
bèi rù
  • bedclothes;bedding and mattress
被褥 [bèi rù]
  • [bedding;bedclothes] 被子和褥子;铺盖

被褥[bèi rù]
  1. 我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。

    Apart from clothes and bedding , I have nothing .

  2. 周一德国西部小镇muelheim警方称:一德国男子喝酒太多,尿了床,在试图烘干被褥的过程中,却将公寓给点燃了。

    A German man drank too much , wet his bed and set fire to his apartment while trying to dry his bedding , police in the western town of Muelheim said monday .

  3. 她把瓶子藏在被褥底下。

    She concealed the bottle beneath her mattress .

  4. 当大角星终于到标记着XI(DEC)的位置时,我们颤抖着从被褥下溜出来。

    When finally Arcturus had reached the position marked XI ( DEC ), we slid , shivering , out from under the sheets .

  5. 结果在3m距离内,发射功率为1mW的条件下,可以穿透被褥、各类质地衣服检测到人体的呼吸、心跳信号。

    Result When the radiated power was about a milliwatt ( mW ) and detection range was up to 3 meters , the experimental results showed that this system can well detect the heartbeat and respiration signals from human subjects through common clothes and quilts .

  6. 他认为,一切从餐厅被褥是不一致的。

    He finds everything from restaurants to bedding to be inconsistent .

  7. 窗帘首先着了火,接着被褥也烧着了。

    First the curtains caught on fire and then the bedclothes .

  8. 哭着回来,柔软的床,蕾丝被褥。

    Came back in tears , soft bed , lace bedding .

  9. 离开公馆前应自觉将被褥床单洗净晾晒,以方便他人使用。

    Covers of quilts and beds shall be cleaned before leaving .

  10. 雪的被褥中,一切都在冬眠吗?

    Is everything in hibernation under the bedding of snow ?

  11. 她和另一位志愿者为老年病人换床单被褥。

    She and another volunteer changed the bedding of the elderly patients .

  12. 床上的被褥都弄乱了,好像有人睡过觉。

    The bedclothes were tumbled as though the bed had been slept in .

  13. 衣着被褥不要存放在有樟脑球的衣柜中。

    Clothes and bedding not stored in a wardrobe in the camphor ball .

  14. 你想要购买的商品有被褥。

    The goods you want to purchase are bedclothes .

  15. 我比较喜欢沙滩还有400线被褥

    Well , I was thinking more like beaches and 400 threadcount sheets .

  16. 我们马上就换被褥。

    We 're changing the bed linen immediately .

  17. 我以前从来没睡过丝绸被褥。

    I 've never slept on silk before .

  18. 被褥的保温性能试验法

    Testing method of heat insulating characteristics of bedding

  19. 爱米利娅我已经照您的吩咐,把那些被褥铺好了。

    Emilia . I have laid those sheets you bade me on the bed .

  20. 除了被褥,我在井下只找到了几根蜡烛和两件大衣。

    Besides the bedding , I found only a few candles and two coats .

  21. 他们向全旅提供了他们所需要的被褥和毛巾。

    They supplied the whole brigade with all the bedding and towels they needed .

  22. 沿着被褥,翻越山丘

    Among the bed-clothes , through the hills ;

  23. 她把孩子盖的被褥塞紧,然后面对背地贴着孩子睡着了。

    She tucked the bedclothes around her baby and then spooning up she felt asleep .

  24. 被褥缝制绗缝工作的过程。

    The process of doing quilted work .

  25. 她脱掉头巾和裙子,堆在那些杂乱的被褥上面。

    She takes off her shawl and skirt and adds them to the miscellaneous bedclothes .

  26. 床上被褥全给揉皱了。

    The bed clothes are all crumpled .

  27. 冬天的被褥他也掷下。

    He also left his winter bedding .

  28. 鸭绒被褥和床垫填充机

    Filling machine for eiderdowns and mattresses

  29. 她把被褥烤暖后再铺到床上。

    She give the sheet a warm by the fire before putt them on the bed .

  30. 她叠起了被褥。

    She folded back the bedclothes .