
fēn céng
  • lamination;layering;stratification;slice;stratify
分层[fēn céng]
  1. 在此基础上采用RTP/RTCP流控协议和常规的媒体流压缩和解压缩技术,构建了一个分层可扩展的P2PStreaming的框架。

    The Author use common compression technology to construct a lamination expandable P2P Streaming media framework based on the RTP / RTCP protocol .

  2. RCS大鼠视网膜水平细胞与视杆双极细胞形态的改变未影响无长突细胞的树突在内网状层的分层。

    The morphology changes of horizontal cell and rod bipolar cell in RCS rats did not affect the lamination of amacrine cells ' dendrites in IPL .

  3. 不停地搅动沙司,免得出现分层。

    Stir the sauce constantly so that it does not separate .

  4. 把土豆和洋葱分层放在盘子里。

    Layer the potatoes and onions in a dish .

  5. 她的头发已分层剪短。

    Her hair had been layered .

  6. 把除土豆外的所有蔬菜分层放置。

    Arrange all the vegetables except the potatoes in layers .

  7. 纳观尺度上的tem明场像和暗场像表明接头界面存在扩散分层现象。

    In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .

  8. APEC组织结构分层级运作:领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处。

    The APEC organization has a tiered structure : Informal Leaders ' Meetings , Ministerial Meetings , Senior Officials ' Meetings , Committee & Working Group Meetings , and Secretariat .

  9. 通过分离牛肉细胞,科学家理清了肌肉、血管和脂肪的分布规律,然后用3D生物打印技术将这些牛肉组织做成一块牛排的形状,通过对细胞结构进行分层使得产品酷似真和牛肉。

    By isolating1 beef cells , the scientists organized how the muscles , blood vessels2 , and fat should be stacked . The researchers then shaped these tissues into the form of a steak using a technique called 3D bioprinting , where cell structures can be layered to resemble real tissues in living things .

  10. 分层结构中,一个项的从属级别。

    The degree of subordination of an item in an hierarchic arrangement .

  11. NET框架中分层的安全验证机制及其使用。

    NET frame authentication mechanism and its usages of the layering .

  12. 分布式GIS分层体系结构模型的研究

    Study on Layered Architecture Model for Distributed GIS

  13. 分层强化学习中的Option自动生成算法

    Option Automatic Generation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

  14. 动态QoS组播树与基于组播树的分层组播协议研究

    Research of QoS-Based Dynamic Multicast Routing Tree and Hierarchical Multicast Protocol

  15. 按c-分层不定长CAT的研究

    Research on c - Stratified CAT with Variable Length

  16. 分层与分割概念及其在ATM网管系统中的应用

    The Layering and Partitioning Concept and Its Application in the ATM NMS

  17. 分层AHP法在确定二级医院绩效评价指标体系权重中的应用

    Application of AHP Method in Secondary Hospital Performance Assessment

  18. 目的探讨进展期胃癌胃壁浸润CT分层征象的病理学基础。

    Objective To explore the pathological basis of CT " laminated sign " about gastric wall invasion of advanced gastric cancer .

  19. 分层结构的网络QOS问题鉴别

    Network QOS problem identification of layered structure

  20. 用瑞利波研究新疆塔里木盆地地壳分层结构及QR值

    Use of Rayleigh waves to study the layered crustal structure and q_r values of Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Province

  21. Internet多媒体分层组播JSCC差错控制率失真优化

    RD Optimization in JSCC-Based Error Control on Internet Multimedia Layered Multicast

  22. 利用深度谱分析物体层次,提高了立体匹配的置信度,提高了X射线立体透视的分层成像的质量。

    A depth spectral method we developed for stereo matching has increased its credibility and realized the X ray stratified imaging .

  23. TSP问题分层求解算法的复杂度研究

    Complexity analysis of the multi layered clustering algorithms in TSP

  24. 方法采用分层对位缝合和Z或W成形术缝合,皮肤用皮内连续缝合法。

    Methods Using lamination oversew and Z or W plastic sur gery and intracutaneous continued suture in skin .

  25. 其次,对近年来从分层强化学习中发展出来的option算法,结合内在激励思想,尝试性地将其应用到机器人足球中的踢球技术、截球技术和配合技术中去。

    Second , the option algorithm and intrinsic reinforcement learning is used to prove the kick technology , intercept technology and cooperate technologies .

  26. SDH传送网及其分层功能

    SDH Transport Network and Its Layered Functions

  27. 着眼于设计器件的要求,从CAD技术的开发环境入手,采用全定制的设计方法和分层设计的概念,较方便地达到了光电器件版图设计的基本要求。

    The paper describes pattern design for optoelectronic devices by CAD technique . Full-custom design approach is used and concept of hierarchy design is introduced .

  28. 流行的方法包括k-Means和分层集群。

    Popular approaches include k-Means and hierarchical clustering .

  29. 分层递阶控制系统体系结构的Hopfield网络模型

    Hopfield Neural Network Model for Hierarchic Control Architecture

  30. 本系统采用J2EE分层架构,包括表现层、业务逻辑层、和数据模型层。

    The system uses J2EE layered architecture , including the presentation layer , business logic layer , and data model layer .