
  • 网络Preliminary design;initial design;basic design
  1. 一个实用的水轮机初步设计CAD系统

    A Practical CAD System for Preliminary Design of Water Turbine

  2. 基于XSLT的Web易访问性评估工具的初步设计

    Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool Preliminary Design Based on XSLT

  3. 基于Web的飞机初步设计应用集成技术研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Application Integrating Technology for Aircraft Preliminary Designing Based on WEB

  4. 固体火箭发动机集成初步设计CAD系统研究

    Some Progress in Development of Chinese Integrated Preliminary CAD Design of Solid Rocket Motors

  5. 初步设计了以DSP为核心的硬件系统。

    We preliminarily designed the hardware system with the DSP as the core .

  6. 一种新型智能MODEM的研究和初步设计

    The Preliminary Design and Study of A New Type Intelligent MODEM

  7. 内部热耦合精馏塔的初步设计(II)控制分析和参数优化

    Principium design of ideal internal thermally coupled distillation columns ( ii ) control analysis and parameter optimization

  8. 铁路桥式方案比选CAD系统是应用于铁路桥梁初步设计的大型计算机辅助设计软件。

    The railway bridge project selection CAD system is a large scale computer aided software tool for railway bridge preliminary design .

  9. 该模型为X射线成像系统空间分辨率和密度分辨率的初步设计和评定提供了理论依据,可作为X射线图像恢复算法中模糊函数的先验信息。

    The model can be used to design or evaluate X-ray imaging system and can also be a pre-knowledge of blur function in X-ray image restoration .

  10. 初步设计为WC蓄水池使用废水和雨水的再循环作为供给。

    The initial design used the recycling of grey water and rainwater as feeds for WC cisterns .

  11. 提出了适用于产品初步设计的信念型承诺,给出了Agent的形式化表示,讨论了基于信念型承诺的Agent协作机制。

    Belief commitment which is suited in product preliminary design is proposed . Then the formalization of agent is described and the agent cooperation mechanism based on belief commitment is discussed .

  12. SWATH初步设计阶段振动分析模型研究

    Research of vibration analysis model of SWATH during preliminary design

  13. 大亚湾中微子实验PMT触发判选电路的初步设计

    Preliminary design of PMT trigger module for Daya Bay neutrino reactor experiment

  14. 在进行单相BOOSTPFC变换器初步设计的基础上,运用非线性规划技术对BOOSTPFC变换器进行了优化设计。

    On the base of the initial design of Boost PFC converter , it introduces the non-linear programming ( NLP ) technique .

  15. 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)与核能可持续发展三束流驱动ADS次临界反应堆堆芯初步设计

    Study on ADS and the sustainable development of nuclear energy Preliminary Design of Sub-critical Reactor Core for Accelerator Driven System with Three Proton Beams

  16. ITER磁体馈线冷屏的初步设计

    Preliminary design of thermal shield for ITER magnatic feeder

  17. 结论适用于潜艇X形舵的初步设计以及操纵控制系统,解决了X形舵在潜艇上应用的一个实际问题。

    The equivalent rudder angle can be used for primary design of the X rudder and the control system . It is helpful to the practical use of X type rudder on submarine .

  18. HL-2A装置偏滤器改造的初步设计

    Preliminary design of the HL-2 A divertor

  19. 对异型钢的移位定位进行了初步设计,对锚固件上料机械手进行了原理设计,初步确定了操作台的操作按钮功能,整个机器人工作站系统由PLC控制。

    The structure of the robot workstation and control system are discussed . Also the positioning of special-shaped steel and mechanical arm are preliminary designed . The function of operation button on console is determined .

  20. 市场比较法评估信息系统以GIS技术作为手段,其技术系统包括软硬件配置、数据结构、输入输出系统、空间数据管理和用户界面等,初步设计并实现市场比较法评估GIS。

    With the help of Geographical Information System technology , the market date approach system includes computer setup , data structure , input / output system , spacial data management , user interface , and so on .

  21. 盘古祠边坡由于边坡初步设计不合理,2002年4月出现了滑坡,体积达万余m3,滑坡治理费达40万元。

    Pan-Gu Temple slope became failure in April , 2002 with the volume of more than 10,000 m ~ 3 because of the unreasonable original design .

  22. 初步设计UPQC主电路、滤波电路等部分参数,再利用Matlab仿真验证所选择的参数,并进一步对其修正。

    The parameters of power circuit and filter circuit are initiatively designed , and all parameters are optimized using the Matlab / Simulation .

  23. 依据此安全策略,初步设计铁路运输调度指挥管理信息系统(DMIS)的安全防护体系;

    Based on this safety strategy , a dispatching management information system ( DMIS ) is preliminarily designed .

  24. 利用PIC粒子模拟程序对放大器中的电子注-波互作用过程进行了详细的分析和讨论,获得了回旋行波管稳定工作的物理图像,完成了8mm基波回旋行波管放大器高频系统的初步设计。

    Employing a PIC code , the interaction between electron beam and wave is simulated and discussed in detail , and the primary design is presented .

  25. 介绍了10MW高温气冷实验堆工程项目管理系统的初步设计框架。

    A framework of project managment information system ( MIS ) for 10MW high temperature gas cooled test reactor is introduced .

  26. PDM是CIMS领域的一项重要技术,PDM系统的生命周期管理体现的是产品从概念形成、初步设计到制造维护直至报废的过程。

    PDM is an important technology of CIMS . It is a process during which a product grows from conceptual generation to outline design and then to manufacture until discarded in the end .

  27. 本文提供了小水线面双体船(SWATH)结构载荷的解析方法以及用于初步设计的简捷算法经验公式。

    This paper present the analytical method for structural load calculation for SWATH ship , and the short cut method with empirical formula for preliminary design .

  28. 该方法用传统的传递矩阵法形成初步设计方案,然后借助于CFD软件进行性能分析,从而达到消声器的结构优化设计。

    This method gives the preliminary sketch of the muffler with transfer matrix method at first , and then attains the optimized design of the muffler by means of performance simulation with the CFD software .

  29. 最后对射频识别卡的EEPROM存储块进行分析和研究,并对其外围接口电路进行了分析和初步设计。

    At the end of this paper , the EEPROM circuit is studied in detail , and some peripheral circuits of the EEPROM are designed simply .

  30. CSRm随机冷却初步设计

    Primary Design of Stochastic Cooling in CSRm