
  • 网络primary immunization;primary vaccination
  1. 3周后用相同剂量加强免疫一次。间接ELISA检测初次免疫后2~8周血清和阴道灌洗液中抗hCGβIgG和IgA抗体滴度。

    An indirect ELISA was used to determine anti-hCG β IgG and IgA antibodies in vaginal lavage and serum , which were got at the end of 2-8 weeks after the primary immunization .

  2. 加强免疫后所产生的抗-HBs水平与初次免疫后抗体滴度有关。

    Anti-HBs levels induced by the booster were associated with that after the primary immunization .

  3. 结论抗HBV特异性主动免疫对初次免疫无应答者的再次免疫有一定的疗效。

    Conclusion Anti-HBV specific active immunotherapy shows a certain efficacy for non-responders immunized with standard hepatitis B vaccine .

  4. DC是功能最强的专职抗原呈递细胞,其首要的功能是诱导机体产生初次免疫应答。

    Dendritic cells ( DC ) are potent professional antigen-presenting cells , the prime role of which is to induce primary immunity response .

  5. 抗原特异性免疫记忆是免疫的基本特征,其物质基础是初次免疫应答后产生的抗原特异性的记忆性T淋巴细胞和记忆性B淋巴细胞以及浆细胞。

    Antigen-specific immunological memory is a cardinal feature of immunity , which depends on generation and maintenance of memory T lymphocytes , B lymphocytes and plasma cells with antigen specificity .

  6. 初次免疫把弗氏完全佐剂与等体积的L1融合蛋白溶液研磨成油包水乳剂皮下多点注射于家兔的背部。

    In the first immune experiment , L1 fusion protein was blended with a same volume of Freund 's complete adjuvant and injected into the back of the rabbit by subcutaneous injection .

  7. 特别是C57BL小鼠抗体反应最好,初次免疫就能产生高水平的特异抗体,加强后能持续数周,最高滴度OD值达145。

    C 57 BL mice could generate high level specific antibody in first immunization , and the antibody level could last several weeks after enhancing , the best antibody titer is 1.45 ( OD value ) .

  8. 对初次免疫后第14周的小鼠血清测定中和抗体,结果表明,重组质粒DNA免疫的小鼠血清中和抗体效价达卜32,而空载体PIREs免疫的小鼠则均小于1:8。

    Neutralizing antibodies of serum from individual mouse at weeks 14 post-priming was measured . The results showed that neutralizing antibody titer of serum from mice immunized with recombinant plasmid was up to 1:32 , and those immunized with pIRES were less than 1:8 .

  9. CD28/B7主要在初次免疫应答中起作用,而OX40/OX40L信号在初次免疫的后期,二次免疫应答及免疫记忆中发挥重要的调节效应。

    CD28 / B7 is important for initial T cell expansion , whereas OX40 / OX40L signal affects T cell numbers in the later stage or secondary immune responses , and is essential for the survival and / or responsiveness of the memory T cell pool .

  10. 与初次免疫疫苗同型的中和抗体滴度亦显著提高。

    It was similar to two doses of bivalent vaccine immunization in immune effects .

  11. 但免疫后不同时间所产生的免疫力不同,初次免疫后8wk可能是最适攻击感染时间。

    Thus week 8 appeared to be the optimal time for acquired immunity developed against a challenge infection .

  12. 分别于初次免疫后第4周、第8周,再次同法免疫接种。

    After the first immunization , respectively , 4 weeks , 8 weeks , again with the method of immunization .

  13. 结果小鼠在初次免疫后第4周即开始产生针对DEN1~4型病毒的抗体,随着时间的延长,抗体效价逐渐上升。

    Results Mice immunized with recombinant plasmids began to produce antibodies against dengue viruses type 1 to 4 on the week 4 post-prime .

  14. 结论成功建立了人/鼠嵌合模型,并在动物体内激发出针对人黑色素瘤基因疫苗的初次免疫应答。

    Conclusion Human / mouse chimera model has been established successfully and primary immune response against human melanoma gene vaccine has been provoked in trimera model mice .

  15. 线性表位与抗体的亲和力从初次免疫时占平均水平(整体表位)亲和力的75%降低至四次免疫后的69%。

    The level of antibody affinity of linear determinant in all the determinants decrease from 75 % in the first immunity to 69 % in the fourth immunity .

  16. 蓖麻毒素对小鼠初次体液免疫应答的影响

    Effect of ricin on primary humoral immune response in mice

  17. 目的:树突状细胞(Dendriticcells,DCs)是体内功能最强大的专职抗原提呈细胞,能激发机体初次特异性免疫反应。

    Objective : Dendritic cells are the most potential professional antigen presenting cells , which can innate immune response in body .

  18. 目的分析儿童特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)初次发病时免疫指标变化,评价儿童ITP免疫状态,为临床预后判断及免疫靶向治疗提供依据。

    Objective Analyze immune indications changes in initial episode of children 's Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura ( ITP ), Evaluate immune condition , estimate prognosis and guide target immunotherapy .

  19. 用眼镜蛇、蝰蛇毒粗毒、初次小剂量免疫后,卵黄中第9天即可检测到特异性卵黄抗体。

    After the first immunization with little dosage of cobra and ( or ) viper venom , specific IgY was detected 9 days later .

  20. 婴儿麻疹胎传抗体及初次接种麻疹疫苗免疫效果观察

    A Study on Level of Antibody Against Measles Through Maternal Fetal Transfer and Immune Response to Measles Vaccine