
  • 网络fatalistic;Fatalism
  1. 自古以来,日本人就因面对天灾时表现出的宿命主义反应而闻名。

    Since ancient times , the Japanese people have been known for their fatalistic response to catastrophe .

  2. 几个世纪以来,受到在海啸,火灾,地震之后重建城市,庙宇和家园的影响,许多日本人的性格中都增添了几分宿命主义的气质。

    The legacy of centuries of rebuilding cities , temples and homes after tsunamis , fires and earthquakes has provided many Japanese with a fatalistic streak .

  3. 几个世纪以来,受到在海啸,火灾,地震之后重建城市,庙宇和家园的影响,许多日本人的性格中都增添了几分宿命主义的气质。过去他们总是被委以重任重建家园,这赋予了日本人一种国家目标。

    The legacy of centuries of rebuilding cities , temples and homes after tsunamis , fires and earthquakes has provided many Japanese with a fatalistic streak . In the past they have often risen to the task of rebuilding ; it provides a sense of national purpose .