
  • 网络Branching;cladogenesis
  1. 对于这个半比例依赖混合食物链系统,得到了顶端捕食者入侵系统的条件、系统的持久性条件和正平衡态稳定性条件以及在其失去稳定性时,Hopf分支发生的条件。

    For the model , we obtain condition for top-predator invading , the permanence of system , the stability of positive equilibrium and Hopf bifurcation occurring as the positive equilibrium loses its stability .

  2. 但是,transitionCondition进一步规定分支发生的条件。

    However , the transitionCondition further specifies the conditions under which the branch is taken .

  3. “这是因为一个肿瘤里边有一个或多个的癌细胞分支发生了突变,产生了耐药性,因此治疗失去了效果。”斯旺顿说。

    It occurs because there will be one or more cells in the tumour branches that has a resistance mutation that allows it to outwit the therapy , Swanton says .

  4. 实际上,在团队A工作分支中发生的变更应该流回到主线中,再向下进入到团队B的工作分支中。

    Instead , changes in team A work should flow to the mainline and then down to team B work .

  5. 再次,通过分析特征方程,发现一般情况下,系统的局部稳定性由于经历Hopf分支而发生变化。

    Thirdly , we find local stability is changed through a Hopf bifurcation by analyzing the characteristic equation .

  6. 在强化相NbC的生长机制探讨中,发现NbC相生长可分为启动生长阶段、竞争生长和稳态生长阶段,其分支主要发生在择优生长方向上。

    The growth of NbC is involved in three stages which are the initial growth , competitive growth and steady-state growth stages with the branch of NbC phase in its preferred growth direction .

  7. 哺乳动物肺的发育起始于从前肠内胚层发育而来的成对肺芽突起,它以分支形态发生和肺特异性细胞分化的遗传预定模式侵入周围的中胚层间质。

    Lung development begins with the outgrowth of paired lung buds from the foregut endoderm that invade the surrounding mesodermal mesenchyme in a genetically predetermined pattern of branching morphogenesis and lung specific cell differentiation .

  8. 首先,会计市场存在于社会系统中的社会经济系统中,而与社会政治、文化、科技、教育等各分支系统发生互为影响、互相作用的联系;

    First , accounting market lies in social system , and it produces connection of mutual influence and mutual function with such branch systems as politics , culture , science and technology and education .

  9. 分支现象发生在依赖于参数的系统,当系统参数在某些特定值附近变化时,系统的解的某些结构属性发生了变化,这种变化称为分支现象,这些参数值称为分支值。

    When the parameters are varied , changes may occur in the qualitative structure of the solutions for certain parameter values . These changes are called bifurcation and the parameter values are called bifurcation values .

  10. 我想个别的银行分支机构发生这种违规事件,不会影响中国银行、中国金融界的信誉,也不会影响中国银行将要在国内或者在国外上市的目标。

    The problems that have occurred in some individual branches will not affect the reputation of the Bank of China and china 's banking sector , nor will they affect the objective to list china 's banks at home or abroad .

  11. 结果5只兔栓塞后DSA显示颈内动脉细小分支及主干发生闭塞,CT平扫和增强在缺血6小时可见栓塞侧大脑半球片状低密度梗死区。

    Results Small branches and trunk of ICA were all obliterated after embolization . CT scanning showed patchy low - density areas after 6h of embolization .

  12. 结论冠状动脉病变药物洗脱支架置入导致直径小于2.5mm分支血管闭塞发生率与普通金属支架置入相似。

    Conclusion There is similar < 2.5 mm in diameter side branch closures rate between drug eluting stent and bare metal stent implantation .

  13. 分支现象的发生依赖于具有参数的系统。

    The bifurcation phenomena can occur in the parameter dependent systems .

  14. 在扫描过程中如果河流出现分支或者流向发生改变或者存在桥梁类截断,则按加窗搜索法更新种子点和扫描方式继续扫描。

    In the process of scanning , update the seed point and scanning mode if there is embranchment or bridge truncation .

  15. 所以,只要值位于寄存器的首选槽之内,分支就会正常发生。

    Therefore , the branch will occur appropriately , as long as the value is in the preferred slot of the register .

  16. 此单个消息被交付给中介流,其中对于每个订单和每个分支,都应发生对订单系统的单独调用。

    This single message is submitted to the mediation flow where , for each order and for each branch , a separate invocation to the order system should occur .

  17. 结果:血小板以层流方式流经微动脉分支部位,在分支区域不发生碰撞、聚集和滞留。

    The platelet flow at the arteriolar bifurcation region was still laminar and platelet aggregation was not observed .

  18. 并由此对零平衡点的稳定性加以分析,从而可以判断某些分支现象(如一列Hopf分支)的发生。

    In this way , analysis of the local stability of the zero equilibrium is given , which contributes to the verification of some bifurcation phenomena ( such as a series of Hopf bifurcations ) .