
yū bān
  • ecchymosis;suggillation
瘀斑[yū bān]
  1. 不良反应皮下瘀斑发生率比较的RR及99%CI均为6.66(0.14313.35)。

    RR of adverse effect of subcutaneous ecchymosis and 99 % CI were 6.66 ( 0.14,313.35 ) .

  2. 总手术时程为(68.90±24.32)min。并发伤口渗血1例,前臂皮下瘀斑2例。

    The overall operation time was ( 68.90 ± 24.32 ) min , during which blood oozing from the wound occurred in one patient and ecchymosis of the forearm was observed in two patients .

  3. 大多数患者除出现皮肤瘀斑和血尿外,无肾血肿等严重并发症。结论ESWL已成为上尿路结石安全、有效的首选治疗方法。

    Conclusion ESWL is a safe and effective treatment to upper urinary calculi .

  4. 其症状特点为:患者皮肤可见大片瘀斑,多腔道及内脏出血,实验室检查:血小板迅速进行性减少,3P试验阳性或KPTT延长。

    The patients have large ecchymosis in skin and hemorrhage in multicavity and viscera . Laboratory examinations show rapid decrease of thrombocyte , positive 3P test and prolongation of KPTT .

  5. 术后皮肤瘀斑3周后全部消失;

    Pigmentation and skin petechia disappeared in 3 weeks after operation .

  6. 老年患者无特征性临床表现,常见症状为头昏、乏力、皮肤瘀斑、发热。

    The common symptoms were dizziness , weakness , ecchymosis and fever .

  7. 舌质变化主要表现为舌质紫暗,有瘀点或瘀斑。

    The main accompanying tongue changes were dark purple color and petechia or bruise .

  8. 麝香正骨水的镇痛抗炎和对局部创伤性瘀斑的作用

    The Analgesic , Antiinflammatory and Local Traumatic Ecchymosis Relieving Effects of Moschus Bone-setting Liquor

  9. 结论:对穿刺部位用正确的方法按压能有效地减轻疼痛及皮肤瘀斑的发生。

    Conclusion Suitable pressing method can relieve local pain and reduce the dermal ecchymosis .

  10. 3例患者有大腿瘀斑。

    Three cases were with thigh ecchymosis .

  11. 4例皮下有轻度瘀斑和硬块。

    Cases had ecchymosis or hematoma .

  12. 延尺愈合的皮瓣远端有水泡或瘀斑。

    The clinical sign of delay healing shown blister or ecchymosis on distal part of skin flap .

  13. 瘀证则以紫舌、舌生瘀斑为主,尚见痛有定处;

    The syndrome of blood stasis showed purplish tongue and ecchymosis on tongue as well as fixed pain ;

  14. 结果:观察组疼痛程度及皮肤瘀斑的发生率明显低于对照组,两组差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Results Local pain and the dermal ecchymosis were less in observation group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 结果门静脉高压时胃粘膜水肿明显,散在分布红点和/或瘀斑。

    Results Prominent edema , scattered red dots / ecchymosis were found in gastric mucosa in rats with PHT .

  16. 目的:探讨按压静脉穿刺部位的方法,以减轻局部疼痛和皮肤瘀斑的发生。

    Objective To investigate pressing method above veinous puncture points , to relieve local pain and reduce the dermal ecchymosis .

  17. 患侧下肢明显肿胀,并呈现大面积瘀斑,从左侧腹股沟下直到大腿中部。

    The lower limb was markedly swollen with extensive ecchymosis extending from the left groin inferiorly to the mid thigh .

  18. 血瘀:刺痛、疼痛拒按、夜间痛甚、紫舌、舌上瘀斑。

    Stasis of Blood : Tingling , pain to press , pain at night , tongue petechiae , purple tongue .

  19. 有形物质则包含了红刺、瘀斑瘀点、齿痕、舌纹等特征的检测。

    Red points , petechia , cracks , and tooth marks are detected in the part of tangible material feature .

  20. 皮肤大片瘀斑,伴血色素下降;荔枝果皮对外源钙和蔗糖吸收及向细胞壁沉着的研究

    A study on the absorption of exogenous calcium and sucrose and their deposit onto the cell walls in litchi pericarp

  21. 3例患者早期下睑皮肤瘀斑明显,2例患者早期有轻度睑球分离,随着时间的延长,症状都消失;

    Cases had ecchymosis and 2 cases had separation of eyelid from eyeball in early stage which completely disappeared later ;

  22. 结果发热、进行性心功能不全、心脏杂音改变、皮肤瘀点瘀斑是常见的临床症状;

    Results Fever , aggressive heart failure , heart murmur changing , skin petechia and ecchymosis were the most clinical manifestations .

  23. 本文详细分析了瘀斑、瘀点的特征,列举了检测过程中可能遇到的各种干扰,并就这些干扰提出了相应的去除方法。

    In this dissertation , we have analyzed the characteristics of petechia , listed the possible interference , and proposed corresponding removal methods .

  24. 临床表现包括浮肿、隆起、疼痛、触痛、肌痉挛、变形、瘀斑、功能丧失和有劈拍声等。

    Manifestations include edema and swelling , pain and tenderness , muscle spasm , deformity , ecchymosis , loss of function , and crepitation .

  25. 能有效改善急性闭合性软组织损伤患者的疼痛、压痛、肿胀、功能障碍、瘀斑等症状。

    Can effectively improve the soft tissue of the patients with acute closed pain and tenderness , swelling , dysfunction , bruises and other symptoms .

  26. 结论:冰黄消肿镇痛剂能较快消除肿胀、瘀斑,且具有良好的改善局部血液循环,促进伤区病变吸收和组织修复的作用。

    Conclusion : BHXZZTR can alleviate swelling and ecchymosis soon , improve local blood circulation , accelerate the absorption of pathological tissue and promote tissue repair .

  27. 观察治疗前后局部疼痛、肿胀、功能障碍、皮肤温度,瘀斑及压痛改善程度等疗效性指标。

    The degree of the improvement of local pain , swelling , dysfunction , skin temperature , ecchymosis and tenderness was observed before and after the treatment .

  28. 结果:本组55例,术后腹部血清肿1例,皮下瘀斑7例(7-10天后消失),未发生皮肤坏死并发症。

    Results In 55 cases , abdominal haematoma ( 1 case ) and hypodermal petechia ( 7 cases ) appeared after treatment and disappeared 7-10 days later .

  29. 在出血点瘀斑消退时间,血小板数回升时间等指标观察中,治疗组均优于对照组;

    The disappearing time of petechiae and ecchymoses and the time of the blood platelet counts returning to normal were much shorter in group A than in group B ;

  30. 本组病例临床特点以发热、头痛、呕吐、皮肤瘀点瘀斑为主,意识障碍19例(46.34%)。

    The main clinical manifestations were as follows : fever , headache , vomiting and petechia or ecchymosis of the skin , with coma in 46.34 % ( 19 / 41 ) .