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  1. 近代绥远地区列女研究

    A Study about " Included Women " in Modern Suiyuan Area

  2. 清代甘肃列女群的类型分析

    Analysis on the Types of Chaste Women in Gansu Province in Qing Dynasty

  3. 试论明朝中前期宣府镇列女群体的特点

    Characteristics of Group of Chaste and Pure Women of Xuanfu Town in Early-Mid Period of the Ming Dynasty

  4. 只有对列女群体有了较清晰的认识,才能更好地研究与之相关的各种问题。

    Only when the better understanding of the groups of Lenv is achieved can the research of related problems be done .

  5. 清代列女有其共性,区域列女群体又有其个性。

    There are some common grounds of exemplary women in early Qing Dynasty , but regional exemplary women had their individual character .

  6. 《列女颂》是汉代看图作颂风气下的产物,宋人以《列女颂》为依据划分《续列女传》的作法是不周密的。

    In the Song dynasty , some scholars classified " Female Song " on the basis of " Female Homecoming ", which is not correct .

  7. 清末民初徐州地方志中《列女》的理学观念及其嬗变

    Confucian Philosophy in Lie Nu and Its Evolvement as Viewed from Xuzhou Local Chronicles at the End of Qing Dynasty and Beginning of the Republic Of China

  8. 本文即以绥远地区有《列女传》的8种方志为基本史料,重点对近代(1840年)以来绥远地区存在的列女群体进行细化研究。

    This article will , on the bacis of the date drawn in the eight local records of Suiyuan area , make a detailed study emphasized on the " included women " groups existing in Suiyuan area since modern time .