
  • 网络Juicing;dashi
  1. 当病藻寄生严重度为80%的夏橙果实显著降低了果实可食率、出汁率、可溶性固形物、总糖、维生素C和蛋白质含量。

    Edible rate , juice percentage , total soluble solids , total sugars , vitamin C and protein content of the fruit with high severity ( 80 % ) were markedly reduced .

  2. 桑果出汁率、糖度、酸度、pH和色素含量除与品种特性有关外,还受气候条件影响。

    The juice rate , sugar percentage , acid percentage , pH and pigment content are not only related to the race character , but also affected by the climate condition .

  3. 破碎离心分离取汁,出汁率占原料2/4~3/4,Vc损失40~70%左右;

    With the method of centrifugation and isolation , the juice percentage was 2 / 4-3 / 4 of raw material and as high as 40 ~ 70 % of Vc was lost ;

  4. 结果表明,pH为3.5、低温果浆酶用量为0.2%,反应温度为30℃,作用时间为1.5h时,黑莓的出汁率最高。

    When blackberry pulp treated with 0.2 % low temperature pectinase , at 30 ℃, pH 3.5 for 1.5 h , the juice yield from blackberry was up to the highest .

  5. 适度破碎有利于提高出汁率,匀浆机3000r/min打浆30s处理,可获得较高出汁率。

    Properly breaking was benefit to improve the rate of extraction and higher rate of extraction was obtained under rotating speed 3000r / min for 30s .

  6. 加入鲜果质量0.15%的果胶酶在55℃下保温1h的榨汁工艺可获得较高的出汁率和总色度;

    The juice with higher chroma and higher rate of extract was obtained through the squeeze process which adding pectinase of 0.15 % quantity of cerasus humilis and keeping 55 ℃ for 1h .

  7. 洋麻嫩枝叶经打浆出汁后加温凝固,负压分离可生产出浓缩叶蛋白(LPC)。

    The fresh branches and leaves of H.cannabinus undergo smashing , juice extracting , heating to condense , separating under depressed pressure as to produce enriched leaf protein ( LPC ) .

  8. 结果表明,在40℃,5h酶解时间下,加入0.007%果胶酶和0.07%α-淀粉酶,出汁率最高。

    The result indicated that hydrolysis of cactus with 0.007 % pectinase and 0.07 % α - amylase at the temperature of 40 ℃ for 5 hours gave the highest juice yield .

  9. 42℃5min热水浸果处理可提高大久保水蜜桃在相同冷藏条件下的抗冷性,果实后熟正常,且保持较高的出汁率和正常的食用品质。

    HWD treatment at 42 C for 5 min promoted normal ripening and softening , maintaining higher level of extractable juice and better edible quality .

  10. 这两种处理均可抑制柿果呼吸速率、乙烯释放量和果皮细胞膜透性的上升;促进果实正常成熟软化,降低果汁相对粘度低,提高果肉出汁率,但对TTS含量影响较小。

    These two treatments retarded respiration rate , ethylene production and permeability of persimmon fruits skin . It also enhanced normal ripening and softening , reduced relative viscosity of fruit juice , improved extractable juice rate , but had little effect on TSS content .

  11. 0~2℃冷藏90d后,粉红女士苹果较新鲜,较室温贮藏果肉硬度高12.5%,总酸高0.2%,出汁率高1.51%。

    After storage 90d at cold storage , the fruit was fresh , fruit firmness was 12.5 % higher , acids 0.2 % higher , juice rate 1.51 % higher than the room temperature .

  12. 研究了用果胶酶提高葡萄出汁率的方法。

    The processing of grape juice yield with pectinase was studied .

  13. 果胶酶提高苹果出汁率工艺条件的优化

    Optimization of technological parameters of the apple juice treating with pectase

  14. 酶法提高青椒出汁率的研究

    Study on increasing green pepper juice yield by enzymatic process

  15. 利用不同加工方法研究芒果澄清汁的出汁率

    Research on the yield of clarified mango juice with various processing methods

  16. 出汁率随处理时间延迟而降低。

    The juice yield decreased with treating time postponed .

  17. 果实的出汁率与絮败发生率呈明显负相关。

    Extractable juice content was highly negatively correlated with the incidence of woolliness .

  18. 在制取苦瓜原汁时,通过添加果胶酶可以增加了苦瓜的出汁率。

    Juice yield was increased by adding pectinases when extracting juice from Momordica Charantia .

  19. 预处理鲜茶叶压榨出汁的机理分析与试验

    Test and Analysis of the Mechanism of Juice Pressing-out of the Treated Fresh Tea Leaf

  20. 本文主要采用四种不同加工方法对芒果澄清汁的出汁率进行了研讨。

    Here presented the research on the yield of clarified mango juice with four processing methods .

  21. 改进工艺后胡萝卜出汁率提高了20%。

    The yield of carrot juice was increased by 20 % as a result of the improvement .

  22. 低温果浆酶处理对黑莓出汁率和几个理化指标的影响

    Effect of low temperature pectinase treatment on juice yield and several other physical indices of blackberry juice

  23. 此条件下草莓出汁率为81.10%,果汁的透光率达96.1%。

    The transmittance of clarified strawberry juice was 96.1 % , extraction ratio was 81 . 10 % .

  24. 结果表明,经过酶液化后可提高出汁率、可溶性固形物,而粘度与浊度有所下降;

    Juice yield and soluble solid were increased while both juice viscosity and turbidity were reduced after enzyme maceration .

  25. 另外,试验中发现,复合酶处理还可以起到提高出汁率作用。

    Furthermore , composite enzyme treatment could show the effect of enhance output rate of juice in the experiments .

  26. 研究了酶制剂对胡萝卜原料的出汁率和胡萝卜汁中可溶性固形物、粘度、浊度、类胡萝卜素含量等指标的影响。

    Effects of enzyme preparations on the carrot juice yield , SS , viscosity , turbidity and carotenoid content were studied .

  27. 不仅提高了出汁率,而且通过部分降解大分子果胶,使混汁具有更好的悬浮稳定性。

    This technology increased the juice yield of blackberry cloudy juice efficiently by hydrolyzing pectin molecular and gave the juice higher suspension stability .

  28. 在此条件下,柚子出汁率达48.9%,透光率达95%以上。

    Under this condition , the juice-getting rate can reach to above 48.9 % , the transmittance can reach to above 95 % .

  29. 出汁率只与主茎秆重显著相关,与锤度和生物产量等其它农艺性状相关不显著。

    Press juice rate has significant correlation with stem weight only , has no significant correlation with Brix and biological yield etc character .

  30. 结果表明,使用粥化酶可以使果蔬的出汁率及果蔬汁澄清度有不同程度的提高。

    The result showed that macerating enzyme could increase and improve the extraction rate of juice and the clarification degree of various vegetables and fruits .