
xié ɡànɡ
  • slash;slanting bar
  1. 正斜杠后面的数字指定前缀中有多少IP地址位。

    The number after the slash specifies how many bits of the IP address are in the prefix .

  2. 反斜杠(/)命令执行SQLBufferUtility中的内容。

    The backslash ( / ) command executes the contents present in the SQL Buffer Utility .

  3. 一般来说,gnuplot在双引号内的字符串中进行类似于C的反斜杠处理。

    In general , gnuplot does C-like backslash processing within double quoted strings .

  4. 如果在trip目录下保存footer.gsp,那么前面的斜杠也要省略。

    If you 'd saved_footer.gsp in the trip directory , you 'd leave the leading slash off as well .

  5. 正斜杠“/”的URL编码字符是%2F。

    The URL encoded character for the forward slash ," / ", is % 2F .

  6. 尽管Windows通常使用反斜杠作为路径分隔符,为保持统一,本文使用正斜杠作为路径分隔符。

    Although Windows traditionally uses a backslash as a path separator , I will use forward slashes in this article for consistency .

  7. 其次,存储段必须遵循Internet命名法则;句点旁边没有斜杠,名称不包括下划线等等。

    Second , buckets must follow Internet naming rules ; they can 't include dashes next to periods , names shouldn 't contain underscores , and so on .

  8. 目前为止,示例中的shell提示都设置为正斜杠、英镑符号、或符号。

    In the examples used so far , the shell prompt is set to the hash , or pound , symbol ( # ) .

  9. 监控服务器要求URL中的三个斜杠(///)。

    The three slashes ( / / / ) in the URL are required by the monitoring server .

  10. 最基本的XPath使用元素名和正斜杠。

    Basic XPaths use element names and forward slashes .

  11. 幸亏我们有一些类似反斜杠n的转义字符,这只是一种简化方式,用来告知电脑要在这新添一行。

    So you have what are called escape characters like backslash N that is the shorthand notation of telling the computer put a new line character here .

  12. 如果这个基本URL以一个斜杠开始,那么会在它前面加上servlet的上下文名称。

    If this base URL starts with a forward slash , then a servlet context name will be prepended .

  13. 三重引号还可以处理type=“current”的内部引号,而不会强制您像在Java代码中那样使用反斜杠字符手动进行转义。

    The triple quotes also handle the internal quotes of type = " current " without forcing you to escape them manually with a backslash character as you would in Java code .

  14. 注意,实际的TechnoratiAPI函数是最后一个斜杠之后的单词(search)。

    Note that the actual Technorati API function is the word that follows the final slash ( search ) .

  15. 如果您熟悉基于UNIX的操作系统,就会知道前斜杠代表的是绝对值。

    If you are familiar with UNIX-based operating systems , you know that the forward slash represents the absolute path .

  16. 你也可以敲回车键-,但是会让你的代码看起来乱七八糟,反斜杠n就是换行符。

    You can certainly hit Enter but as we saw & seen that very quickly makes a mess of your code and such and so backslash N is new line .

  17. 有些tar变种可以去掉开头的正斜杠,这使得您可以将文件提取到任何位置。

    Some tar variants include support to strip off the leading forward slash , enabling you to extract the files anywhere .

  18. 做为Python中的字符串字母,反斜杠后面可以加不同的字符以表示不同特殊意义。

    As in Python string literals , the backslash can be followed by various characters to signal various special sequences .

  19. 注意反斜杠n后面加上后引号-,后引号,再右边就是逗号。

    Notice I close the quotes after I 'm putting a new line & after I 'm putting this new line , name but then to the right hand side is comma name .

  20. 这也是你们在Scratch的白色输入框里要填入的东西,也许已经有人知道,反斜杠n代表某种简写方式吧?

    This is what you typed into the white box in Scratch and anyone perhaps already familiar , the backslash N is the shorthand way of saying what ?

  21. 然而,当您将输入行划分到多行上时,Shell始终将其视为单个连续的行,因为它总是删除所有反斜杠和额外的空格。

    However you divide an input line over multiple lines , the shell always treats it as one continuous line , because it always strips out all the backslashes and extra spaces .

  22. 指定的系统名称无效。系统名称不能是“localhost”、ip地址或包含反斜杠。

    The specified system name is not valid . a system name cannot be " localhost ," an IP address or contain the backslash character .

  23. 注意:末尾的斜杠,是让旧有的JSF执行将会话中的视图论述位于/jspname键之下。

    Note : The slash at the end is for older JSF implementations that kept view states in session under / jspname keys .

  24. 两个前斜杠(//)指示XPath匹配自根节点开始的第一个命名节点。

    The two forward slashes ( / / ) instruct XPath to match the first named node starting at the root node .

  25. 但是,如果url属性的值以斜杠开始,那么它就被解释成本地JSP容器内的绝对URL。

    If the value of the url attribute starts with a forward slash , however , it is interpreted as an absolute URL within the local JSP container .

  26. 注意,在HTML中,应该在meta标记末尾去掉斜杠;这是XHTML的要求。

    Note that in HTML , you should lose the trailing slash at the end of the meta tag ; that 's an XHTML thing .

  27. 它包含一个冒号,是jQuery选择器保留的符号,并且必须使用反斜杠进行转义。

    It contains a colon , which is a reserved character in jQuery selectors , and must be escaped using a backslash .

  28. 使用Jython脚本时,总是使用双反斜杠作为文件路径的分隔符。

    When working with Jython scripts , always use double backslashes to specify a separator in file paths .

  29. 现在,我(或者别的什么人)可能忘记了前导斜杠或末尾斜杠,而一些Windows用户可能使用反斜杠而不是正斜杠,因此我决定在脚本中对此进行处理。

    Now I , or someone else might forget the leading or trailing slash and some Windows user might use back slashes instead of regular slashes , so I decided to just handle that in the script .

  30. 代码中的首尾斜杠只表示regex的开头和结尾。

    The leading and trailing slash shown in the code simply indicate the start and end of the regex .