
  • 网络rigid bar;rigid rods
  1. 通过把描述非刚体运动的半刚性杆相互连接来得到窗帘的模型。

    The curtain model is represented as an object composed of mass points connected by semi rigid rods whose behavior is governed by non rigid dynamics .

  2. 在质点-弹簧模型的基础上,对织物模型进行进一步的简化.将连接质点的弹簧换成了刚性杆,同时采用Verlet积分法计算质点的位置和速度。

    This paper simplified the mass-spring model using the rigid stick to replace the spring connection of masses , and using the Verlet integration to calculate the position and speed of the mass .

  3. 但纵观国内外的文献,在使用该法时仅局限于机构中各构件为刚性杆,且不考虑摩擦力。

    But its application is limited to mechanisms composed of rigid members with negligible friction .

  4. 刚性杆和滑块组成的单自由度非线性振动

    The nonlinear vibration with one degree of freedom combined by the rigid rod and slippery body

  5. 大型环状索杆结构兼有穹顶网壳结构和索穹顶结构的优点,是一种柔性索系和刚性杆件相结合的性能优越的张力集成自平衡体系。

    As a tensegrity system , the large annular cable - bar dome has good performances .

  6. 用动力学方法,导出了刚性杆和滑块组成的单自由度非线性振动系统的运动微分方程;

    With the method of dynamics , the differential equation of the rigid rod and slippery body is introduced ;

  7. 本文结果是以弹性杆静力学和刚性杆动力学为其特例。

    All of the statics of a Kirchhoff elastic rod and the dynamics of a rigid rod are the special cases .

  8. 刚性杆与弹簧组合假设使折页机构增加了四个广义自由度和八个局部自由度,形成多自由度的复杂机械系统。

    The hypothesis makes folder system to be a multi-freedom complex mechanical system by adding four broad freedoms and eight local freedoms .

  9. 结合网架节点和悬索结构节点的型式和特点,给出了一种新型的可连接柔性索和刚性杆的节点。

    Combine grids shelf node and Cable-Suspended Structures the pattern and characteristics of node and give and publish one a kind of new-type joining gentles .

  10. 计算模型用弹性杆和刚性杆取代框架柱基础与地基的接触关系。

    A calculating model is adopted which assumes that the contact relations between foundation and soil could be replaced by rigid-bars and elastic-bars could be instead of frame columns .

  11. 多质点模型将输电塔简化为具有多个集中质量的串联多自由度体系,导线简化为多个集中质点,各集中质点之间由刚性杆相连。

    Based on previous academic references , present a multi-degree-freedom structural model , in which the transmission lines are composed of numbers of concentrated mass combined by rigid bars .

  12. 对具有刚性杆的刚架的位移法基本未知量数目,以及承受结点集中荷载的刚架弯矩是否为零的问题,提出了更加简便的判别法则;

    Simpler and more convenient evaluation methods are brought out on determining the principal unknown number of displacement method on the frame with rigid member and the moment being nought or not on the frame under concentrated loading at joint .

  13. 主体采用框架-抗震墙结构,局部过街楼采用大跨度钢结构空腹桁架体系,屋顶采用钢拱结构,以刚性杆与张拉索网组合为纵向支撑实现通透展厅要求。

    The frame shear-wall system is adopted in the main structure , and the steel large span vierendeel truss is applied in the corridor structure . The steel arch is used in the roof , and the rigidity poles and space cable-pole network are composed to the vertical bracings .

  14. 刚性剑杆织机CMOS电路控制装置

    A New Electronic Control Device on Hard Rapier Loom with CMOS Circuits

  15. 本文介绍一种刚性剑杆织机CMOS电路控制装置的原理。

    The principle of a new electronic control device with CMOS circuits on hard rapier loom is introduced .

  16. 将多尺度法与Fourier级数展开相结合,分析了刚性剑杆的动力稳定性问题,导出了稳定性边界临界曲线的近似解析解。

    Let the method of multiple scales be combined with t he development of Fourier series , the problems of dynamic stability in rigid rapiers were analyzed and the approximate analytic solution for critical curve of stability boundary was derived .

  17. 本文对我院研制的CGD-721型刚性剑杆织机引纬凸轮的磨损和寿命进行研究。

    This paper dealt with the service life and wearing of the rapier-driving conjugate cams of themodel CGD-721 rigid rapier loom designed by our college .

  18. 凸轮式刚性剑杆引纬机构的动力学分析

    The dynamics of the rigid rapier mechanism driven by a cam

  19. 刚性剑杆引入连续纬纱机构的研制

    Research on insertion the continuous weft by rigid rapier

  20. 刚性轻杆连接的质量相等的两质点球系统的力学问题研究

    A research of mechanical properties of two equal mass particles jointed by a rigid light bar

  21. 本文介绍了测试刚性剑杆织机机械参数的三种新方法。

    This paper introduces three methods for the determination of mechanical parameters of a rigid rapier loom ;

  22. 问题在于,使用刚性剑杆时,还存在着车间占地浪费的问题。

    Unfortunately , because of the rigid , rapier , there still may exist the problem of wasted space .

  23. 织机在使用刚性剑杆时完全没有必要引导剑杆头穿越梭口。

    Looms that use rigid rapiers eliminate entirely the need to assist the rapier head through the warp shed .

  24. 本文讨论了质量离散分布和连续分布的刚性细杆在转动中切向内力的分布规律。

    The tangential internal forces in a rotating rigid thin rod with mass distributed discretely and continuously are discussed .

  25. 并按照设计的组织结构和织造参数在带有自行研制的多梭箱机构的连续性刚性剑杆小样织机上进行了上机试织。

    And in accordance with the devised structure and weaving parameters , weave the samples on the continuity rigid rapier loom , which has a self-developed multi-shuttle box .

  26. 挠性双剑杆与刚性双剑杆相同,也有一只递纬剑,一只接纬剑。织机在使用刚性剑杆时完全没有必要引导剑杆头穿越梭口。

    The double flexible rapier consists of a giver and taker similar to the double rigid rapier . Looms that use rigid rapiers eliminate entirely the need to assist the rapier head through the warp shed .

  27. 通过实例对一刚性剑杆进行了分析计算,着重求得了第一阶模态主参激共振情况下相应的稳定区域图。

    By means of a living example an analytical computation was carried out upon a rigid papier , and the corresponding diagram of stable region was emphatically obtained under circumstances of exited resonance of main parameters in first ordered modality .

  28. 在垂直载荷作用下,DK4型地铁客车车体侧墙钢结构可简化为由刚性和弹性杆件组成的多孔空腹平面刚架结构。

    DK_4 side wall steel structure can be simplified as the plane vierendeel Rahmen of the rigid and elastic menbers under vertical loads .

  29. 刚性引锭杆及其存放装置设计的改进

    Updated design for solid dummy bar and it 's storage device

  30. 半刚性连接压杆的稳定计算公式

    Stability Calcuating Formulas of the Axially Compressed Members with Semi-rigid Connections