
  • 网络sucking lice;anoplura;sucking louse
  1. 黄胸鼠体表寄生吸虱的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of sucking lice on the body surface of Rattus flavipectus

  2. 吸虱与小兽宿主协同进化程度较高。

    The results reveal a high coevolution between sucking lice and the mammal hosts .

  3. 吸虱空间分布格局用分布型指数中的扩散系数、Cassie指数、丛生指数及聚块指数测定。

    Disperse coefficient , Cassie index , clumping index and patch index were adopted to measure the spatial distribution pattern of sucking lice .

  4. 吸虱群落结构用丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度及优势指数描述。

    Richness , diversity index , evenness and dominance index were used to illustrate the community structure of sucking lice on the hosts in the light of Shannon-Wiener 's method .

  5. 云南大理吸虱昆虫调查初报

    Primary Investigation on Sucking Lice in Dali , Yunnan , China

  6. 云南省九县(市)吸虱昆虫区系调查

    Sucking Lice Fauna Investigation from Nine Counties in Yunnan Province

  7. 中国吸虱昆虫区系及物种多样性研究

    Study on the Fauna and Species Diversity of Sucking Lice in China

  8. 蜂胶提取物对大鼠吸虱的药效筛选试验研究

    Pharmacodynamic Screening Test of Ethanol Extract from Propolis in Sucking Lice of Rat

  9. 结论社鼠的体表寄生虫多样性高,主要为恙螨、革螨、蚤和吸虱。

    Sucking lice , fleas , chiggers and gamasid mites are the main ectoparasites .

  10. 604只齐氏姬鼠体表仅仅采获4种吸虱(4069只),物种丰富度及生物多样性都很低。

    Both the richness and diversity index of sucking louse community were quite low .

  11. 我国吸虱的新记录

    New Records of Sucking Lice From China

  12. 从各种小兽宿主体表共采集吸虱昆虫18167只,经分类鉴定隶属4科6属22种。

    The collected 18 167 sucking lice were identified as 22 species of 6 genera of 4 families .

  13. 吸虱是寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表的专性吸血寄生虫,广布于世界各地。

    Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian ( placental ) mammals , and are worldwide distribution .

  14. 吸虱群落相似性大小与相应小兽宿主在动物分类地位上的近缘性高低呈现高度一致。

    The similarity of sucking louse communities is highly consistent with the affinity of small mammal hosts in taxonomy .

  15. 目的初步了解云南省吸虱昆虫的基本种类及分布状况。

    Objective To primarily understand the basic species composition and distribution of sucking lice in Yunnan Province of China .

  16. 结果表明,小兽体表吸虱群落结构简单,物种多样性很低。

    The results reveal that the community structure of sucking lice on small mammals is simple with low species diversity .

  17. 目的初步了解云南大理吸虱种类分布状况。

    Objective To understand the species and distribution of sucking lice on small mammals in Dali , Yunnan Province , China .

  18. 各小兽宿主体表吸虱群落简单,物种丰富度和生物多样性均很低,大多数优势虱种的相对优势度很高,优势种地位突出。

    The louse communities on small mammal hosts are quite simple with lower species richness and diversity and with a high dominance index .

  19. 结论吸虱的宿主特异性高,不同种类吸虱对宿主的选择性表现为明显的生态位分离。

    Conclusion The sucking lice have a high specificity for hosts , of which different species show an apparent niche divergence on host selection .

  20. 应用系统聚类分析方法对云南省境内24种主要小型哺乳动物(小兽)体表吸虱昆虫群落相似性及群落分类进行了研究。

    The similarity and classification of sucking louse communities on 24 species of small mammals were studied in Yunnan Province , China , through a hierarchical cluster analysis .

  21. 吸虱经过常规逐级脱水、透明、干燥处理、制成玻片标本后于显微镜下鉴定。

    Every individual of the sucking lice was dehydrated , made to be transparent mounted on slides in a conventional way , and then identified under a microscope .

  22. 方法:用0.5%、0.75%、1.0%和1.5%4种浓度的蜂胶提取物对离体大鼠吸虱进行药效筛选试验和大鼠虱病的治疗试验。

    Methods Pharmacodynamic Screening test and curative effect test of EEP in sucking lice of rats were done at four different Concentration ( 0.5 % , 0.75 % , 1.0 % and 1.5 % ) .

  23. 在动物分类上近缘的小兽,其体表吸虱群落相似,优势虱种相同或相似,此情形尤其表现在鼠属、白腹鼠属、姬鼠属和绒鼠属。

    When the hosts have a close affinity in taxonomy , the louse communities on their body surface would tend to be similar with the same or similar dominant louse species ( as observed in genus Rattus , Niviventer , Apodemus and Eothenomys ) .