
  • 网络Innovative elements;Elements of Innovation
  1. 合芜蚌自主创新试验区是我国第一家以自主创新为主题的综合配套改革试验区,区内创新要素得到有效集成。

    Hefei , Wuhu , Bengbu Independent Innovation Pilot Area is the frist comprehensive reform pilot area as Independent Innovation , where elements of innovation is integrated .

  2. 企业集成创新要素及评价指标体系

    Factors and Evaluation Index System for Integrative Innovation of Enterprises

  3. 因而对于技术创新要素的研究就显得格外重要。

    And thus studying the elements of technical innovation becomes more important .

  4. 甘肃省区域科技创新要素分析

    Analysis of the technological innovation elements in Gansu Province

  5. 哲学社会科学创新要素分析

    Analysis on Innovative Factors in Philosophical and Social Science

  6. 产业不同阶段的创新要素企业集聚研究

    The Research on Aggregation Mode of Innovation Elements to Enterprises in Different Phases of Industry

  7. 并从理论上分析了资本市场层次拓展的制度内涵和制度创新要素。

    The text analyses the system connotation and the elements of system innovation form the theory .

  8. 从中国工业设计管理现状出发的设计创新要素研究

    Research on Innovative Strategic Design Management Starting from the Status Quo of China 's Industrial Design

  9. 中学教师和小学教师对某些创新要素的态度有非常显著的差异。

    There is a very significant difference between secondary school teachers and primary school teachers ' attitudes of some creativity elements .

  10. 对创新要素与企业国际竞争力的相关性检验表明两者之间存在较强相关性。

    The results of correlation tests between innovation elements and enterprises ' international competitiveness show that they have relatively strong correlation .

  11. 聚集科技人才、科技成果、科技装备等创新要素的高校成为科学技术创新的重要领地。

    Higher education institution , assembling high-tech human resources , science-tech achievements and science-tech equipments , has become the main base of science-tech innovation .

  12. 本部分首先构建基于态势的企业技术创新要素三维结构模型,通过该模型归纳整理了影响企业技术创新的37个要素。

    Firstly builds a three-dimensional structure model of enterprise technology innovation elements based on state and potential , through which 37 elements are summarized .

  13. 这类产业具备知识技术等创新要素密集、投资风险大周期长、发展国际化且国际竞争激烈等特征。

    This industry has the characteristics of innovation elements intensive , high investment risks and long investment cycle , industry internationalization and intense competition .

  14. 主要由公共决策模块、支撑平台模块、创新要素模块、产业环境模块四个模块构成。

    It is composed of four parts , namely public decision-making module , supporting platform module , innovation factor module , and industrial environment module .

  15. 因此用访谈调查方式对涉及中小企业技术创新要素的研究就具有如下优点:一是灵活性强。

    Therefore , with the interview method of investigation involving SMEs in the study on the elements of technical innovation has the following advantages : First , strong flexibility .

  16. 知识扩散的实质是促进创新要素的有效组合,提高创新能力,它在本质上涉及到一个国家的创新动力和核心竞争力的问题。

    The essence of knowledge diffusion is to step up the effective combination of innovation factors , improve the innovation capability ; and , it is about the national innovation impetus and core competition in nature .

  17. 企业要想取得技术进步,除了利用自身的已有知识和能力外,更多地是要通过社会网络来获取创新要素,从而更新和发展自身的技术创新能力。

    In addition to use existing knowledge and ability , enterprises also need innovation elements form the social network while they want to obtain technical progress . Therefore , they can update and develop their ability of technology innovation .

  18. 其次,在考察周口市创新要素现状的基础上,本文详细论证了构建周口市创新体系的必要性和现实条件,回答了周口市为什么要构建创新体系,以及是否具备构建条件这两个基本问题;

    Secondly , on the basic of reviewing status quo of innovation factors , the essay demonstrates the necessity and conditions of constructing RIS in Zhoukou City , which answers why Zhoukou City constructs its RIS and whether it has its conditions .

  19. 本文着重探讨的是设计战略管理中包含的设计创新要素,并不涉及设计管理的功能性要素,包括设计事务管理、设计进度管理、财务管理、设计人员管理、设计项目管理等。

    This text is focused on the strategic design management - management of the innovative elements , and does not involve the functional management , design affaire management , design progress management , financial management , personnel management , design project management .

  20. 我国从计划经济向市场经济转变以来,浙江省不同区域的中小企业创新要素逐渐以产业集群为单位,以政府科研机构和高校为依托,形成了不同特征的集聚模式。

    Since our country transformed from a planned economy to a market economy , Zhejiang ' SMEs innovation elements has taken industrial clusters as a unit , and based on government research institutes and universities , gradually formed several different cluster modes .

  21. 目前,资本要素仍然是产业比较优势动态转换的主要因素,但自主创新要素已开始发挥越来越重要的作用,并且在今后将发挥主导作用,自主创新是我国比较优势实现动态转换的根本路径。

    At present , the capital element is still the main factor for leading industries ' dynamic comparative advantage . But the element of independent innovation has begun to play an increasingly important role and in the future will play a leading role .

  22. 产学研合作是企业、高等学校、科学技术研究开发机构依托各自优势资源、实现各种创新要素优化组合、培养创新人才、产出创新成果、促进产业发展的社会经济活动。

    University-industry cooperation is a socio-economic activity that enterprises , universities and R & D institutions of science and technology achieve the optimal combination of innovation elements to cultivate innovative talents , to produce innovation achievements , and to promote industrial development , based on their respective advantages .

  23. 高新技术企业自主创新环境要素构成及测度研究

    Research on the Innovation Environment Factors Composing and Measuring of High-tech Enterprises

  24. 大学城体育教学创新环境要素的构建

    The Building of the Innovation Environment Elements of Physical Education in University City

  25. 餐饮企业创新四要素

    The Four Innovational Components of Catering Enterprises

  26. 集成创新的要素

    Elements of Integration Innovation

  27. 知识作为基础性资源,从宏观上讲成为推动社会发展的重要因素;从组织层面讲,也成为推动组织不断创新的要素。

    Knowledge will be an important factor in promoting social development from a macro perspective as a basic resource .

  28. 创业投资制度创新构成要素类似于新制度经济学中的诱致性制度变迁和强制性制度变迁。

    The factors constitute institutional innovation of venture capital are approximate to induced institutional change and forced institutional change .

  29. 文章提出了企业技术创新动力要素的整合模型。

    The authors also give the model of the inter-gration of factors affecting the impetus behind enterprises , technological innovation .

  30. 通过使用设计管理对设计过程的演练,理清影响创造与创新的要素,发现产品与生产,设计之间的相关性。

    By using the design management to process designing , clarify factors affecting creativity and innovation , find the relationship between productions design and producing .