
  1. 基于企业冗余资源的技术创新激励机制研究

    Study on Incentive Mechanisms of Technological Innovation Based on Slack Resources

  2. 技术创新激励机制存在的主要问题与对策

    The Main Problems and Solution in Incentive Mechanism of Technological Innovation

  3. 高校科研创新激励机制研究

    Study on the Incentive of University 's Scientific Research Innovation

  4. 国有企业技术创新激励机制的状况及其构建

    Constructing and Analyzing the Technological innovation Incentive System of the State-owned Enterprises

  5. 建立健全农业科技创新激励机制

    On establishment of incentive mechanism in agricultural technological innovation

  6. 创新激励机制提高临床医学院教学水平与质量

    Reforming Incentive Mechanism and Upgrading the Level and Quality of Clinical Medicine Teaching

  7. 金融创新激励机制及其运用

    The Incentive of Financial Innovations and Its Application

  8. 该企业战略创新激励机制由产权激励机制、市场激励机制和内部激励机制构成。

    The mechanism is consists of property rights incentive system , market incentive system and internal incentive system .

  9. 在充分考虑企业战略创新激励机制要素的基础上,构建了企业战略创新激励机制。

    On the basis of the elements of enterprise strategic innovation incentive mechanism , the paper builds the incentive mechanism .

  10. 解决这些问题需要转变思维方式,采取多种形式的合作、突出特色、建立高校管理创新激励机制。

    Some advice was proposed , including taking the broad incorporation , highlighting the characteristic and founding of new excitation mechanism .

  11. 建立健全风险投资机制和科技创新激励机制。

    We will set up new and improve existing mechanisms to encourage venture investment and provide incentives for scientific and technological innovation .

  12. 高校应完善创新激励机制和管理制度,实施人才强校战略;

    High school should improve the system of innovation and inspiration and management system , fulfill the strategy of reinforcing school with talents ;

  13. 目前国内外市场竞争日趋激烈,如何建立和完善与市场经济相适应的企业技术创新激励机制来提升企业竞争力就显得十分重要。

    How to establish and perfect the motivation mechanism for technology innovation is of vital importance to promote the competence of an enterprise .

  14. 对技术创新激励机制进行系统地研究,从专利制度、奖励制度和合约制度三个方面研究了技术创新激励。

    This article does research on the incentive mechanism for the technology innovation , which includes patent system , awarding institution and contract institution .

  15. 分析发现,缺乏有效的技术创新激励机制导致我国企业技术创新水平低,大多数企业的产品没有国际竞争力。

    Analysis shows that shortage of technology innovation incentive mechanism results in low level of technology innovation of enterprises of China and many products do not have international competence .

  16. 因此,建立一个适应市场经济体制的企业技术创新激励机制来提升企业竞争力,既要抓好企业技术创新的内在激励模式和外在激励模式建设,更要抓好基于研发人员技术创新评价的激励模式建设。

    As a result , establishment of incentive mechanism to accord with market economy system to raise enterprise competence needs to construct inner and outer incentive mode based on technological innovation review of research and development workers .

  17. 本文通过引入模块化理论,分析了模块化生产中的准信息同一化性质,及由此带来的模块化生产与创新激励机制,在此基础上分析了模块化对于产业集群治理的意义。

    Through introducing modularization theory , this paper analyses the nature of quasi-shared information and the incentive mechanism of innovation in modularization production , based on which this paper analyses the significance of the governance of industrial clusters .

  18. 并提出通过组织变革、创新激励机制、应用高新技术、出版流程再造及企业文化建设等具体措施来实施这些战略。

    Furthermore , the author explains the detailed measures that should be taken , i.e. organizational transformation , innovation on motivation system , application of hi-tech , the reengineering of publishing processes , and the building of corporate culture .

  19. 分别从经济环境、配置空间和社会目标、经济机制、个人自利行为策略均衡解假设以及社会目标的实施与激励相容等5个方面建立了满足技术创新激励机制的理论模型;

    A theoretical model which meets technological innovation from five aspects including economic environment , allocation space and social target and its implement , economic mechanism , the hypothesis of self-interest behaviors ' equilibrium and the harmony of social target implement and motivation .

  20. 最后,利用博弈论与信息经济学中的委托代理理论模型,从理论上考察了基于知识互补性的技术创新激励机制,探讨了增强国家自主创新能力的指导原则。

    Finally , making use of principal-agent theoretical model in game theory and information economics , we examine the incentive mechanism of independent technological innovation based on knowledge complementarity in theory , and discuss governing principles of enhancing the capabilities of national independent technological innovation .

  21. 如何建立科学的科技创新激励机制,调动科技人员科技创新的积极性已成为延长石油集团科技管理工作当前任务的重点。

    How to create a scientific technological innovation incentives , to mobilize the enthusiasm of technological innovation and initiative of scientific technical personnel , and to enhance the consciousness of technological innovation have become the task focus of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum ( Group ) Co. , Ltd technology management currently .

  22. 实施知识管理,要积极促进知识共享机制的形成,设立CKO职位,创建知识创新的激励机制。

    To enforce it , a mechanism of knowledge-sharing is to be formed , CKO is to be set up , and an encouraging system for innovation is to be established .

  23. 农业应用性科研创新的激励机制研究

    The study on stimulating mechanism of agriculture application science study innovation

  24. 基于政府管理的技术创新扩散激励机制研究

    The research of innovation diffusion incentive mechanism based on government management

  25. 技术创新的激励机制的效率评价

    The Evaluation and Option of Efficiency of Incentive Mechanism of Technical Innovation

  26. 高等教育创新主体激励机制研究

    Study on the Stimulus Mechanism of the Higher Education 's Innovation Subjects

  27. 企业技术创新内部激励机制的构建

    Construction of Internal Motivation Mechanism for Enterprises Technology Innovation

  28. 运用管理激励理论,完善和创新人才激励机制;

    The management motivation theory should be implemented to improve and innovate the motivation mechanics ;

  29. 绿色创新及其激励机制

    Green Innovations and Its Motivation

  30. 建立企业科技创新创业激励机制的现状分析

    Establish the business enterprise technology creative start a business to encourage the present condition analysis of the mechanism