
  • 网络Hess law;Hess's law
  1. 盖斯定律表明,对于任意化学反应,能量变化并非是路径依赖的。

    Hess'Law states that for any chemical reaction , the energy change is path independent .

  2. 首先是盖斯定律。

    First one is Hess'Law .

  3. 通过渐进的过程把燃烧热和燃烧反应恒压热一一对应起来,有利于学生理解并巩固生成热的概念,为盖斯定律的应用打下理论基础。

    In this way the students can compare heat at constant pressure with heat of combustion to consolidate and understand the concept step by step so as to lay a theoretical foundation in using his law to solve such problems .