
  1. 突然,一道雷准确的劈到了刘强。

    Suddenly , a thunder beat Liu Qiang accurately .

  2. 启运新声&抚顺市市长刘强专访

    A New Life of Fushun - a Interview with Mayor Liu Qiang of Fushun

  3. 刘强的朋友说政府所采取的支持大陆股票市场的措施让他大为失望。

    Liu 's friends said he had grown frustrated by government measures used to support the mainland stock markets .

  4. 刘强(音译)正在试图回到河南老家。他表示,自己已经困在这里3天了。

    Liu Qiang , who was trying to go back home to Henan province , said he had been stranded for three days .

  5. 刘强说:当一方向往新世界时,如果另一半心有旁骛,那么矛盾就会产生。

    When one partner is looking toward a new horizon , there will be conflict if the other puts their attention elsewhere , says Liu .

  6. 阿里巴巴在美国的名气比京东大,但京东最大股东刘强东正受到热烈欢迎。

    And though Alibaba is better known in the United States , Mr. Liu , JD 's biggest shareholder , is finding a warm reception .

  7. 瑞林嘉驰基金公司经理,36岁的刘强去世,关于他去世的新闻于7月24日通过社交媒体公布于众。

    News on the death of Liu Qiang , a 36-year-old fund manager at Ruilin Jiachi , emerged on July 24 , via social media accounts .

  8. 来自河南大学学生处的刘强(音译)表示,对于所有恋人来说,学业或工作上的转变都会对他们的情感构成很大的威胁。

    Liu Qiang , of the Henan University student affairs office , says that a change in career or study can be a major threat to any relationship .

  9. 杨牟说,对于女朋友对自己所做的一切,他无法释怀。但刘强却表示,杨牟应该对前女友宽容一些。

    Yang says he cannot forgive his girlfriend for what she has done to him , but , according to Liu , he should go a little easier on his ex.

  10. 许多了解刘强的人说他这几年一直与抑郁症做斗争,4月份才重新投入到工作之中,之前一直在云南省西南部接受治疗。

    Several people close to Liu say he had been fighting severe depression for years , and only returned to work in April after receiving treatment in the southwestern province of Yunnan .

  11. 三天之后,刘强家属的委托律师声明称,刘强于7月21日去世,他的死与他所经营的基金,或是近期的股票波动无关。

    Three days later , a lawyer representing Liu 's relatives stated Liu 's death occurred on July 21 and was unrelated to the performance of the fund he managed or recent stock market fluctuations .

  12. 7月7日,在刘强的博客中他强调了这次危机,他称股票灾难推翻了他对股票交易基本面分析的信任,例如公司资产负债表。

    A blog entry written by Liu on July 7 highlighted a sense of crisis in which he stated that the stock market disaster overturned his faith in trading on the analysis of fundamentals such as company balance sheets .