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  1. 你好吗,史密斯先生?我是刘敏。

    How are you , Mr Smith ? This is Liu Min.

  2. 老师坐在王海,李东和刘敏之间。老师坐在一些学生中间。

    The teacher is sitting between Wang Hai , Li Dong and Liu Min.

  3. 中国东部安徽省的刘敏多年来一直从事离婚律师职业。

    Liu Min in East China 's Anhui province has been a divorce attorney for years .

  4. 刘敏表示,大部分80后和90后都是独生子女,父母往往喜欢干涉他们的生活。

    Most people born in the 1980s and 1990s are only children whose parents tend to interfere too much in their lives , Liu said .

  5. 此前关于徐放鸣案件的报告称,他在1997年收受了贿赂,但并未点出刘敏或巴黎银行的名字。

    Previous reports about his case , which did not name Ms Liu or the French bank , said he had taken the bribes in 1997 .

  6. 北京市人民检察院办公室表示,徐放鸣向刘敏索贿时曾暗示,中国公务员的工资太低,买不起住房和汽车。

    The prosecutor 's office said Mr Xu had solicited bribes by hinting to Ms Liu that Chinese public servants were too badly paid to afford housing and cars .

  7. 刘敏是一位法籍华人,事后她在巴黎银行得到了晋升,但据悉在任职10年后,已于2006年底离开该银行。

    Ms Liu , who has a French passport , was later promoted at BNP-Paribas but is understood to have left the bank at the end of 2006 following a 10-year career .