
  • 网络innovation;creativity;creative thinking;sense of innovation;innovative
  1. 加入WTO给民族干部提出了新的要求和挑战。面对新的挑战必须培养民族干部的政治意识、创新意识、开放意识、竞争意识和法治意识。

    To meet new demands and challenges after China 's WTO accession , we must increase ethnic minority cadres ' awareness about political - mindedness , innovation , opening up , competition and the rule of law .

  2. 上海交通大学本科生研究计划(PRP)于2001年启动以来,立足于培养学生创新意识和科研能力。

    Participation in Research Program ( PRP ) has started in Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2001.The implementation of the program has achieved good results for improving university students ' ability of originality innovation .

  3. 网络教师最普遍的特点是创新意识和创新能力Z网络教师区别于工业时代教师最根本的素质是信息素质;

    The general characteristics of the network teachers are the consciousness of both new ideas and abilities ; Information literacy is the difference from the teachers of the industrious time .

  4. 创新意识是企业家的一种本能。

    Innovative consciousness is a kind of instinct of any entrepreneur .

  5. 论体育师范生创新意识的培养

    Innovation Consciousness Training for the Normal School Students of Physical Education

  6. 试论秘书创新意识与创新能力的培养

    On the Cultivation of Secretaries ' Consciousness and Ability to Innovate

  7. 中学教师创新意识浅论

    A Brief Discussion on Creative Senses of Teachers at Middle School

  8. 要通过创设新型的师生关系,增强学生的创新意识;

    Establishing new teacher-student relationship enhances students ' awareness of creativity ;

  9. 高校学报编辑综合素质与创新意识的融合

    The Integration in Comprehensive Quality and Innovation of College Journal Editors

  10. 创新意识培养:处理好三个关系

    The Cultivation of Innovating Consciousness should Properly Deal with Three Relations

  11. 工程制图课要由过去的一种技能教学转变到思维方式的引导和设计意识、创新意识与理论的培养上来,必须进行教学改革。

    The teaching reform of engineering graphics should be carried out .

  12. 加强毕业论文教学,培养大学生创新意识

    Strengthen the Teaching of Graduation Thesis , Foster College Students ' Creativity

  13. 刍议实验室主任的创新意识

    My Humble Opinion on Innovation Consciousness of a Laboratory Chief

  14. 必须树立市场竞争观念和创新意识;

    Must set up the concept of the market competition and innovation ;

  15. 毕业论文是培养大学生创新意识和创新能力的重要途径。

    Graduation thesis is a way to foster college students ' creativity .

  16. 浅析数学创新意识的培养

    A brief Discussion on the Development of Mathematical Innovation Awareness

  17. 科技期刊主编的创新意识

    On the Innovation Consciousness of Chief Editor of Sci-tech. Periodical

  18. 论大学生创新意识和创造能力的培养

    On Cultivation of College Students ' Innovative and Creative Consciousness

  19. 第三,提高语文教师的创新意识。

    And thirdly , to improve the Chinese teachers ' innovative consciousness .

  20. 浅谈体育教学改革中创新意识的培养

    On Cultivation of Innovative Consciousness in Physical Education Teaching Reform

  21. 教学和科研相结合&在交叉学科中培养学生创新意识和能力的尝试

    Combine teaching with scientific research to develop students ′ creativity

  22. 增强科研、创新意识是核心;

    Strengthening the consciousness of scientific research and innovation is the core .

  23. 信息时代科技期刊编辑的创新意识

    Innovative consciousness of scientific and technological periodicals editors in the information age

  24. 开展课题研究,培养学生的创新意识和应用意识。

    Development topic research , raises student 's innovative ideology and applies consciousness .

  25. 优化教学过程培养创新意识

    Optimize the Teaching Process , Develop the Creative Sense

  26. 加强高校教师创新意识与人力资源开发

    Enhancing the Innovation Consciousness of University Teachers and the Exploitation of Manpower Resources

  27. 知道要做什么就是常说的需求分析。创新意识是指人们积极探究的心理取向,是人类意识中积极的富有成果性的意识形式。

    Enterprising awareness is a kind of positive psychological orientation and fruitful ideology .

  28. 强化考核监督机制;树立创新意识,确保机制良性运行等做以简要介绍。

    Then concisely introduces the supervising mechanism , innovating conscious and excellent operating .

  29. 影响学生创新意识形成的教育因素

    The Educational Factors Influencing the Forming of Creative Consciousness

  30. 高职高专学生创新意识与创业能力的培养

    Cultivating in Higher Vocational Training Schools the Students Creative Awareness and Enterprising Competence