysis showed that herd offtake rate is related with livestock offtake age and female reproduction rate .
Twenty-seven 20-day-old PIC piglets were divided into control and experimental groups and were given an intramuscular injection of 3 mL sterilized normal saline and extracts of bursa of Fabricius ( EBF ) respectively .
MG infection is common in flocks in our country , but mortality is low , which mainly led to high unhealthy chicken rate and egg production of layer dropped , feed conversion efficiency reduced and the period of onset to market prolonged , the cost of prevention added .
In experiment 1 , 1200 1-day AA broilers were used to investigate application and economic benefit of compensatory growth in practice by restriction of intake , energy or protein in 7 - ~ 14-day when the broiler were slaughtered at 45-day .
The 70 days commercial pigs inoculated with the vaccine were fatten for 100 days , the final weight could increase by 20.83 % .
Conclusion could be made that crossbred male lambs were more suitable for supplementation in autumn and could achieve standard market weight ( 46 kg ) after supplementing SFM .
Based on improve the HOV model , the results show , the number of large-scale farms and slaughter capacity will decline in the region with strict environmental regulation , and decrease in the number of farms is greater than the decrease of slaughter .
The results show that the average body weight in every oligo-chitosan group increases with oligo-chitosan dosage increase . In the group of 125g / t oligo-chitosan , the average body weight increases by 5.85 % after seven weeks , 140g higher than that of the control ;
Study in Nutrition Level for Growing Rabbit from Weaning to Marketing
Heighten the rate of livestock off hand and develop seasonal stockbreeding ;
The key technics and technique regulation for yak timely slaughter
Further Perfecting Calculation Methods of Live Pig Sell Rate
The exploration on optimal marketing period of meat animals
Advocating lamb earlier slaughter to shorten producing periods ;
Process delays of pig production make the amount of pig slaughter become frequent .
Stage ⅲ . The Method of Determination on the Best Selling Time in Pigs
Enhanced leaves the pen body weight 9.5 % ; enhanced survival rate 3.4 % ;
Live pig sell rate is a important index of reflecting live pig reproduction level .
Research Report of Yak Timely Slaughter Technique
This model significantly reduces feeding time , and control the actual production of slaughter time .
Fluctuation of backyard death damages and fluctuation of slaughter have only a one-way Grainger causal relationship .
Study on Improving The Performance of Marketing Lambs of Hebei fine wool Sheep Via Commercial cross Breeding
These serve as indicators of the profit margin or lack of profit in feeding animals to market weight .
This fast fattening technology is an efficient measure to increase the income of farmers and to accelerate yak husbandry .
This shows that , the process delay of pig production is one of the causes of the fluctuations of the amount of pig slaughter .
Environmental regulations have a negative impact on number of small and medium-sized farms and slaughter , but its extent is less than the large-scale farms .
To qualify as organic , the pigs are given no antibiotics in the last few months of life and receive a diet free of animal fat .
In dynamic panel data model , fluctuations of backyard fine feed fees and backyard death loss fees have the most obvious influence on the amount of slaughter .
The breeding experiment was lasted 122 d from the piglets growth to fattened up to state the effect of green feed additive to the performance of pigs .