
shān chú wén jiàn
  • delete file;remove files
  1. 删除文件-应用程序试图获得删除目标文件的权限。

    Delete file – Application is asking for permission to delete the target file .

  2. 我可以在该目录中添加和删除文件,因为已经设置了它的用户写位。

    I can add and remove files from the directory , because its user-write bit is set .

  3. 设置完成后,即使是root用户也不能删除文件,直到属性解除。

    If this is set , even root cannot delete the file until the attribute is unset .

  4. 通过选择,然后按DELETE或使用右键弹出菜单中的删除文件。

    Delete files by selecting then press DELETE OR use the right click popup menu .

  5. 或者,测试对象会使用具有副作用的对象,如删除文件的File对象,而在单元测试中不希望有这些副作用。

    Or the tested object may make use of objects with side effects that may not be desirable in unit testing , like File objects that delete files .

  6. 大多数用户在使用rm命令时不使用-i选项,因此会立即删除文件。

    Most users don 't use the-i option with rm , thereby deleting the files instantly .

  7. powerpoint无法删除文件^1。请手动删除,然后重新运行“打包”。

    PowerPoint can 't remove the file ^ 1.please remove it manually and re-run pack and go .

  8. 如果再加入一些代码,就能通过简单地删除文件操作或使用Rails较高层的API终止缓存。

    With a few more lines of code , you can expire the cache by simply deleting a file , or by using a Rails higher-level API .

  9. 那样DBA就有时间删除文件或扩大文件系统,从而允许事务完成。

    The DBA will then have time to delete files or enlarge the file system , thus allowing transactions to complete .

  10. 使用ReiserFS时,意外重新引导可能导致最近修改的文件中包含先前删除文件的部分内容。

    With ReiserFS , an unexpected reboot can result in recently modified files containing portions of previously deleted files .

  11. 它的命令也模仿了CVS的,但增加了一些对诸如删除文件、重命名文件或恢复为原始文件等的处理功能。

    Its commands mimic those of CVS but with a few additions to handle things such as removing files , renaming files , or reverting to the original file .

  12. 您不能通过CERN代理服务器重命名、上载或删除文件或文件夹,而您通过其他代理服务器则能作到这一点。

    You Cannot rename , upload , or delete files or folders through a CERN proxy server as you Can through other types of proxy servers .

  13. 以后,您应该使用清除工具上命令行的rmname命令,来从RequisitePro项目文件夹中删除文件名。

    Afterwards , you should remove the file name from the RequisitePro project folder using the rmname command on the cleartool command line .

  14. 如果删除文件,则foreach循环中的某个任务可能会处理一组与后续任务所用的文件不同的文件。

    If files are deleted , one task in the foreach loop may perform work on a different set of files than the files used by subsequent tasks .

  15. 恢复删除文件虽然这一功能尚未实现,但ext4将支持恢复删除文件。当文件被意外删除时,此功能将极为有用。

    Undelete Although it hasn 't been implemented yet , ext4 may support undelete , which , of course , is handy whenever somebody accidentally deletes a file .

  16. 我还发现XFS有一个单点性能缺陷:它删除文件不是很快;在这一方面,ReiserFS和ext3轻易地胜过了它。

    I also discovered that XFS has a singular performance quirk : it doesn 't delete files very quickly ; it was easily bested by both ReiserFS and ext3 in this area .

  17. 通过对磁盘引导扇区、目录表和文件分配表数据的分析,利用DEBUG工具,实现Windows9x中被彻底删除文件的恢复。

    The restoration approaches by using DEBUG tools for the deleted files under windows 9x was discussed in this article with analysis of the disc boot sector , the file direction and file access tables .

  18. 使用d命令来删除文件中的行。

    Use the d command to delete lines from the file .

  19. 写入或删除文件或目录的访问权限。

    Access to write to or delete a file or directory .

  20. 移动有时包含删除文件和修改注册表入口。

    Removal sometimes involves deleting files and modifying registry entries .

  21. 常见错误:不能关闭或删除文件缓冲区

    General error : Unable to close or remove file buffer

  22. 请通过删除文件或文件夹释放磁盘空间。

    Free up disk space by deleting files or directories .

  23. 除非文件为空,否则无法删除文件。

    The file cannot be removed unless it is empty .

  24. 函数从磁盘删除文件。

    Function to delete a file from a disk .

  25. 这是因为作业系统如何保存和删除文件。

    This is because of how an operating system saves and deletes files .

  26. 清除下载列表而不删除文件。

    Clear the download list without deleting the files .

  27. 管理员可能在不注意的情况下删除文件或引入病毒。

    Administrators can inadvertently delete files or introduce viruses .

  28. 添加或删除文件后,请立即创建数据库备份。

    After you add or delete files , create a database backup immediately .

  29. 永久删除文件或目录。

    Delete the file or directory permanently .

  30. 删除文件时,它会被临时存储在“回收站”中。

    When you delete a file , it 's temporarily stored in the recycle bin .
