
  • 网络Initial;initial condition;starting conditions;Initialcondition
  1. 具有不同初始条件的n个相同对象的输出同步跟踪

    Synchro Track of Outputs of n Identical Plants with Different Initial Condition

  2. SPICE中初始条件的正确使用

    The Correct Use of Initial Condition in SPICE

  3. 以x~((1))(n)为初始条件的GM模型

    The GM Models that x ~ (( 1 ))( n ) be Taken as Initial Value

  4. 然后在雨峰相对位置参数r取不同的值时,对不同土的水力学特性,初始条件的情况进行有限元渗流计算。得到了不同的模型参数下孔隙水压力的变化规律。

    Then , the numerical seepage analysis can be carried out with different r under different soil hydraulic prosperities and initial conditions .

  5. RCC坝仿真计算非均匀单元的初始条件

    The Initial Conditions of Heterogeneous Element for Thermal Stress Analysis of RCC Dams

  6. 再由相应的边界条件和初始条件,直接利用Lagrange方程导出了有限元公式,并编制相应的有限元计算程序。

    Then through utilizing the Lagrange equation directly , the paper gets the finite element formula .

  7. 同时对双站聚束式SAR的方位分辨率进行了理论分析和数值仿真,讨论了不同初始条件对双站聚束模式SAR系统分辨率的影响。

    After the simulation and the theoretical analysis of the system , the influence of different initial conditions is discussed on the system azimuth resolution .

  8. 指出了满足一定初始条件的Volterra积分微分方程指数稳定的充分条件。

    The sufficient condition for stability of Volterra integro-differential equation exponent that meets certain initial conditions is given .

  9. 本文证明了二维波动方程柯西问题在L2空间广义解的唯一性及关于初始条件的稳定性。

    In this paper , we prove the uniqueness and stability of generalized solution of Cauchy problem of wave differential equation .

  10. GM(1,1)模型是有偏差的灰指数模型,其精度取决于背景值的构造形式和初始条件的选取。

    As a gray exponential model with distortions , the precision of GM ( 1,1 ) depends on the conformation of background value and the selection of original condition .

  11. 数阻止和重子数穿透的倩况为可能产生的QGP提供了完全不同的初始条件。

    Baryon number transport and stopping provide entirely different initial condition for the probably produced QGP .

  12. 对于溃坝洪水,其初始条件本身就是间断的,构成了浅水方程的Riemann问题。

    In the dam-break flood wave problem , the initial values are discontinuous , which constitutes the Riemann problem of shallow water equations .

  13. 建立了气固两相流的控制方程和封闭方程;介绍了数值模型的建立、网格划分、边界条件和初始条件的设定;采用SIMPLE算法对射流技术进行压力和速度耦合。

    The control equations and the closed equations of gas-solid two-phase flow are established . The setting of the numerical model , meshing , boundary conditions and initial conditions are described . Using SIMPLE algorithm to establish pressure and velocity coupling of jet technique .

  14. 根据一定的边界条件及初始条件推导出拉氏空间下以Bessel函数表示的无量纲解析解。

    Dimensionless equations of the transfer model obtained in the Laplace spaces at the boundary and initial condition were expressed in terms of ordinary Bessel function .

  15. 一个线性系统是可以用高阶常系数线性微分方程及其初始条件来描述的。对它作拉普拉斯(Laplace)变换,得到一个高阶传递函数。

    A linear system is described by a high order linear differential equation and it 's the initial conditions , with Laplace transform for it obtained a transfer function of higher dimension .

  16. 接着介绍了具有典型代表的BP神经网络及其学习算法,并用BP神经网络来逼近一阶系统证明了它在一定的初始条件下,具有逼近非线性系统状态轨迹的能力。

    Next , the typical BP neural network and learning algorithm is introduced . The fact that BP neural network can approach first order system has proved that BP has the ability of approximation of nonlinear states on some appropriate initial conditions .

  17. 根据水库蓄洪量具有Wiener过程特性的分析,推导了带有随机输入项和随机初始条件的调洪演算Ito方程。

    According to the analysis of a Wiener process characteristics of the reservoir storage , an Ito Equation with a stochastic input term and a stochastic initial condition for reservoir flood routing is derived .

