
  • 网络Share Love;Share The Love
  1. 他们试图了解更多的中国文化、分享爱和互相尊重。

    They try to learn more Chinese culture and share the love and respect together .

  2. 分享爱、感受爱、接受爱的治愈,而后用爱帮助和提升周围的人。

    Share love , experience love , be healed by love and then look around for others to lift up and help .

  3. 分享爱的喜悦&欧西亚北京旗舰店开业庆典策划始末

    Rejoice Sharing & for Opening Ceremony of Beijing Flagship Shop of Oregon Scientific

  4. 分享爱?太土了吧?

    Sharing love ? It , s corny , isn , t it ?

  5. 这里是分享爱,金真镜?

    This is sharing love Kim jin-kyung ?

  6. 分享爱或许是人一生中最宝贵、最有意义的经历。

    Sharing love is probably the most valuable and meaningful experience a person can ever have .

  7. 在同他人分享爱和友谊的意愿和能力上,同一个家庭的孩子可能会有明显的差异。

    Children in the same family may differ markedly in their willingness and ability to share friendship and affection .

  8. 而在浪漫和其它形式的爱之中,表现为平等和互助,分享爱的付出和收获。

    In romantic and other forms of love , equality rules ; both parties mutually share giving and receiving .

  9. 愿你可以选择爱,分享爱,并在充满爱的生活中度过每一天。

    May you choose it , share it , and live in it every single day of your life .

  10. 事实上,你将会遇到那些走近你并与你分享爱的震动的人。

    Indeed , you will again meet those who are close to you and with whom you have a love link .

  11. 我们分享爱和友善的时候发生的事情是不是太令人惊讶了?毕竟,这就是圣诞的意义。

    Isn 't it amazing what can happen when we spread love and kindness After all , that 's what Chrismas is all about .

  12. 多数法国人保持年轻的办法就是与身边人互相分享爱。幸福感会让我们所有人都变漂亮。

    The number one way the French drink from the fountain of youth is by loving and being loved by the people around them .

  13. 他们是你们的教友,来到这参观一阵子,并与你们分享爱与智慧的观点。

    They are your brethren , come to visit for a while , that they may share in the vision of your love and wisdom .

  14. 我们祝福你实现一个完全提升,并感谢你通过进行上述冥想并在你和地球之间分享爱,从而对全球提升所作的贡献。

    We bless you for a complete ascension and thank you for contributing to global ascension by participating in the above meditation and in the sharing of the love between yourself and earth .

  15. 今天,在这个普通的日子,也是分享爱的开始。在这个特别的地方,让我们用爱来感动,来分享人生吧!

    Today , in a normal day , it is also a brand new start of sharing love ! In the special place , let us share the love , share the life !

  16. 艺术的发展史由富有激情与创造力的两性共同创造,有时他们会在彼此分享爱,生活和创造力的同时,在两条艺术道路的交汇处产生神奇的化学反应。

    The history of art is populated by passionate men and women , and sometimes when their paths cross two artists can find the perfect alchemy for shared love , life and creativity .

  17. 为了庆祝公司成立8周年(也是马云诞生43周年),人们用粉色的玫瑰和一张心型的海报装典了公司的大厅,以此表示邀请大家来“分享爱”。

    In celebration of the company 's eighth birthday ( and Mr Ma's43rd ), the company 's foyer is festooned with pink roses , a heart-shaped poster and an invitation to " share love " .

  18. 我们分享的爱,我们给予的仁慈,我们创造的幸福,总会带着惊喜回到我们身边。

    The love we share , the kindness we give , and the happiness we create will always come back to us with a pleasant surprise .

  19. 当查普力克最小的妹妹Ivy(左二)16岁的时候在一起飞机失事中去世时,其余的姐妹决定永远铭记她们一起分享的爱。

    When Elynne Chaplik-Aleskow 's youngest sister , Ivy ( second from left ), died in a plane crash at age16 , the remaining siblings decided to always honor the love they had shared .

  20. 我们分享的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。

    The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life .

  21. 她无私地让我们分享她的爱,不求回报。

    Unselfishly she shares her love and asks none in return .

  22. 我明白了欢乐、分享和爱。

    I got the joy , the sharing , the love .

  23. 爱就是分享,爱就是把我们最好的给出去。

    Love is sharing , love is giving the best we have .

  24. 赠予和分享是爱的自然表露。

    Giving and sharing are spontaneous expressions of love .

  25. 跟别人分享他的爱是他的工作,是他的义务。

    It is his job his duty to share his love with the world .

  26. 爱是激情,爱是分享,爱是幸福,爱是善。

    Love is passion , love is share , love is happiness , love is goodness .

  27. 最后,你和别人分享的爱是最重要的,亲爱的天蝎座。

    In the end , the love you share with others is most important , dear Scorpio .

  28. 我们发现,当人们享受美食时,他们就会分享着爱,幸福,友谊和心灵的宁静。

    We observe that when people enjoy food , people share love , happiness , friendship and peace of mind .

  29. 当他们手挽手离开时,我更看到了他们俩分享的爱。

    And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away with their arms intertwined .

  30. 雪花在空中飞舞,到处都充满了欢声笑语,旧时的节拍与古老的歌谣分享着爱与梦的旋律。

    Snowflakes in the air , carols everywhere , olden times and ancient rhymes , of love and dreams to share .