首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 李东,作业本都收齐了吗?

    Li Dong , have you collected all the exercise-books ?

  2. 嗨!李东,这是我的溜溜球。

    Hi ! Li Dong , this is my yo-yo .

  3. 李东的回答不正确。

    That answer of Li dong 's was not right .

  4. 这是李东紫色的T恤衫。

    It 's Li Dong 's purple T-shirt .

  5. 李东正在玩溜溜球。

    Li Dong is playing with a yo-yo .

  6. 李东自从参加了会话班,英语取得了很大进步。

    Li Dong 's English has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class .

  7. 李东对此进行解释:这些分销商通过提升影票销售量来在影响整个电影市场

    Li explained that some distributors inflate ticket sales to make a splash in the movie market .

  8. 从墓表看,这座明代古墓埋着一个名叫李东的人。

    From the gravestone , a man named Li Dong was buried in the ancient tomb of the Ming dynasty .

  9. 根据最近的新闻报道,中国国产电影的票房指数持续增长。在国家广电总局电影基金会副会长李东的一次采访中,他表示,在影票销售过程中仍存在这样那样的问题。

    In response to recent news that domestic movies are inflating box office figures , in an interview with China Central Television Li Dong , deputy head of SARFT movie fund commission , admitted that problems still exist in ticket sales .