
  • 网络distributed file system;DFs;Hadoop Distributed File System;HDFS;GFS
  1. Hadoop分布式文件系统HDFS(HadoopDistributedFileSystem)被设计成适合运行在普通硬件上的文件系统,它为Hadoop分布式计算存储提供底层支持。

    Hadoop distributed file system ( HDFS ) is designed as a file system which is suitable for running on generic hardware .

  2. 运行以下命令对HDFS分布式文件系统进行格式化。

    Run the following command to format the Hadoop distributed file system to initialize .

  3. NetworkFileSystem(NFS)是使用最广泛的分布式文件系统之一。

    Network File System ( NFS ) is one of the most widely used distributed file systems .

  4. Linux也是分布式文件系统的产地。

    Linux is home to many distributed file systems , as well .

  5. 该机制可广泛应用于Internet分布式文件系统、分布式数据库、WEB镜像服务器以及分布式软件分发、群集服务器等应用中。

    The mechanism can be widely appled in Internet distributed file system , distributed database and WEB server synchronization of Internet etc.

  6. 分布式文件系统中Cache一致性的验证

    Verifying cache coherence in a distributed file system

  7. 一种基于ErasureCode的分布式文件系统模型

    A Distributed File System Model Based on Erasure Code

  8. 网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)是一个常用的分布式文件系统,它使远程客户机能够在服务器上执行文件操作。

    The Network File System ( NFS ) is a well-used distributed file system that enables file operations to be performed on a server from remote clients .

  9. 与Samba的分布式文件系统支持相关的日志消息。

    Log messages relating to Samba 's distributed file system support .

  10. 它基于Google专有的分布式文件系统GFS。

    It is based on Google 's proprietary distributed file system , GFS .

  11. 其中两个核心组件是用于存储数据的HadoopDistributedFileSystem(Hadoop分布式文件系统)和用于写入并行处理任务的HadoopMapReduce。

    The two core components are the Hadoop Distributed File System for storing data and Hadoop MapReduce for writing parallel-processing jobs .

  12. 其次,分析了分布式文件系统、P2P系统与键值存储系统相关的关键技术。

    Secondly , the thesis analyzes the key technologies of distributed file system and P2P system being related to the key / value system .

  13. Peer-to-Peer结构的文件共享系统是与传统的Client/Server结构的分布式文件系统相对立的,是分布式文件系统的一个分支。

    The Peer-to-Peer file-sharing system is contrary to the conventional Client / Server structured file system , but is also a branch of the distributed file system .

  14. Hadoop实现了一个分布式文件系统,简称HDFS。

    Hadoop implements a distributed file system , referred to the HDFS .

  15. Coda分布式文件系统的缺陷及改进

    The Defect of Coda Distributed File System and Its Improvement

  16. 现在他们的重点是开发Hadoop的分布式文件系统,HDFS

    Their focus is now on developing Hadoop 's distributed file system , HDFS

  17. 最新的分布式文件系统之一,在Linux中也支持,是Ceph。

    One of the latest distributed file systems , which is also supported in Linux , is Ceph .

  18. 提出了一种基于ErasureCode容错理论的分布式文件系统模型并对其关键技术进行了深入的研究和探讨。

    This paper proposes a distributed file system model which is based on Erasure code theory , and discusses its key technologies and implementation .

  19. 基于E-mail的分布式文件系统(MDFS)

    Distributed File System Based on E-mail ( MDFS )

  20. 采用分布式文件系统后,服务器之间的数据访问不再是一对多的关系(1个NFS服务器,多个NFS客户端),而是多对多的关系。

    In distributed file systems , data is no longer a one-to-many relationship , but many to many relationship .

  21. HCMM使用分层的方法来管理WAN中的Cache,可以有效地减少WAN上的网络通信开销和服务器上管理Cache的开销,从而提高WAN中分布式文件系统的性能。

    HCMM uses hierarchical method to manage the consistence of cache , and can minimize the overhead of network communication and cache management .

  22. 这些特性使得AFS被公认为是分布式文件系统的鼻祖,虽然AFS已经开发了很多年。

    These features allow AFS to be known as the granddaddy of distributed file systems even after so many years of development .

  23. 介绍了文件系统和分布式文件系统的概念,基于ErasureCode理论提出了具有适度容错机制的分布式文件系统架构。

    First it introduces some conceptions of file system as well as the distributed file system , then it brings forward a distributed file system model based on Erasure code .

  24. 这一特性使得在AmazonEC2上运行关系数据库、分布式文件系统、Hadoop进程集群等等程序更为简单。

    This feature will make it even easier to run everything from relational databases to distributed file systems to Hadoop processing clusters using Amazon EC2 .

  25. 然后分析了分布式文件系统AFS,它提供高效的文件系统资源的共享;

    Secondly , the paper analyzes the distribute file system AFS ( Anderw File System ), which improved the efficiency of file share greatly ;

  26. 随着CPU计算能力和计算机磁盘I/O速度的不断提高,企业分布式文件系统在传输海量数据时会遇到网络带宽的性能瓶颈问题。

    With the continuous improvement of the CPU computing power and computer disk I / O speed , distributed file systems encounter performance bottlenecks of network bandwidth in the transmission of massive data .

  27. 本文主要研究了分布式文件系统的数据冗余技术。传统的分布式系统大多采用独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID)和复制技术进行数据的冗余,要达到一定的可靠性对存储空间的要求较高。

    Reaching certain reliability requires a high storage because most traditional distributed systems execute data redundancy using redundant array of independent disk ( RAID ) and replication technology .

  28. 然后,深入研究Hadoop平台的分布式文件系统(HDFS)和分布式计算模型(Map/Reduce)。

    Then , in-depth study Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS ) and the distributed computing model ( Map / Reduce ) .

  29. 基于分布式文件系统的数据库是指底层存储采用Hadoop分布式文件系统HDFS,上层采用以大规模并行处理MPP架构作为调度引擎的数据库。

    It takes the Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS ) to store data and adapts Massively Parallel Processing architecture as scheduling engine .

  30. Hadoop的核心技术包括HDFS(分布式文件系统)和Map/Reduce(分布式计算框架)。

    The core technologies of Hadoop include HDFS ( Hadoop Distributed File System ) and Map / Reduce ( distributed calculation frame ) .