
  • 网络Distributed Computing;corba;Grid computing;hadoop;MapReduce
  1. 一种基于WEBService实现的分布式计算方案

    Implementation of a Distributed Computing Scheme Based on Web Service

  2. WebServices引出了新一代的分布式计算模式。

    Web Services presents a new generation of distributed computing paradigm .

  3. 一种基于WEBService的分布式计算模型研究及其实现

    Research and Implementation of a Distributed-Computing Model Based on Web Service

  4. 新一代分布式计算模型&XMLwebServices

    New Generation of Distributed Computing Model & XML Web Services

  5. Web服务是分布式计算的一种新的解决方案。

    Web Services including the protocols and standards are a new distributed scheme .

  6. 因此,将Web服务用于分布式计算是一种灵活但有点受限制的方法。

    Using Web services for distributed computing is therefore a flexible but somewhat limited approach .

  7. 他的研究涉及虚拟化、Web服务和分布式计算的广泛主题。

    His research interest covers broad topics of virtualization , Web services , and distributed computing .

  8. 移动Agent是一种新型的分布式计算技术,具有良好的应用前景。

    Mobile agent is a new distributed computation technology and has a good application prospect .

  9. 利用Java安全模型增强分布式计算系统客户机安全;

    Java security model was used in ensuring client security .

  10. 基于Web的分布式计算环境中CAE软件的应用共享

    Sharing Technology for CAE Applications Based on Web Distributed Computing Environment

  11. WEBService是分布式计算领域出现的最新成果,是实现异构系统互操作的理想模型。

    Web Service is the latest effort in distributed calculation . It is an ideal model in multi-system operation environment .

  12. Web服务是近年来发展迅速的一种分布式计算技术,能够实现跨平台、跨技术地互操作。

    Web service is a booming distributed computing technology that enables cross-platform , cross-programming language interoperability in recent years .

  13. 基于XML的松散耦合分布式计算

    Loosely Coupled Distributed Computing Based on XML

  14. 移动Agent在其应用中有明显的优势,它为分布式计算提供了一个新的范例。

    Mobile agent has obvious advantage in its application , it provide a new paradigm for distributed compute .

  15. Web服务作为新型的分布式计算技术,为编写松散耦合的分散式应用程序提供了一个非常优秀的方案。

    As a new distributed computing technology , Web service provides a very excellent scheme for compiling coupling distracted form application .

  16. Internet和分布式计算的发展使处理海量的、分布的海上交通数据成为可能而且容易。

    The development of Internet and Distributed Computing make it possible and convenient to process mass and distributed ocean transportation data .

  17. 面向服务架构的Web服务是一种新兴的分布式计算模型,它是以服务的形式封装应用并对外发布。

    Service-oriented-architecture is a new distributed computing technology . It is in the form of service for encapsulation , application and publishing .

  18. Web服务作为一种面向服务的分布式计算技术,提供了一种建立基于Web的复杂松耦合分布式系统框架。

    As a service oriented distributed computing tech-nology , web services provide a framework to build complex web based loosely-coupled distributed systems .

  19. 分布式计算是集群技术的理论基础,包括中间件技术、网格技术、移动Agent技术等。

    Cluster technology is based on distributed computing , which include middleware technology , grid technology and mobile agent technology etc.

  20. WEBService是一种面向服务的分布式计算模式,具有良好的、真正意义上的系统平台异构性和语言的独立性。

    Web Service is a service-oriented distributed computing paradigm , the technology allows applications to be run in different platforms and programming language-independent manner .

  21. 对RADIUS协议、分布式计算技术CORBA、实时内存数据库等技术进行了研究。

    I study the technology about RADIUS , corba and Memory Databases .

  22. 随着Internet和Web技术的迅速发展,传统的分布式计算技术已不能满足Web应用环境,Web服务应运而生。

    With the development of Internet and Web technologies , traditional distributed computing technologies have not been suitable for the Web application environment .

  23. 可扩展标记语言XML正逐渐成为分布式计算的通用语言。

    The extensible markup language ( XML ) is going to be the common data language of distributed computing .

  24. 他在分布式计算方面有丰富的经验,包括面向服务架构(SOA)。

    He has extensive experience with distributed computing , including Service-oriented Architecture ( SOA ) .

  25. Web服务(WebServices)作为一种新兴的与操作系统无关、开发语言无关的分布式计算平台,正受到越来越广泛的关注和实际应用。

    As a newly emerged OS-independent and language independent distributed computing platform , Web services has received more and more concerns and commercial deployment .

  26. 而CORBA(CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture,公共对象请求代理体系结构)技术正是为了实现分布式计算而引入的。

    And CORBA ( Common Object Request Broker Architecture ) technology is introduced in order to realize distributed calculation .

  27. 本文结合使用P2P和面向服务的分布式计算技术,构建了一个使用P2P技术的面向服务的分布式系统。

    In the paper , we construct a service-oriented peer-to-peer system via the technologies .

  28. 基于Multi-agent理论的大规模网格分布式计算资源调度方法

    Distributed Computing Resource Scheduling Strategies Based on Multi-agent Theory for Large-scale Grid Systems

  29. CORBA分布式计算环境下的本地对象访问机制

    The Access Mechanism for Local Objects in the CORBA Distributed Computation Environments

  30. 利用XML技术可以实现独立于平台的数据结构化表示,可以预见XML将成为分布式计算中数据结构化表示的标准。

    Utilizing the technique of XML , we can realize the structural expression of data which will be independent on platform .