
  • Liu Bo;【人名】Bo Liu
  1. 刘波是否会因为网友的恶搞而进入中国互联网万神殿还有待观察。

    It remains to be seen whether Mr. Liu will enter the pantheon of legendary China Internet memes .

  2. 长安汽车总裁助理刘波表示:这个中心将使我们能够优化发动机和传动技术。

    Liu Bo , assistant president of Chang'an , said : This centre will enable us to optimise engine and transmission technology .

  3. 后续的照片显示这名警察高举警棍追击一群抗议者的情况。这些抗议者背对着刘波,似乎并没有意识到他的壮举。

    Pictures then show him charging , baton raised high , at a group of protestors who have their backs to him and are seemingly unaware of his brave assault .

  4. 清华大学体育部主任刘波上周一表示,自本学年开始,将实施该校校长邱勇提出的号召所有在校学生学习游泳的计划。

    Liu Bo , head of the university 's sports science and physical education division , said last Monday that a proposal by university president Qiu Yong urging all undergraduate students to learn how to swim will be implemented at the start of the academic year .