
fēn jiě rè
  • decomposition heat
  1. 填充聚合物分解热效应对锥形量热法测热结果的影响

    Effects of decomposition heat on heat release measurement of filler-polymer composites by cone calorimeter

  2. 亚稳态的过冷液体比结晶态有较大的分解热。

    The decomposition heat for metastable super-cooled liquid is greater than that of crystallized solid .

  3. 和参比推进剂相比,含FS的推进剂表观分解热大,故燃速也高,增速作用亦大。

    The propellant containning FS has larger the apparent heat of decomposition , so the burning rate and the burning rate enhancement of the propellant are higher .

  4. 同时,CO-B非晶态合金能使AP的表观分解热显著增大。

    These indicate that the nanometer ( Co-B ) amorphous alloy has better catalytic activity for the thermal decomposition of AP and can increase the apparent dissociation heat of AP .

  5. 推进剂的总表观分解热随CL-20的含量和压强的增加而明显增大。

    The total apparent decomposition heats of the propellants increase with the increase of the pressure and the content of CL-20 , obviously .

  6. 探索了放热型发泡剂与碳酸氢钠混用的分解热效应。

    Decomposition enthalpy of blowing agents mixed with sodium bicarbonate is probed .

  7. 研究了应用锥形量热法测量聚合物复合材料燃烧的热释放速率时,填料的分解热效应对测量结果的影响。

    The effects of the heat absorbed during decomposition of some flame retardant fillers on the heat release rate measurement were studied using the cone calorimeter .

  8. 根据测定的制冷剂气体水合物形成条件和压缩因子,计算了制冷剂气体水合物在0℃以上的分解热,并进行了分析比较。

    According to the measured refrigerant gas hydrate dissociation conditions and compressibility factor , the dissociation heat of refrigerant gas hydrates at temperature above 0 ℃ is calculated and comparisons are made .

  9. 高炉富氧大喷煤时,必须考虑煤气中的氢元素、煤的预热及挥发分的分解热。

    When blast furnace ( BF ) operates under oxygen enrichment and high PCI rate , H 2 , coal preheating and decomposition heat of coal volatile should be taken into account .

  10. 结果表明:使推进剂表观分解热愈大的碳物质,则导致推进剂的燃速愈高。

    The results show that in comparision with the control propellant , the larger the apparent heat of decomposition of the propellant containing carbon substances , the higher the burning rates of the propellant .

  11. CuO-ZnO-CrOX-Al2O3催化剂前驱体组成及分解的热分析研究

    Study on the Precursor Composition of CuO-ZnO-CrO_X-Al_2O_3 Catalyst and Decomposition Behavior by Thermoanalysis Method

  12. RDX和HMX的热分解I.热分析特征量

    Thermal Decomposition of RDX and HMX Part I : Characteristic Values of Thermal Analysis

  13. Al2TiOs大量分解后热膨胀系数上升,强度增加,表现为Al2O3&TiO2基复合材料的性质。

    The coefficient of thermal expansion and bending strength of material increase after most at in material being decomposed showing the property of AL_2O_3 & Tio_2 composite .

  14. 硝酸铵的热分解和热稳定性研究现状

    Researching Cases of the Thermal Decomposition and Thermal Stabilization of AN

  15. 基于管内平面波分解的热声谐振管声功测量方法

    A method of measuring acoustic power in thermoacoustic resonator based on theory of plane wave decomposition

  16. 窑尾预分解系统热态流场的数值模拟算法与工程应用

    Numerical Simulation Algorithm of the Thermal Flow Field in a Kiln Inlet Predecomposition System and Its Engineering Application

  17. 主要阐述了钛酸铝材料的微观结构,以及热分解、热膨胀及其影响因素。

    The microstructure , thermal decomposition , thermal expansion of aluminum titanate material and their effecting factors were described .

  18. 提出了通过平面声波分解测量热声谐振管中单频压力波声功的方法。

    A method for measuring the mono sound power in thermoacoustic resonator was developed by using the theory of plane wave decomposition .

  19. 本文对铁的氧化物磁性纳米颗粒的化学制备方法进行了综述,将其归结为复分解和热分解两种策略;

    The chemical strategies for preparing magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles are reviewed and generalized in metathesis strategy and pyrolytic decomposition strategy in this paper .

  20. 因此,本文研究了基于奇异值分解的热晕模糊去除方法,利用奇异值分解对图像处理后,对特征向量按大小排列,确定出适合的特征值进行重构以期得到清晰图像。

    Therefore , we researched the removal of thermal blur method with SVD-based . The feature vectors that ranked by the size of characteristics of value with the SVD method to determine suitable number for reconstruction to deblur the image .

  21. 用DSC差示扫描量热仪测定了各体系的动态分解温度和热效应。

    The dynamically decomposing temperatures and the heat effects of different systems were determined by DSC .

  22. 程序升温分解对PEEK热分解动力学及其机理的研究

    Study on the Kinetics and Mechanism of Thermal Degradation and Crosslinking of PEEK by Temperature Programmed Decomposition

  23. 2000t/d级DD预分解窑现场热态系统测试与分析

    Test and analysis of field thermal system of 2 000 t / d kiln with DD pre-calciner

  24. 采用热分析、实时傅立叶变换红外光谱等手段,研究了几种常用的抑烟剂(钼化合物和铁化合物)对聚氯乙烯(PVC)热分解特性和热氧化降解特性的影响。

    Effect of smoke suppressants ( molybdenum and iron compounds ) on thermal degradation of PVC was studied by thermogravimetric ( TG ) method and real time FTIR spectra .

  25. 近似绝热条件下含酸DNT、TNT热分解过渡到热爆炸的实验研究

    An experimental study of acid-containing dnt , tnt in its transition from thermal decomposition to explosion under close-to-adiabatic conditions

  26. 通过FTIR,XRD,TG/DSC和SEM对纤维前驱体凝胶的结构、热分解过程及热还原产物的形貌进行了表征。

    The structure , thermo-decomposition process and surface morphologies of the fibers derived from thermal reduction of the gel precursors were characterized by FTIR , XRD , TG / DSC and SEM .

  27. 通过DSC、TG和IR数据可以看出,磺酸酯单体的保护基团的种类对树脂的分解温度和热稳定性有很大的影响,而磺酸酯单体的种类影响很小。

    DSC , TG and IR data revealed that decomposition temperature and thermal stability of the copolymer mainly relied on the type of protecting groups , almost regardless of the kind of sulfonate unit .

  28. 通过实验测定了水杨酸铅对HMX热分解产物及热分解速度的影响,并对不同温度下HMX和HMX加水杨酸铅的热分解动力学参数作了比较。

    Its effects on the dissociated gaseous products and decomposition rate of HMX were determined and the kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition culculated .

  29. 按照材料热分解动力学与热老化之间的关系,拟合了纳米Al2O3杂化PI薄膜在空气气氛和氮气气氛下的热老化寿命曲线图。

    According to the relation between thermal decompose kinetics and thermal aging , the thermal aging life curves of PI hybrid film with nano-alumina particles in different containing in N2 and air were drawn .

  30. 研究了近似绝热条件下含酸DNT、TNT模拟试样及生产现场采集试样从热分解过渡到热爆炸的热行为。

    The thermal action of acid-containing DNT , TNT in the transition from thermal decomposition to explosion was studied in close-to-adiabatic conditions . Two samples were studied , of which one was simulated in the laboratory , the other gathered from the production line .