
  • 网络Vampire;vampire bat;Desmodus
  1. 有一个洞穴充满了许多吸血蝙蝠。

    There was a cave full of lots of vampire bats .

  2. 这里是一些心情很好的吸血蝙蝠。

    Here are some happy vampire bats .

  3. 尽管吸血蝙蝠可能既有魅力又性格,但是僵尸们却缺乏个性;

    Whereas vampires can be charismatic and sexy , zombies lack personality ;

  4. 操作指南:鼠标控制,左键点击吸血蝙蝠射击。

    Operations guide : mouse control , point and click shooting the vampire bat .

  5. “但我却没看见!”小吸血蝙蝠说。

    " But I haven 't seen it !" The little vampire bat said .

  6. 读过哥特小说的人都会说吸血蝙蝠是个讨厌的东西。

    Anyone who reads gothic fiction will tell you that vampires are bad news .

  7. 那吸血蝙蝠怎么样啊?

    vampire What about the vampire bats ?

  8. 吸血蝙蝠的故事

    The story of the vampire bats

  9. 两只吸血蝙蝠在半夜醒来,想要喝血。

    Two vampire bats wake up in the middle of the night , thirsty for blood .

  10. 尽管你会在电影里看到,吸血蝙蝠几乎从来不吸人的血。

    Despite what you see in the movies , vampire bats almost never drink human blood .

  11. 如果有效的话,医生们也许多一位意想不到的朋友&吸血蝙蝠。

    If it works , doctors might have found an unlikely friend – the vampire bat .

  12. 其他吸血蝙蝠围过来,问他怎么得到这么多血。

    The other vampire bats came around and asked him how he got so much blood .

  13. 我曾经扑灭过许多像蚊蚋、蝗虫、老鼠,甚至是吸血蝙蝠这样的坏东西。

    I have killed many pests such as gnats , locusts , rats and even vampire bats .

  14. 像其他果蝠和吸血蝙蝠一样,黑狐蝠不依赖回声定位。

    Like other fruit bats and vampire bats , black flying foxes don 't rely on echolocation .

  15. 正如它们的名字所暗示的那样,吸血蝙蝠专以血液为食,其中也包括人类的血液。

    As their name implies , vampire bats feed exclusively on blood - which includes that of humans .

  16. 突然,一只小吸血蝙蝠从树林外飞回来,满嘴鲜血。

    Suddenly , a little vampire bat flew from outside of the woods , with fresh blood full of his mouth .

  17. 吸血蝙蝠爱上了人类,爱情与悲剧便也同时开始了。

    But it happened that a bloodsucker boy fall in love with a human being girl . Then , tragedy happened .

  18. 但利他行为并不是人类的专利,啄木鸟、切叶蚁和吸血蝙蝠都有利他行为。

    But altruism does not exist only in humans : it has been observed in woodpeckers , leafcutter ants and vampire bats .

  19. 恐怖指数:如果德拉库拉除了费德拉·特彼斯之外还有一个真实化身的话,那就是吸血蝙蝠。

    The Scare Factor : If Dracula had a real-life incarnation other than Vlad Tepes , he 'd be a vampire bat .

  20. 当吸血蝙蝠缠在,比如一直公牛身上时,必须保持血液从牙齿咬开的孔流过。

    When a vampire bat latches onto , say , a steer , it needs to keep the blood flowing from the puncture made by its teeth .

  21. 尽管它们不能给受害者造成致命的伤害,像吸血蝙蝠这样的嗜血生物却因他们在其生存的地方传播狂犬病而臭名昭著。

    Even if they don 't have the ability to turn victims into soulless , bloodthirsty creatures like themselves , vampire bats are infamous for spreading rabies wherever they live .

  22. 如果一个幼儿过早的丧失了它的母亲,它有望由它母亲的室友所照料,因为吸血蝙蝠向来因收养孤儿而著称。

    If a pup loses his mother too early , he can expect to be well-cared for by his mother 's roostmates , since vampire bats are known to adopt orphans .

  23. 爱心指数:因为血是极其稀有的一种食物种类,雌吸血蝙蝠必须吐出凝结的血液来喂养它们的幼儿,直到幼儿成长到可以自己猎食为止,这样的状况需持续几个月。

    The Care Factor : Because blood is surprisingly scarce as a food source , vampire bat mothers have to make up for it by regurgitating congealed blood for their hungry , helpless pups . This goes on for several months , until the pups become old enough to hunt on their own .

  24. 巫师、吸血、僵尸、蝙蝠等等,各路妖魔鬼怪将云集整场晚会。

    Wizard , Vampire , Zombie , Bat * all kinds of ghosts and phantom will swarm into the party .