
sù mìnɡ
  • fate;predestination;fatality;weird
宿命 [sù mìng]
  • [predestinate] 指前世的命运。佛家认为今生的命运是由前世行为的善恶决定的

  • 沙门问佛,以何因缘,得知宿命,会其至道?--《四十二章经》十三

  1. 但这个计划开始时,iPod正在兴起,所以它反倒是宣告了CD的宿命:星巴克只是在延长一个不可逆转的结局,这是一场注入了咖啡因的游行,它的终点,就是这种载体的伤感告别。

    But the fact that its endeavor began around the rise of the iPod only sealed the CDs " fate : Starbucks was simply prolonging the inevitable end , a caffeinated march to the whimpering finale for the medium .

  2. 第二方面为张扬的暴力与普遍的宿命。

    The second aspect is the propagating violence and general fate .

  3. 我是宿命论者。

    I 'm a fatalist .

  4. 现在激进分子中间无疑弥漫着一种宿命情绪。

    There 's a certain mood of fatalism now among the radicals .

  5. 有些东方的哲学倾向于宿命论吗?

    Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism ?

  6. 这个系列是关于身体的奢华、畸零、欲望、混乱、宿命还有死亡。

    This series of photographs is about physical luxury , loneliness , desire , confusion , foreordination and death .

  7. 他开始有一种越来越强烈的宿命感。

    He began to have a growing sense of fatality .

  8. 她徒然奋斗反抗宿命。

    She struggle against fatality in vain .

  9. 我常觉得这中间有着宿命的味道:仿佛这古园就是为了等我,而历尽沧桑在那儿等待了四百多年。

    I often felt this was something foreordained -- as if this old park were waiting especially for me : it seemed it had been waiting for four hundred years -- through all the tumultuous changes of those centuries .

  10. 很长一段时间以来,路虎(LandRover)似乎也在摆脱不了“僵尸车厂”的宿命。

    For a long while , Land Rover seemed headed in the same direction .

  11. eBay似乎打破了互联网公司的宿命。

    EBay seems to have beat the Internet curse .

  12. 无疑规范的代码复审可以捕获错误,并推迟似乎所有成功项目最终都逃脱不了的“大泥球(bigballofmud)”宿命。

    There is no question that formal code reviews catch bugs and can delay the inevitable " big ball of mud " that all successful projects seem to turn into .

  13. 而有些CEO之所以能够爬上高位,只是因为他们认为这是他们的“宿命”&他们就像演员一样严格遵照剧本行事,完全失去了真正的自我。

    Others have made it to the " top " because they felt they were " supposed to " & they were following a script and lost their true sense of self .

  14. 米兰达的汉密尔顿是个“年轻、好斗、饥渴”的新贵,从纽约街头开始打拼,全凭自己的本事,跟Jay-Z的霍雷肖·阿尔杰(HoratioAlger)式成功轨迹颇有些相似。汉密尔顿有种接近Tupac和NotoriousB.I.G.的宿命倾向。

    Miranda 's Hamilton is a " young , scrappy and hungry " " upstart , whose bootstrapping rise from the streets of New York resonates with the Horatio Alger trajectories of rappers like Jay Z. Hamilton has a fatalistic streak in the manner of Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G.

  15. 梅林,你这条命要承担更重要的宿命。

    Merlin , your life is destined for more important things .

  16. 这一直是我们的宿命,无休止的相互残杀。

    This has been our lot , killing each other endlessly .

  17. 生存宿命的哲学意识是陈梦家《梦家诗集》诗歌的精神指向。

    The philosophical consciousness of existing destiny is the spiritual guidance !

  18. 这将注定是你的宿命。

    It is , and always has been , your destiny .

  19. 首先,索菲的宿命论体现在她的两次婚姻中。

    First , the Sofia fatalism reflected in her two marriages .

  20. 你迷信吗?我猜我是个宿命论者。

    Are you superstitious ? I guess I am a fatalist .

  21. 就像宿命论和自由意志这两种概念一样水火不兼容。

    As irreconcilable as the notions of predestination and free will .

  22. 而这在某种程度上,也是这一代人的宿命。

    In a sense , schizophrenia is a generation 's destiny .

  23. 莎翁的一生给人一种强烈的宿命感。

    Shakespear 's life gives us a strong feeling of Foreordination .

  24. 这就是他的宿命,他深深明白这一点。

    It 's his destiny , and he knows it intuitively .

  25. 哲学家认为,自由意志,是不符合宿命论。

    Philosophers have argued that free will is incompatible with determinism .

  26. 然而回到家中,并不是女性宿命的无奈言说。

    However , backing home is not the destiny of women .

  27. 鲁迅小说中觉醒知识分子的悲剧宿命

    The tragic destiny of first-awakened intellectuals in Lu Xun 's novels

  28. 追随宿命的脚步,走入潜意识的境界。

    Following destiny 's path into the realms of the unconsciousness .

  29. 打破世界玩具生产基地转移的宿命

    To break the prophecy on transfer of toy manufacturing base

  30. 我始终不能摆脱我是女人的宿命。

    I always cannot get rid of me am woman 's fate .