
píng jūn zhí
  • average value;mean;mean value
平均值 [píng jūn zhí]
  • (1) [mean value]∶一个或一个以上变量的连续函数在给定区间内的积分除以该区间的测度

  • (2) [average]∶主要是一个算术术语,指几个不相等的数之和除以这些数的个数而得出的数

平均值[píng jūn zhí]
  1. 取每个点10次加载所得差值的平均值。应用Origin软件分析处理。

    Average value of each functional point was analysised by Origin software .

  2. ρ~n次幂对径向波函数R(ne)平均值的计算通式

    A General Formula of R ne Average Value of Radial Wave Function

  3. 已经有4年降雨量低于平均值了。

    There have been four years of below average rainfall .

  4. 算出那些比率的平均值再乘以100。

    Take the average of those ratios and multiply by a hundred .

  5. 大部分地区降雨超过通常水平,北爱尔兰地区本月的降水量则为平均值的两倍。

    Most areas suffered more rain than usual , with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month .

  6. n个正数的m级幂平均值的单调性及其应用

    Monotonicity of m-th Power Average of n Positive Numbers and its Application

  7. 和∑h分别表示伪弹性滞后的宽度的平均值和分散度。

    CTW and Zw characterized the average width and its dispersion of the pseudoelastic hysteresis .

  8. 误差控制在单盲条件下对相关CT指标测量3次,然后对结果取平均值。

    Error Control At single-blind conditions , CT signals are measured for 3 times , then averaged the results .

  9. 它通过计算超出虚拟机CPU平均值的方式检测高CPU。

    It detects high CPU by averaging over the virtual machine CPUs .

  10. 本文提出了用加权平均值法,求定山区GPS点的高程异常,并提出了两种定权方法。

    This paper presents the determination of the elevation anomaly of GPS point in mountainous area , using the method of weighted average values .

  11. 12个材料的衣分和马克隆值的平均值分别为50.08%和4.29,衣分最高达到54.97%,其中4个材料的马克隆值处于A级范围,8个材料处于B级范围。

    The average of lint percentage and micronaire of 12 F4 generations materials were 50.08 % and 4.29 respectively , the highest lint percentage was 54.97 % . 3 .

  12. 目前三分之二的县和县级市的人均GDP只相当于全国平均值的三分之一或不足三分之一。

    Now , the GDP of2 / 3 counties and county cities is below or equal to1 / 3 of national average level .

  13. RiemannZeta函数在临界线上的δ-平均值

    The δ Mean Value of the Riemann Zeta Function On the Critical Line

  14. 种子油中不饱和脂肪酸含量也在12月5日的样品中达到高点,含量的总平均值为86.6%,其中维生素F占59.8%。

    Meanwhile , the contents of unsaturated fatty acid composition in the seed oil rose to 86.6 % , of which 59.8 % was Vitamin F .

  15. 土壤CO2排放通量(Rs)则波动较小,平均值为285.4mg/(m2·h)。

    The soil CO2 emission flux ( Rs ) had small fluctuation , with an average value of 285.4mg / ( m2 ? h ) .

  16. 另外,第一和第二类RS公式计算的结果平均值与边界衍射波理论的结果相等。

    Otherwise , the mean value of the first and second RS diffraction integrals is equal to the result of the boundary diffraction wave theory .

  17. QT间期的测量从QRS波起点至T波终点,同一导联测量3个心动周期,取其平均值。不同导联最大QT值减去最小QT值为QTd值。

    QTd is referred to the value between maximum QT and minimum QT in different leads in the same ECG .

  18. 在最近的客户项目(使用在概念上与XI相似的工具)中,必须对几行数据求和以及求平均值。

    In a recent customer project ( using a tool that is conceptually similar to XI ), data had to be summed and averaged across several lines .

  19. 2)pH值测定:食管下段pH平均值传统组4.8,双S组6.9,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    2 ) The mean pH value in the lower part of esophagus was 4 8 in traditional surgery group , while in patients treated with DS it was 6 9 ( P < 0 05 );

  20. 空气污染指数(API)年平均值近三年间均有下降趋势,并针对空气污染提出了相应整改措施。

    The annual average of the air pollution index ( API ) showed a decrease tendency in recent 3 years , and put forward the air pollution preventing and curing countermeasures .

  21. 样机的性能COP最大可达0.3016,平均值为0.2331,试验证明轿车发动机余热吸附式制冷是可行的。

    Prototypical performance COP may reach 0.3016 , the mean value is 0.2331 . the experiments proved the car engine afterheat adsorption refrigeration is feasible .

  22. 再使用高度平均值法和固定门限法等求出分离毛球的阈值,在VC仿真程序中使用不同的颜色表示这两部分信息,就可以观看到它们的分离效果。

    And then use the height average and uniform threshold method to obtain the threshold information . In the VC emulators using different colors can see the separate result very clear .

  23. 识别出分形模型后,应用R/S分析、方差分析和频谱分析求取3个H值,取其平均值以提高准确度。

    After identifying fractal pattern , three H values can be acquired through R / S analysis , variance analysis and spectrum analysis , thereby , average value of which can be used to improve calculation precision .

  24. 在以前,只能针对一些常见的PDF(比如Gaussian)和简单的统计数据(比如平均值)计算置信区间。

    Historically , confidence intervals could only be easily calculated for a few common PDFs ( such as the Gaussian ) and simple statistics ( such as the mean ) .

  25. 2002年10月Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn含量的平均值比2002年1月高.与历史资料对比,近几年Cu含量有增加趋势。

    The mean contents of Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd in October 2002 are all higher than those in January 2002 . Cu content has been increasing in past several years compared with history data .

  26. 运动员组身体素质五项指标中仰卧起坐、100米和800米跑的指标有显著性差异(P0.05),体脂百分比平均值和去脂体重无明显差异。

    Sit-ups , 100-meter run and 800-meter run , which were included in five indicators of athletes group , were obviously changed ( P0.05 ), body fat rates and lean body weight were not changed . 3 .

  27. HA模型需要较为完整的二元系数据,且相互作用参数Wh是个平均值,对于混合焓变化较大的体系预测效果不佳,这与该模型的物理基础有关。

    HA needs integrate binary systems experiment values , the parameters Wh is an average value , the more big change of mixing enthalpy , the worse the predicted effects , which is related to the physical base .

  28. 结果免疫荧光法显示注射侧黑质致密部TH阳性细胞数和网状部TH阳性纤维面积与正常侧的百分比平均值分别为21.83%,23.19%。

    Results The average percent of TH immunoreactive cells and the area of TH immunoreactive fibers in the SN of the injected side were 21.83 % and 23.19 % compared with that of the normal side .

  29. NH4-N的去除率平均值达到了97.52%,其对废水的处理效果明显优于未加菌的SBR反应器。

    The average rate of removing NH4-N reached 97.52 % , the effect of it was better than the SBR tank without adding microorganism .

  30. T轴和P轴的倾角统计的平均值为20°左右,最大和最小应力主轴产状较缓,中间应力轴产状较陡,区域的构造活动的驱动力来自水平方向。

    The statistics average value of dipping angel of T-axis and P-axis are both at about 20 ° . The dip angle of the maximum and the minimum press axis are low , intermediate axis is steep , that shows the actuating force is from horizontal direction .