
chū jìng
  • exit;depart;leave the country;emigrate;leave some area
出境 [chū jìng]
  • (1) [leave the country]∶越出边境

  • (2) [leave some area]∶走出一地,进入另一地

  • [exit] 离开国境或边境的

  • 出境手续

出境[chū jìng]
  1. 美国人不允许她出境。

    The Americans won 't let her leave the country

  2. 第三十条有本法第二十九条所列行为情节严重的,公安部可以处以限期出境或者驱逐出境处罚。

    Article 30 In cases where a person commits any of the acts stated in Article 29 of this Law , if the circumstances are serious , the Ministry of Public Security may impose a penalty by ordering him to leave the country within a certain time or may expel him from the country .

  3. 寻求避难的人中有几个将遭递解出境。

    Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation .

  4. 这些事件导致一些高级外交官被驱逐出境。

    These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country .

  5. 海关关员阻截了一次企图走私画作出境的阴谋。

    Customs officials foiled an attempt to smuggle the paintings out of the country .

  6. 外国记者被驱逐出境。

    Foreign journalists are being expelled .

  7. 内政部通常会迅速地将不受欢迎人士驱逐出境。

    The Home Office is usually quick to deport undesirables .

  8. 我看见你的名字在被驱逐出境者名单之列。

    I 've seen your name on the list of deportees

  9. 该国领导将5名外国记者驱逐出境。

    The country 's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country

  10. 内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。

    In an embarrassing climb-down , the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat .

  11. 一开始有人告诉他们应该直接将那些难民驱逐出境。

    They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees .

  12. 其国民可能会被禁止出境。

    Its nationals may be prevented from leaving the country

  13. 法庭宣判其持械抢劫罪名成立后他被驱逐出境。

    He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery

  14. 在20世纪30年代,有几百万乌克兰人饿死或被驱逐出境。

    In the 1930s , millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported

  15. 其他国家的人,例如巴基斯坦人,正由本国政府空运出境。

    Other nationalities , such as Pakistanis , were being airlifted out by their governments

  16. 高雅音乐,特别是歌剧,就像佳酿或出境游一样受到志存高远者的青睐。

    Fine music , particularly opera , has become aspirational , like fine wine or foreign travel .

  17. 尽管真凶尚未查出,所有参与斗殴的男子均被驱逐出境。

    All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified .

  18. 他被禁止出境。

    He was barred from leaving the country .

  19. 俄罗斯间谍被驱逐出境。

    The Russian spies were deported .

  20. 他们把一个外国间谍驱逐出境。

    They expelled a foreign spy from their country .

  21. 这位持不同政见者被驱逐出境。

    The dissident was cast out from his country .

  22. 出国人员必须向海关申报其携带出境的外币。

    Those going abroad must declare the amount of foreign currency they are taking with them .

  23. 她成功将古董走私出境,没有被逮捕。

    She has managed to smuggle out the antiques without getting caught .

  24. 目前,接种点不接受个人接种预约。因私出境人员可到居住地所在社区服务站提交申请。

    Currently , health centers don 't accept individual vaccination community service centers .

  25. 我们把偷渡入境的外国人驱逐出境

    We deport aliens who slip across our borders .

  26. 第五章出境

    Chapter V Exit from the Country

  27. 第二十二条外国人出境,凭本人有效护照或者其他有效证件。

    Article 22 For exit from China , aliens shall present their valid passports or other valid certificates .

  28. 第二十三条有下列情形之一的外国人,不准出境:

    Article 23 Aliens belonging to any of the following categories shall not be allowed to leave China :

  29. 据中国国际旅游监测2016年的数据显示,2015年,中国出境游客人均消费额达到22592元。

    According to Chinese International Travel Monitor 2016 , the per capita spending of Chinese outbound travelers hit 22592 yuan ( $ 3370 ) in 2015 .

  30. 国家旅游局表示,到2020年,中国出境游客数量将从2014年的1亿增加到2亿。

    The number of outbound travelers is expected to reach 200 million in 2020 , up from about 100 million in 2014 , said the China National Tourism Administration3 .