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  • 网络heavy
  1. 今天来这里开会,我的心情十分沈重。

    I have come to this meeting with a heavy heart .

  2. 他花了极大的力气想那个沈重的家俱,但力不从心。

    He made manful effort to the heavy furniture , but failed .

  3. 本文以沈重成熟产品MPS系列磨煤机为例,以三维设计软件SolidWorks为平台,摸索大型机械产品三维设计的技术和方法。

    The MPS as the object and 3D CAD software of SolidWorks as the developing platform , 3D design technologies and methods for large machine were groped in this paper .

  4. 我们被我们船的沈重和缓慢所耽误。

    We were impeded by the heaviness and slowness of our vessels .

  5. 他拖着沈重的步子回到家里。

    He stumped back into the house .

  6. 他沈重的脚步使房间都为之震动。

    His heavy steps shook the room .

  7. 林后十10因为有人说,他的信又沈重,又强硬,他亲身的同在却是软弱,言语又是可鄙。

    Cor.10:10 Because while his letters , someone says , are weighty and strong , his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible .

  8. 塔尔史士船只载运你的货物。你在海上满了载,极其沈重。

    The ships of the sea , were thy chief in thy merchandise : and thou wast replenished , and glorified exceedingly in the heart of the sea .

  9. 傍晚沈闷的空气使我俩的心情沈重。

    The heaviness in the evening air oppressed us both .