
  1. 聚乙二醇双水相体系在分离纯化蛋白质中的应用

    Application of aqueous two-phase system of polyethylene glycol in protein separation and purification

  2. 目的:探索以阴、阳离子交换色谱串接组合为方式,进行高分辨率分离纯化蛋白质的可行性。

    Objective To explore the possibility of achieving the highest resolution by using combination of anion and cation exchange chromatography .

  3. 蛋白质分离纯化和蛋白质结晶的研究方法

    Studies on separation and purification crystallization of protein

  4. 基于超(近)临界流体抗溶剂沉淀法分离与纯化蛋白质的发展,酶以及蛋白质的稳定性是一个关键因素。

    In the precipitation seperation of protein with compressed pressure CO2 , the protein stability is a key factor .

  5. 蛋白质分离纯化是蛋白质产品工业化生产的关键之一。

    One of the cruxes of the industrial scale production of protein is its separation and purification , the characters and key problem of which are analyzed .

  6. 这个结论对利用聚合物分离和纯化蛋白质、固定和稳定酶、促进蛋白质折叠、包埋与控制释放蛋白质的研究中将会有所帮助。

    The results obtained in this study may be useful in protein separation and purification , protein immobilization and stabilization , protein folding , and protein encapsulation and release .

  7. 反胶束萃取具有使用条件温和,萃取效率高,成本低,溶剂可重复利用,不引起蛋白质和酶变性等许多优点,用于分离和纯化蛋白质等生物大分子具有巨大的应用前景。

    Reversed micellar extraction of biological macromolecule , especially proteins , has a promising profit , for the mild operational condition , high extraction yield , low cost and solvent recycling .

  8. 因此,聚合物可以用来分离和纯化蛋白质、固定和稳定酶、促进蛋白质折叠、包埋与控制释放蛋白质。

    The interactions of proteins with polymers have been widely studied because of the practical applications of polymers in protein separation and purification , protein immobilization and stabilization , protein folding , and protein encapsulation and release .

  9. 蛋白质的分离纯化不仅是蛋白质分子结构、组成、物理化学性质和生物活性研究中一项基础性工作,在实际应用中也有重要的意义。

    Protein separation and purification is not only the basis of protein research , but also of great importance in practical applications .

  10. 聚唾液酸分离纯化过程中脱除蛋白质工艺的研究

    Protein Removing Process in Separation of Polysialic Acid

  11. 目的试图从霉菌培养液中分离纯化抗真菌活性蛋白质。

    Objective To purify the protein with antifungal activity from Aspergillus niger culture flu - id.

  12. 例如,将药物分子固定在纳米级高分子乳液微球表面,利用亲和微球的生物惰性和高比表面积等优点,高效的从生物组织液中识别、分离、纯化药物受体蛋白质。

    For example , the affinity microspheres hold the bio-inert and high surface area can be used for identification , separation and purification of drug receptor from biological tissue by immobilizing the drug molecules on its surface .