
jī dàn bǐnɡ
  • waffle;omelette
  1. 小姐,来点鸡蛋饼好吗?我们做得十分美味可口。

    How about a waffle , Miss ? We make delicious waffles .

  2. 我吃的第一道菜是维也纳特色菜鸡蛋饼汤,也叫炒饼汤。

    I started with the Viennese speciality frittatensuppe , or pancake soup .

  3. 我看到月亮就想到绿豆鸡蛋饼。

    When I look at that moon , I think about green-bean pancakes .

  4. 我要烤牛肉、菇鸡蛋饼和洋葱汤。

    I 'll have roast beef , a mushroom omelet and onion soup .

  5. 甲:我喜欢吃这儿的烤鳟鱼,蘑菇煎鸡蛋饼也不错。

    A : I like the baked trout . The mushroom omelette is good too .

  6. 你知道他把鸡蛋饼做的根本不像鸡蛋饼,但是最起码里面有鸡蛋,不是吗?

    You know that isn 't an omelette , but it contains eggs doesn 't it ?

  7. 媚兰一声不响地坐在那儿,两只手搁在膝上,盘子里的鸡蛋饼早已凉了。

    Melanie had been sitting quietly , her hands in her lap , her waffles cooling on her plate .

  8. 许多名人例如杰西卡·阿尔芭和詹尼弗·加纳已经知道在关注他们体重的时候吃蛋白鸡蛋饼。

    Celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner have been known to eat egg white omelets when watching their weight .

  9. “并不是他勇敢,”思嘉执拗地说,一面把半缸糖浆倒在鸡蛋饼上。

    " He is n 't brave ," said Scarlett perversely , pouring half a pitcher of syrup over her waffles .

  10. 卷子,玉米松饼、小甜面包、鸡蛋饼,滴滴答答的黄油,每顿饭都有。

    Application of Different Antiseptic in the Egg Moon Cake Rolls , corn muffins , biscuits and waffles , dripping butter , all at one meal .

  11. 蔬菜鸡蛋饼是我能想出最为令人满意的食物之一,尤其自己一个人用餐或仅仅和另外一个人用餐的时候。

    A vegetable omelet is one of the most satisfying meals I can think of , particularly when you 're dining alone or with just one other person .

  12. 思嘉正在吃她的鸡蛋饼,因此不曾注意,直到发觉媚兰呜呜咽咽地哭了,才抬起头来,看见皮蒂帕特姑妈正把一只手放到胸口上去。

    Scarlett was making headway with her waffles and so noticed nothing until she heard a burst of tears from Melly and , looking up , saw aunt pittypat 's hand go to her heart .

  13. 如果早上你一定要迅速吃食物,到麦当劳买一个麦当劳鸡蛋麦克松饼。

    If you must eat fast food in the morning , get an Egg McMuffin at McDonald 's.

  14. 你看看能否凑几个鸡蛋煎个鸡蛋饼。

    See if you can scrape together enough eggs for an omelet .