  18. 牛顿变换J集动力平面上轨道的再现测试,不仅直观地描述了牛顿变换f映射的某些动力学特征,而且,证明了f映射在J集附近具有初始条件敏感依赖的混沌特性。

    Reproducing and testing the orbits in the filled-in Julia sets from Newton mappings not only shows some dynamics characters of the mappings , but also shows the chaos characteristic which means the sensitivity to the initial conditions near Julia sets .

  19. 通过分析发送端拥塞窗口的演化行为,发现拥塞窗口的演化过程与TCP连接的吞吐量具有稳定的统计特征,与初始条件无关。

    By analyzing the evolutionary behavior of congestion window size of the TCP source , it is drawn that the statistic performances of both congestion window size and TCP connection ′ s throughput are stable , without respect to their initial conditions .

  20. Boussinesq方程是一种在一定海底边界条件和初始条件下,通过充分考虑更高阶项及增加速度项对Euler方程进行垂向简化而成的,充分考虑了色散性与非线性。

    Under the seabed boundary and initial conditions , the Boussinesq equations fully taking account of dispersivity and nonlinearity are from the simplified Euler equations by adding the higher order term and velocity term .

  21. Geldart-D颗粒在长立管料斗系统中悬料态初始条件的研究

    Incipient Condition of Hung-up Regime in a Long Standpipe-hopper System for Geldart-D Powders

  22. 用超平面法对2m阶常微分方程二点边界值问题进行探讨,在已知m个初始条件下确定另外m个未知初始值的方法。

    This paper studied the question of two point boundary value question for the 2m-th-order ordinary differential equation using hyperplane method to determin another m unknown original values under the condition of known m original values .

  23. 由于吸力的不同,初始条件相似的土样其e-lgP曲线的位置不同。

    The location of e-lgP curve with similar initiatory condition was different for different matric suction .

  24. 演示VDP方程所描述的系统在非线性能源供给下,从任意初始条件出发都能产生稳定的周期性运动。

    It demonstrates that the system described by VDP equation can produce steady periodicity movement from any initial condition under nonlinear energy supply .

  25. 这里提出一种同时优化背景值和初始条件的新GM(1,1)模型,通过模拟数据的比较表明,新优化GM(1,1)模型有更高的精度。

    Based on the idea reasoned above , a new GM ( 1,1 ) model of integrated optimizing its background value and original condition is presented . Through comparisons of simulation datum , it is found that the new GM ( 1,1 ) model has a higher simulation precision .

  26. 根据Gause对两种酵母种群竞争实验的数据,对一个两种群竞争方程中的六个参数和两个初始条件做了估计。

    At first , according to the data of Gause 's experiments on two yeast populations , six parameters of two-population competition system are estimated by quasilinearization method .

  27. 从改进θ参数、修正初始条件、等维新息处理等三个方面对原始GM(1,1)模型进行了改进,并利用真实期货价格检验改进GM(1,1)模型的拟合效果。

    The original GM ( 1,1 ) model is improved by three ways , namely improving parameter θ, rectifying original condition and processing equal dimensions and new information . In addition , the real forward price is used to check the result of the improved GM ( 1,1 ) model .

  28. 本文讨论了双自由边界Stefan问题的解对于初始条件的单调相依性,以及该解和一个Volterra型的非线性积分方程组的等价关系。

    Through further study on the Stefan problem with two free boundaries , some results are obtained . The solution is monotone dependence for the ini - tial conditions and equivalent to the solution of a nonlinear integral equations of Volterra type .

  29. 结果以××航天器天线姿态稳定系统为例,在给定初始条件下用RungeKutta数值方法对系统的动力学模型进行了数值仿真,从而为陀螺机构的动力学优化设计奠定了基础。

    Results Taking the gyrostabilizer system of ×× satellite for example , the dynamic equations were solved under giving initial conditions using the Runge-Kutta numeric method , investigate the dynamic optimization design for the gyrostabilizer system .

  30. 本章在Banach空间中,用算子半群理论以及Schauder不动点定理讨论了一类非线性Sobolev型积分微分方程,在非局部初始条件下,适度解和强解的存在性。

    This chapter deals with the existence of mild and strong solutions of a nonlinear integrodifferential systems of Sobolev type with nonlocal condition in Banach spaces . The results are obtained by using semigroup theory and the Schauder fixed point theorem .