
  • 网络Sliced Bread;SLICE BREAD
  1. 我通常都买切片面包——比较省事。

    I usually buy sliced bread — it 's less bother

  2. 一条切片面包

    a loaf of sliced bread

  3. 不便;麻烦事我通常都买切片面包——比较省事。

    I usually buy sliced bread - it 's less bother .

  4. 可以是切片面包也可以是新鲜的面包卷。

    The bread can be either sliced or fresh bread rolls .

  5. 这是自切片面包以来最伟大的发明。

    It 's the best thing since sliced bread .

  6. 里面仍然还有鱼和切片面包。

    And it 'd still got the fish and the loaves on it .

  7. 每天我会收到电子邮件,人们告诉我说,他们有最好的产品,因为切片面包

    Everyday I receive emails from people telling me that they have the best product since sliced bread

  8. 小贴士:将切片面包侵下红糖,可以防止面包变硬。

    Tip : Stick a slice of bread inside an opened box of brown sugar to keep it from hardening .

  9. 从另一个方面讲,我刚刚认识到切片面包是一项了不起的发明(于1928年发明)。

    On a side note , I 've just realized what an amazing invention sliced bread is ( invented in1928 ) .

  10. 这位在昆士兰热带北部艾肯维尔购物的女子,在将购物袋放入车内时,发现切片面包内有洞痕。

    The woman , who had been shopping in Aitkenvale , in Queensland 's tropical north , noticed there were holes in the sliced bread as she was packing her bags into the car .

  11. 英式面包非常优质。如果你去面包房的话,会有许多不同种类的面包可供选择,其中最著名的的一种是切片白面包。

    British bread is very good and if you go to the baker there are many different types of bread to choose from . However , although the bread is very good , the most popular type of bread in Britain is sliced white bread .

  12. 把苹果切片放在面包片上。

    Put the apple slices on a piece of bread .