
  • 网络Distributed Information System
  1. 基于DNA架构和COM+组件的分布式信息系统设计

    Design of Distributed Information System Based on DNA Architecture and COM + Components

  2. 介绍了基于DNA架构的分布式信息系统的体系结构及其功能。

    The structure and functions of distributed information system based on DNA architecture are introduced in this paper .

  3. MobileAgent在医学影像分布式信息系统中的应用

    Application of Mobile Agent in Distributed Medical Image Information System

  4. WORLDWIDEWEB是一个巨大的分布式信息系统,拥有数十亿的网页和数百万的用户,互操作性是其成功的关键。

    World Wide Web is a huge distributed information system which owns billions of web pages and millions of users , so the interoperability is the key to its success .

  5. 本文建立了MIS开发中数据分布规划的数学模型。该模型描述了分布式信息系统中数据分布的结构。

    A mathematical model for data distribution planning is developed to describe the structure of distributed data in distributed information system .

  6. 文中在一种基于WWW的分布式信息系统的背景下,提出一种在广域网(WAN)的环境中安全传输数据的解决方案。

    Bring forward a security data transmission approach in WAN-based environment on the background ofa WWW-based distributed information system .

  7. 本文主要以基于Agent的协作共享对象和分布式信息系统为研究对象,深入地研究基于Agent的DMS的结构、协作多媒体应用等关键问题。

    In this dissertation , the structure of Agent-based distributed multimedia system and cooperation multimedia application is more studied according to Agent-based cooperation shared objects and distributed information .

  8. 因Agent具有反应性、自治性、社会性等特点,已经被普遍认为是支持大规模、开放和分布式信息系统实现动态服务集成和协同工作的关键技术。

    Agent , with reactivity , autonomy and sociality characteristics , is widely considered to be a key technology for large-scale , open and distributed information systems to achieve dynamic services integration and collaborating work .

  9. 本文分析比较了目前主流的Web开发技术,系统研究了基于Web的分布式信息系统理论,重点研究了COM组件、XML等理论及其应用开发技术。

    Current mainstream Web developing technology is analyzed and contrasted , and the theory about distributed information system based on Web is systematically studied this paper . The theory about COM and XML and their application developing technology is studied emphasis .

  10. 本文以交通部水运管理信息系统为背景,通过对众多信息系统的研究,特别是对它们的层次和结构的分析,建立了一个基于WebServices的六层结构分布式信息系统。

    This paper takes the waterage management information system of ministry of communications as its background . By the research on many information system , especially on their layers and structures , this paper builds a distribute information system with six layers based on Web Services .

  11. 同时,利用XML作为月球探测数据交换和信息传输的格式,也为实现与异构系统数据的互操作提供了理想的解决方案。(2)基于WebServices的分布式信息系统集成的体系结构。

    Meantime , we also proposed the better solution to mutually operate the heterogeneous systems ' data resources by using XML as the data format for interchange and transmit of the Circumlunar Exploration ( 2 ) The system architecture of distributed information system based on Web Services .

  12. 通过对目前使用的各种分布式信息系统体系结构的分析,结合航运业信息系统的特点,提出采用SUN公司制订的分布式企业级信息系统的J2EE规范作为本信息服务平台的体系结构基础。

    By means of analyzing the architecture of various distributed information systems that are used now , combined with the characteristics of shipping information system , put forward to employing J2EE specification designed by Sun Company , which used distributed enterprise information system as the base of this platform architecture .

  13. 针对分布式信息系统中本地或网络存储(如SAN、NAS)、信息远程传输等情况下所存在的多对多随机交叉加密的应用需求,提出了一种多线程密码芯片的体系结构及其服务方法。

    To satisfy the requirements of many-to-many randomly switching encryption in local and network storage ( such as SAN , NAS ) and remote transmission of information in distributed information systems , an architecture and service method of a multi-thread cipher chip are presented .

  14. 针对大型分布式信息系统异构环境下存在的互操作和复用问题,利用CORBA标准和软件构件技术,提出了将软构件与中间件技术相结合的开发策略。

    In view of the interoperation and reuse problem in the large distributed information system , this paper promotes a strategy of using CORBA and soft component technology to devel-op ERP .

  15. 分布式信息系统安全的理论与关键技术研究

    Theory and Key Technologies for the Security in Distributed Information Systems

  16. 一种分布式信息系统生存性分析管理平台

    A Management Platform for Survivability Analysis of Distributed Information System

  17. 称重传感器工厂分布式信息系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the Distributed Information System for A Load-cells Factory

  18. 一种用于松散耦合的分布式信息系统的身份认证协议

    An authentication protocol for loosely coupled distributed information system

  19. 提出了分布式信息系统中的分级群组密钥管理方案。

    The leveled group key management schemes in distributed information systems are proposed .

  20. 基于松散耦合的分布式信息系统的数据挖掘

    Data Mining in Loosely Coupled Distributed Information System

  21. 利用规则解决分布式信息系统中的不完备性

    Resolving Incompletion in Distributed Information System Using Rules

  22. 讨论了松散耦合的分布式信息系统中的数据挖掘问题。

    This paper discusses the problem of data mining in loosely coupled distributed information systems .

  23. 分布式信息系统中构件计算协调模型的研究&一种求解大型分布式信息系统中特征干扰的方法

    Research of Component Coordination Model in Distributed Information System & The Method for Solved Feature Interactive Problems

  24. 此外,本文还对广域分布式信息系统中,副本的放置算法和用户请求调度机制等关键技术进行了深入探讨。

    Besides , this paper also discusses some key techniques in detail , such as replica placement algorithms and request scheduling mechanism .

  25. 时间同步是分布式信息系统中关键的问题,在实际应用中有多种同步方法。

    It is acknowledged that time synchronization is a critical issue of distributed information system and there is a variety of synchronization methods used in practical application .

  26. 本文以有效的解决分布式信息系统的信息资源共享为目的,提出了基于消息中间件的持久对象扩展模型。

    Aiming at effective share of information resource in distributed information system , it presents an extended model of persistent state service based on message oriented middleware .

  27. 本质上属松散一致性的数据耦合机制,可在任何分布式信息系统或者大型异构信息系统之间共享资源。

    The DISP , which essentially belongs to Loose Consistency Data Couple Mechanism , can be used in both distributed information systems and large heterogenous information systems .

  28. 为分布式信息系统建立一个完善、合理的安全体系结构,是全面、有效地解决其安全问题的前提。

    Research and practice shows that the development of a perfect and applicable security architecture is a precondition to provide effective and appropriate safeguards for distributed information systems .

  29. 设计实现消防文书管理子系统,表明利用构件技术开发分布式信息系统是高质、高效的。

    A document management subsystem for the fire prevention is designed and implemented , which shows that the distributed information system development is high and efficient with component technology .

  30. 它不但移去了原持久状态服务频繁访问存储器而产生的瓶颈问题,而且以一种松散耦合的方式实现了在分布式信息系统中的持久对象数据的共享。

    This model not only removes the bottleneck at datastore side caused by frequent accesses , but also achieves a relax-coupling manner method of sharing persistent objects in distributed information system .