
  1. 抗战前期李广田的文学思想

    Li Guang-tian 's Literary Ideas In the Early Period Of the Resistance War

  2. 在思想内容的挖掘、展示上,李广田30年代的散文创作着力在童年时期的乡土生活中开掘人生的价值和意义;

    In the ideological content , it takes great pains to excavate the value and significance of life in his native land of his childhood ;

  3. 李广田文学思想的嬗变是其世界观、人生观发展的结果,也与接受俄罗斯现实主义文学的影响相关。

    The transformation of his literary ideas is the result of his outlook development , and was more related to the influence from the Russian realistic literature .