
fēn shēn
  • Separation;spare time from one's main work to attend to sth. else;spare time from one's main work to attend to sth.else
分身 [fēn shēn]
  • [spare time from one's main work to attend to sth.else] 抽出工夫去照顾别的事情

  • 无法分身

分身[fēn shēn]
  1. 他实在太忙,无法分身。

    He is really too busy to attend to anything else .

  2. 在《肥佬教授》(TheNuttyProfessor)中,杰里·刘易斯(JerryLewis)饰演的主人公的分身BuddyLove走到吧台,点了一杯阿拉斯加北极熊鸡尾酒(AlaskanPolarBearHeater)。

    In " The Nutty Professor , " the title character 's alter ego , Buddy Love , played by Jerry Lewis , steps up to the bar and orders an Alaskan Polar Bear Heater .

  3. 根据Gartner提供的数据,目前各企业管理人员平均每人管理九名直接下属,较2008年的五名大幅增长。在这种情况下,管理者们分身乏术,无法详细掌握下属们工作情况。

    Bosses now manage , on average , nine direct reports , up from five in 2008 , according to Gartner , which can spread leaders so thin that they don 't have a close grasp of what their employees are doing .

  4. 温斯坦相信,商业教育有必要变得更加灵活——曾出资让高管去攻读MBA的大公司现在不太愿意让高管长时间离职学习,同样,分身乏术的初创企业创始人也不大可能专门辟出时间攻读MBA。

    Mr Weinstein believes business education needs to be more flexible - large companies , which used to fund their executives on MBA programmes , are less willing to allow senior executives to spend long periods away studying and time-poor start-up founders are similarly unlikely to be able to take time out for an MBA .

  5. 修正3.5版本后,熊猫风暴分身的反馈效果降低的问题。

    Fixed bug where Panda Storm feedback was weakened in 3.5 .

  6. 这张相片示范分身空心,像虚无的空性。

    This photo demonstrates the hollow , void-like quality of Fen Shen .

  7. 这么多的工作弄得我无法分身。

    It seems that I am held prisoner by so much work .

  8. 但是我业务非常繁忙,因此分身乏术。

    But I 'm very busy with my business , so

  9. 基于分身代理技术的电子教室系统研究

    Research of Electronic Classroom System Based on " Fenshen Agent " Technology

  10. 抱歉,之前我错过了你的行动,分身乏术

    Sorry I missed you earlier . Got caught up .

  11. 萨满活动角色与我的分身术&萨满教文化与先锋小说

    Role of Shaman and Narrator in the Avant-garde Novels

  12. 一个人不能同时在两地;分身乏术。

    One cannot be in two place at once .

  13. 你这分身已在我体内成形。

    This thy self-separation has taken body in me .

  14. 你的众多分身所处的平行宇宙,共同构成了第一个层次的多重宇宙。

    THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES of your alter egos constitute the Level I multiverse .

  15. 二级-分身为3个更强的元素战士。

    Level 2 - Summons three even mightier Pandas .

  16. 与此同时,2013年科技公司忙于运营规模数十亿美元的业务,分身乏术。

    Meanwhile tech vendors in 2013 had their hands full operating multi-billion-dollar businesses .

  17. 他在别的宇宙被他的分身攻击。

    Once he was forced to defend himself against himself in another universe .

  18. 一级-分身为3个较强的元素战士。

    Level 1 - Summons three mighty Pandas .

  19. 到处都是他的分身

    The guy 's all over the place .

  20. 我只是把那些分身的能量。

    I just took those wasted energies .

  21. 工作忙得使他不能分身。

    He is chained to his work .

  22. 现在的我已不会再梦想着自己可以分身了,因为已没有那个必要了。

    However , I thought they needed my help I should be there for them .

  23. 我的意思是,现在的工作和家庭已经让我分身乏术。

    I mean , I have my hands full right now with family and work .

  24. 还是你忙得无法分身?

    Or are you just too busy ?

  25. 避免分身乏术。

    Avoid spreading yourself too thin .

  26. 环绕分身的那难以置信的紧窒和温暖让他发出一声沙哑的呻吟。

    The unbelievable tightness and warm around his member made him let out a husky moan .

  27. 这是一张杰作,一般当分身出现在照片里,它意味一个签名。

    Normally when Fen Shen appears in the picture it means a signature . However , Mr.

  28. 周杰伦:我打算找几个分身,找几个像我的。

    Jay : I plan on finding a few clones , a few that look like me .

  29. 人不可能分身,而这一单身之躯却从事各种各样的活动。

    A person is made in one piece , and the same being runs through various performances .

  30. 阿里巴巴和相关对冲基金的代表要么拒绝置评,要么分身乏术,无法置评。

    Representatives of Alibaba and the hedge funds declined to comment or were not available for comment .