
  1. 他的性格是刚与柔的结合。

    His character is a combination of strength and kindness .

  2. 金刚石柔性磨轮磨削性能的实验研究他的性格是刚与柔的结合。

    Study on grinding performance of soft diamond grinding wheel His character is a combination of strength and kindness .

  3. 他的性格是刚与柔的结合。刚柔复合式路面结构行为特点的分析

    His character is a combination of strength and kindness . Hard and soft compound expression pavement structure behavior characteristic 's analysis

  4. 这种内与外、情与理、力与美、刚与柔的和谐,是来自陆蠡灵魂深处的真实声音,构成了陆蠡散文独具的魅力。

    The struggle and harmony between in and out , feeling and reason , power and beauty and hardiness and softness are his real voice from his inner soul , constituting his individual charm .

  5. 书法用笔的参入,给画带来了流动的节奏。这是一种刚与柔、动与静、清晰与朦胧相统一的艺术效果。

    His calligraphic paintbrushing brings flowing rhythm to the work of mask painting , thus achieving an artistic effect of a harmonious combination of firmness with gentleness , of mobility with tranquility , and of precision with obscurity .

  6. 视觉艺术主要藉助线条或动作进行形象创造,其曲与直、刚与柔的对比效果,大大拓展了艺术物质形式的表现力,并提供了加大艺术结构张力或深度的可能。

    Creation of images in visual arts is mainly with the help of lines or motions . The contrastive effect between crook and straightness , firmness and flexibility greatly expands the artistic performance of the material form , and provides increased structural tension or depth of the arts .